Atop ABC, a Personal Connection to Kamala Harris

Don't forget that the Democrats' favorite Communist (Bernie Sanders) stated that Harris is a fellow Progressive (Communist) like him, but will promise any bullshit to get elected.
There is no possible way that Kamala would survive if FOX held a debate and both moderators ganged up on her.

"No, that wasnt the question Kamala. Let me repeat it. Why does your economy suck so bad and why do you continuously lie the Americans about it? Why should the worst VP in US history in the worst administrartion in US history get a single vote from anyone? Why are you hiding your policies you disgusting piece of garbage?"

Kamala would crumble within minutes.

In about 53 days you can go back to being the small hands loser that you are.
They do. To poor people, mostly poor and black or brown. Not to billionaires with the best lawyers other people's money can buy. Trump got convicted on 34 counts by a jury in unanimous vote. Those verdicts don't get overturned.
There was no felony. Do you understand what non usable evidence is? Trumps lawyers know he is not guilty.
There is no possible way that Kamala would survive if FOX held a debate and both moderators ganged up on her.
I doubt that Fox would give her the gentle butt tonguing that Trump recieves from the likes of Sean Hannity.
"No, that wasnt the question Kamala. Let me repeat it. Why does your economy suck so bad and why do you continuously lie the Americans about it?
She answered the question perfectly. She and Joe inherited a total mess from the orange comvict due to his bungling response to the pandemic.
She did forget to mention though that high post pandemuc inflation has been a big problem in all the developed nations of the world but thanks to her and Joe ours is one of the lowest.
Why should the worst VP in US history in the worst administrartion in US history get a single vote from anyone?
Hide and watch.
Why are you hiding your policies you disgusting piece of garbage?"
Kamala would crumble within minutes.
She just spent 90 minutes roasting the convict like a sweaty pig on a spit.
Trump was repeating real reports from real people. Of course the bureaucracy denies it because it looks bad. Aside from that, Springfield has other real problems with these 'immigrants.' Car accidents have skyrocketed and the number of these 'immigrants' has strained healthcare and schools.

Claims of immigrants eating pets​

But it’s the topic of immigrants eating pets and other animals that has gone viral. One 911 call included a report of people taking waterfowl.
“I see a group of Haitian people, there are about four of them, they all have geese in their hands,” the caller said.
In an August city commission meeting, Anthony Harris complained that immigrants were taking ducks from a park.
“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by the neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” he said
Anthony Harris is not a credible witness. It was probably more than four Haitians since Mr. Harris' counting skills appear to be iffy.
There is no evidence that a dog was eaten in Springfield.
Trump is starting a vicious crackpot theory against Haitian people during a presidential debate and then blames ABC of bias against him. And you defend it all.

Moron, that's a goose, not a dog or a cat. And there's no evidence that goose is someone's pet. There's no evidence that guy is an immigrant. And some people do eat geese. Despite what Haitian's may or may not do in Haiti, there's no evidence that they're eating cats and dogs here. At that story about a cat hanging from a branch has nothing to verify it.

Must you always suck Trump's dick? Can't yiy ever laugh at him when he says something incredibly stupid?

Must you always defend law-breakers for yoar agenda?

I doubt that Fox would give her the gentle butt tonguing that Trump recieves from the likes of Sean Hannity.

She answered the question perfectly. She and Joe inherited a total mess from the orange comvict due to his bungling response to the pandemic.
She did forget to mention though that high post pandemuc inflation has been a big problem in all the developed nations of the world but thanks to her and Joe ours is one of the lowest.

Hide and watch.


She just spent 90 minutes roasting the convict like a sweaty pig on a spit.
Damn, what questions did she answer? All we saw were personal attacks, while she lied about all of her positions (and totally avoided talking about the ones she used with Willie Brown).
Kamala didn't say that they eat dogs in Springfield. You wanna know why he says stuff like that and that babies get aborted after birth? He gets off on idiots like you insisting it's not only not insane, it's true. He gets a stiffy when you humiliate yourself like that for him. And that's the only reason.
No, he says that because it's true

"Frequently, the unborn baby is killed at the start of a late-term abortion procedure, primarily through the administration of a lethal injection into the amniotic sac or baby’s head or heart or severing the umbilical cord so that the unborn child will bleed to death."

The Inquirer article quoted Dr. Willard Cates, then-director of abortion surveillance at the CDC, as estimating “that 400 to 500 abortion live births” occurred every year in the United States. These numbers “are little known,” the article stated, “because organized medicine, from fear of public clamor and legal action, treats them more as an embarrassment to be hushed up than a problem to be solved.” The numbers were also likely low. Cates added, “It’s like turning yourself in to the IRS for an audit. What is there to gain? The tendency is not to report because there are only negative incentives.”

