Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots

We are in a thread about voter fraud in Texas. Shitferbrains Fawnboi brings a list with NOT ONE example from Texas.

That's how stupid he is.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You may actually be dumber than Dumbfuck to think 1930 ÷ 6500 ≠ 29.7

Well use the figures from the title of the thread! the OP. for fk sake, no wonder you're doing that with your hand you can't read.
I have,...

And you never noticed that I have been teaching for over 30 years, that I work in a (very) inner city high school, and that almost all my students are immigrants or the children of immigrants?
And you never noticed that I have been teaching for over 30 years, that I work in a (very) inner city high school, and that almost all my students are immigrants or the children of immigrants?
Teacher isn’t administrator
Teacher isn’t administrator

I have run schools before. My current principal is an old friend. I know what goes on in a school. My experience in education is comprehensive. How about you? Anything other than Google or "when I was 15..."?
I have run schools before. My current principal is an old friend. I know what goes on in a school. My experience in education is comprehensive. How about you? Anything other than Google or "when I was 15..."?
But they don’t make contracts or deal with parents, the superintendent does that! State also provides residence rules
We are in a thread about voter fraud in Texas. Shitferbrains Fawnboi brings a list with NOT ONE example from Texas.

That's how stupid he is.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Help me out here, Dumbfuck, I can't decide which is funnier....

a) being called "stupid" by the retard I tricked not once, not twice, but THREE times with phony call outs; or

b) being called "shitferbrains" for posting about voter fraud in states other than Texas, in a thread about voter fraud in Texas, by a moronic hypocrite who himself posted about voter fraud in a state other than Texas in this very same thread about voter fraud in Texas.

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You are the proverbial gift that just keeps on givin', Dumbfuck.

But they don’t make contracts or deal with parents, the superintendent does that! State also provides residence rules

The superintendent rarely has contact with parents beyond sending out mass email/voicemail messages when there is a snow day.
The superintendent rarely has contact with parents beyond sending out mass email/voicemail messages when there is a snow day.
but they direct policies in the districts. Work with the state!! come on dude, give it up already.
Well use the figures from the title of the thread! the OP. for fk sake, no wonder you're doing that with your hand you can't read.

Don't need to. I already succeeded in proving you're an imbecile who actually said, 1930 ÷ 6500 = 29.7 is me, unable to do math.
They ensure students are who they say they are

No, they don't. They don't check on students' immigration status and they don't share student information with immigration and/or law enforcement. Pay attention.
what's 30% of 1 million? That's the title

Uh, no, that's actually not the thread title. Dayum, you're illiterate.


The thread title does not say all of the 1 million ineligible voters removed from Texas' voter rolls were non-citizens.

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