Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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That's nice. No one believes this, and the Springfield thing has fast, long-lasting legs

And you know it

Meh, not really. Haitians have actually revitalized Springfield.

Most are in the city legally and have or are eligible for Temporary Protected Status, a federal immigration designation that allows them to legally live and work in the U.S. Some have an asylum claim pending and, like immigrants across the nation, face a severely backlogged immigration system that is complicated and the subject of heated political rhetoric.

One big question: Why did Haitians start moving to Springfield in the first place?

Reporter Lynn Husley, who has extensively covered the Haitian community there, says this: “They are attracted to a community that has plentiful job opportunities and supportive services for them.”

Hulsey says sources she has interviewed report those who come to Springfield will tell their family and friends back home they can find affordable living in Springfield as well.

Oh, the Goose eating thing? Also bullshit.

Clark County officials said Wednesday morning that they cannot substantiate a new claim alleging Haitian immigrants were killing and/or eating wildlife.

A man called Clark County law enforcement dispatchers Aug. 26, alleging four Haitians were carrying geese in their hands. The call audio does not indicate whether the geese were alive or dead, but says it happened within the city of Springfield, near the bike trail along Buck Creek, near Water Street. The audio was first posted Tuesday night on X by Donald Trump Jr.

A “call detail report” from the Clark County Communications Center documents that call. It does not indicate that law enforcement officials ever found the geese, or found the four Haitians that the caller mentioned, to confirm the truth of the report. It says law enforcement eventually suggested the caller contact the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Clark County Commissioner Sasha Rittenhouse said Wednesday morning that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources was unable to find any merit to the claim.

“No videos have surfaced, no pictures have surfaced, no dead geese have surfaced; there’s nothing to substantiate that it’s happening,” Rittenhouse said at county commission’s regular meeting.
Since you have never shown us you are a pathologist, we are free to ignore your claims.

And as to me, I make no claims. I rely on experts to make their own claims.
You don't agree with the official report. That is your conspiracy nonsense coming out again.,
The moderators left a lot of Trump's lies untouched. Probably because there were so many of them it would have taken the entire hour and a half to call him out on all of them.

He lied that Biden left $85 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan. $85 billion was the total expenditure over a 20 year period equipping and training the Afghan forces.

He lied that the recent inflation was the highest in history. Trump knows damned well that's a lie because he was in his 30s in the 1970s.

He lied his economy was the greatest in US history. Not even close.

Lowest unemployment in decades.

Plummeting crime rate.

Booming manufacturing construction.

Highest stock market in history.

The CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act to bring back manufacturing in strategic industries.

Export controls on semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to keep them out of China.

Moving our outsourced manufacturing out of China and into friendly countries ("friendsourcing").

An infrastructure bill which Trump failed to get done despite his promise to do so.

Medicare drug price negotiation enacted. Another unfulfilled Trump promise.

More people are employed in manufacturing under Biden than under Trump.

What did Trump achieve other than a tax break for himself, record trade deficits, and a million dead Americans?


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