In an undercover video released in April 2013, a D.C. abortionist admitted he would not intervene to save an abortion survivor. When asked about a baby being born alive during an attempted abortion, he said, “usually, at this point in your pregnancy, it’s too early to survive, usually. It will expire shortly after birth…it’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.” Later he said, “we would not help it [the baby]. Let’s say. We wouldn’t—we wouldn’t—uh, intubate, let’s say.”

“The infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden testified to the House Judiciary Committee in 2015, “You wouldn’t know it by looking at me today, but in August of 1977, I survived a failed saline infusion abortion…. I know where children like me were left to die at St. Luke’s Hospital—a utility closet. In 2014, I met a nurse who assisted in a saline infusion abortion there in 1976, and delivered a living baby boy. After he was delivered alive, she followed her superior’s orders and placed him in the utility closet in a bucket of formaldehyde to be picked up later as medical waste after he died there, alone.”

More here: Questions and Answers on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors - Lozier Institute
The dishonest left will say there is no evidence that the moderators helped Kamala in any way.

The same people, if the situation were reversed and a close personal friend of Donald Trump was organizing and/or moderating the debate, would declare the debate invalid because of obvious and irrefutable bias or favor of one candidate over the other.

Even if there was no bias in the debate--ALL credible news sources recognized that there was--every effort should be made to ensure that there is no appearance of bias or improper helping of any candidate whether or not such bias or improper assistance actually exists.
The only news organization I think I would trust to moderate anymore, would probably be The Hill's Rising team. One on the left, one on the right.

This was a good dialog IMO.

Premiered 4 hours ago

Wow. That's some pretty harsh language.

So you want Gutfeld to be the moderator?

Fox moderators would not make it attack questions like that. It would be more like "VP Harris, numerous times in the past you have stated you would stop fracking. But now you say you would not stop fracking. What changed your mind?"

Kamala: "My positions have not changed."

Moderator: "In 2019 you told CNN: "There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. And starting with what we can do on Day One around public lands, right? And then there has to be legislation, but, yes, and this is something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue and to your point, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the health and safety of communities.”

Are you saying you now see that differently? Again what changed your mind?"

In the most recent debate Kamala said she has never advocated banning fracking, her positions have not changed etc.

But here is that CNN interview in 2019 and it is unedited and unmistakable:
There was no felony. Do you understand what non usable evidence is? Trumps lawyers know he is not guilty.
You mean to say that the charges shouldn't have been felony charges, but misdemeanor charges. Trump's lawyers were unable to convince the court and couldn't get the charges reduced. So Trump was tried for felonies and convicted of felonies.
Damn, what questions did she answer? All we saw were personal attacks, while she lied about all of her positions (and totally avoided talking about the ones she used with Willie Brown).
When asked about abortion, she stated that she would like to see Roe return. Is that clear for you?

Why do you think Willie Brown matters?
You mean to say that the charges shouldn't have been felony charges, but misdemeanor charges. Trump's lawyers were unable to convince the court and couldn't get the charges reduced. So Trump was tried for felonies and convicted of felonies.
The charges were made up and sliced and diced into more counts in hopes of getting Trump. The court is corrupt. The judge is corrupt. You don't seem to comprehend.
Fox moderators would not make it attack questions like that. It would be more like "VP Harris, numerous times in the past you have stated you would stop fracking. But now you say you would not stop fracking. What changed your mind?"

Kamala: "My positions have not changed."

Moderator: "In 2019 you told CNN: "There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. And starting with what we can do on Day One around public lands, right? And then there has to be legislation, but, yes, and this is something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue and to your point, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the health and safety of communities.”

Are you saying you now see that differently? Again what changed your mind?"

In the most recent debate Kamala said she has never advocated banning fracking, her positions have not changed etc.

But here is that CNN interview in 2019 and it is unedited and unmistakable:

I agree. Instead of ABC keeping Trump to their narrative, and lobbing softballs to Kamala, FOX NEWS would lob the softballs to Trump, and grill Kamala.

You don't see it, because of your bias.

The Rising team is balanced, b/c they go out of their way to find one anchor on the left, and one anchor on the right.

In about 53 days you can go back to being the small hands loser that you are.
I wonder if Republicans lose in November if real hardliners will start to run for office. There is no point to vote for them anymore. Perhaps people will still eat and have a roof over their heads and no hardliners will run. Still, it seems that they will do little for their voters and we do not want what they force on us. A malaise will guarantee Progressive representation. And with possible large margins in the Congress. Just a few of Trump's agendas. No taxes on tips for food service. No taxes on Social Security. And No taxes on overtime. That should be enough as we know what the Progs would do.
With what we know what happened in 2016, there is absolutely no reason to have any confidence that the questions were not leaked in advance to Kumalla.
The only leakage was of the anal variety in Don-old's pants.

It's common knowledge around DC.

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