Atop ABC, a Personal Connection to Kamala Harris

Got it. You have no problem supporting a candidate that has encouraged and allowed millions of unvetted illegals into this country to assault, rape and kill thousands of American women and kids, But you question Trump judgment and consider him unfit for office becasue he repeated a story that's been on the news lately. God help our country.
Every day that I come on here and read what these lefty cultists spew convinces me that this country is doomed.
Listen, fool. Trump said in no uncertain terms that as President he would NOT ban partial birth abortions. He said it plainly and clearly.

Watch the video again, and this time LISTEN.
I was pretty clear that he said he wouldn't. Still haven't taken that remedial reading comprehension course have you.
How far gone does a MAGA maniac's head have to be to claim a man who said he was "Pro-Choice in every respect" is not a flip-flopper?

WOW! The hypnotic hold this man has on his cult is ASTOUNDING!
Here is the statement to all Democrats you must learn from.
We supported Trump ahead of the alleged debate.
We still support him.
Independents who were not sure have flocked to join we Republicans.
We don't trust the major media to be honest at all. We see factually that they have lied over and over about Trump.
You guys work like goons. We will stick with Trump.

Every day that I come on here and read what these lefty cultists spew convinces me that this country is doomed.
I know they were relieved when Biden was thrown out. But to blindly and uniformly to shift their support to a marxist empty suit like Harris is frightening.
Every day that I come on here and read what these lefty cultists spew convinces me that this country is doomed.
Democrats want more than power, they plan to turn this nation into their personal dictatorships.

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office-, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.

In other news:

U.S. Oil Production Hits Record High, Set to Remain Dominant

Forced to back down from his promise to Democrats voting for him when he created executive orders stopping such drilling.

No more Drilling Biden promised
Listen, fool. Trump said in no uncertain terms that as President he would NOT ban partial birth abortions. He said it plainly and clearly.

Watch the video again, and this time LISTEN.
Disrespectful ass… Harris said in no uncertain terms she’d ban fracking, she said it plainly and clearly. Watch the video again, and this time listen you ass. 🤡
How far gone does a MAGA maniac's head have to be to claim a man who said he was "Pro-Choice in every respect" is not a flip-flopper?

WOW! The hypnotic hold this man has on his cult is ASTOUNDING!
How far gone does a lefty Harris supporter’s head have to be to claim a woman who said she was anti fracking in every respect is not a flip flopper? 🤡
Bullshit. The court was stacked against Trump. The charges were suspect as well. You don't have a grasp of what is going on because of your hatred for Trump. I already took you to the woodshed on your claims of Trump lying about born alive aborted babies. You had no answer and gave it a thumbs down and slithered away.

Bottom line, Trump was correct on both issues and there is proof. You're just ignorant in your hatred of the man.
He repeats Internet rumors like a fool from Hicksville Texas. Cause he knows you are dumb and desperate to believe his bullshit.
He repeats Internet rumors like a fool from Hicksville Texas. Cause he knows you are dumb and desperate to believe his bullshit.
Actually I didn't get my info from Trump. I actually do research and provide links. Unlike you who gets your marching orders from cackling Kamala and the DNC and come here spewing DNC talking points.
well tell me why each one of those 12 lawyers (and their firms left)!!!

inform me with the knowledge that you obtained that I have not found myself.
They reported leaving because Trump had a good staff already.
Actually I didn't get my info from Trump. I actually do research and provide links. Unlike you who gets your marching orders from cackling Kamala and the DNC and come here spewing DNC talking points.
Trump is a crackpot. The Birther

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