Wind Turbines are NOT Taking Us Back to the Horse-and-Buggy Era

Offshore wind turbines have very high capacity factors and the technology exists to deal effectively with that intermittency without bringing new fossil plants online.
They're still intermittent, fool.
Is there something preventing you from explaining what you mean by "zero-point"?

I do understand what those terms mean. But if you don't really want to discuss your thoughts on these issues, why are you bothering to post here?
GIYF, fucking ignoramus.
They're still intermittent, fool.
Fossil fuel plants go down. Even nuke plants go down. But it can be dealt with. Accurate forecasts on wind several days in advance is available worldwide. And it's not as if the people who are spending money to install and use these things are unaware of the issues. They still buy them, install them, use them and make money off them that cannot be made with systems that use millions and millions of dollars worth of fuel every year AND harm the environment and accelerate global warming.
GIYF, fucking ignoramus.
You did mean to say net-zero, didn't you.

From Google AI

Zero point can have multiple meanings, including:
  • A point on a scale that indicates zero
  • A fixed reference point for a coordinate system in mathematics
  • The lowest possible energy level in a quantum mechanical system
  • The hypocenter of a nuclear explosion
  • A calibration mechanism for magnitude in astronomy
  • A point in Possession Bay, South Georgia
  • A cloverleaf interchange in Islamabad, Pakistan
  • A railway station on the Pakistan–India border
  • A Chinese band sometimes translated as Zero Point
That is a subjective opinion. There are other designs but I can't help but suspect that you'd find them all objectionable because it's not their design with which you have a problem.

Besides, can you honestly say that you prefer the appearance of a fossil-fuel powered electrical plant?

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Vapor from nuke plants dissipates. As for which is less appealing to the senses? I see no difference.
Vapor from nuke plants dissipates. As for which is less appealing to the senses? I see no difference.
I was aware that cooling towers are only releasing water vapor. I included the picture there in response to the comment that 200 foot tall wind turbines were "towering monstrosities". And keep in mind that the amount of cooling taking place is a direct function of how much fossil fuel is being burned.
That is a subjective opinion. There are other designs but I can't help but suspect that you'd find them all objectionable because it's not their design with which you have a problem.

Besides, can you honestly say that you prefer the appearance of a fossil-fuel powered electrical plant?

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Colorful images for the bird shredders and dark, gloomy, dreary pictures of a reliable source of energy.

Could that be anymore blatantly biased?

I included the picture there in response to the comment that 200 foot tall wind turbines were "towering monstrosities"
I would much rather see the 200' monstrosities limited to a square mile than to see them stretching across the horizon for as far as the eye can see. As for your moronic comment about fossil fuels being burned in a nuke plant--wake up.
Colorful images for the bird shredders and dark, gloomy, dreary pictures of a reliable source of energy.

Could that be anymore blatantly biased?

It probably could have. I specifically asked for "nice" pictures of wind turbines and "ugly" pictures of power plants. And if you want to stick with the bird shredder meme, you need to look at just a few more graphics



Note that this next one is logarithmic. Each division is ten tims the previous division.


Heh heh. You beat me to it.

Except that I was gonna say Newtonian thinking.

But then I didn't want to insult Newton.
You were going to insult me by saying I indulged in Newtonian thinking? You might want to actually look the man up.
I would much rather see the 200' monstrosities limited to a square mile than to see them stretching across the horizon for as far as the eye can see. As for your moronic comment about fossil fuels being burned in a nuke plant--wake up.
I missed that. Where did I say nuke plants burned fossil fuels? Nuke plants are not the only places that use cooling towers. You remember: Dteam? Needs to be turned back into water? Remember?
I missed that. Where did I say nuke plants burned fossil fuels? Nuke plants are not the only places that use cooling towers. You remember: Dteam? Needs to be turned back into water? Remember?
Post #24. You were referencing nuke plants in your previous post. Nuke plants are not being cooled in response to burning fossil fuels. SMH--tell me more about your climate cult Einstein.
You were going to insult me by saying I indulged in Newtonian thinking? You might want to actually look the man up.

You should probably stick to distributing Tater's bulletins, muppet.

Physics isn't your thing, I don't think.
You didn't even know what oddball was talkiing about.

Again. Stick to regurgitating Tater's bullet points, winger.
Then why have neither he nor you elucidated me? I still believe he meant "net-zero". I have seen no definition of "zero-point" that fits his context.

And you've still not explained why you thought calling me Newtonian would be insulting.
Post #24. You were referencing nuke plants in your previous post. Nuke plants are not being cooled in response to burning fossil fuels. SMH--tell me more about your climate cult Einstein.
Post #24
I was aware that cooling towers are only releasing water vapor. I included the picture there in response to the comment that 200 foot tall wind turbines were "towering monstrosities". And keep in mind that the amount of cooling taking place is a direct function of how much fossil fuel is being burned.
It appears that you believe only nuke plants use cooling towers. I guess engineering isn't YOUR thing.

Where the power plant does not have abundant water, power plants can discharge surplus heat to the air using recirculating water systems that capitalize on the physics of evaporation. Cooling towers with recirculating water are indeed a common visual feature of power plants, whether fossil or nuclear. Tall towers, usually hyperboloid in shape, employ a natural draft “chimney effect”. Shorter towers use a forced draft created by large fans. Recirculating cooling systems reduce the overall efficiency of a power plant by 3.5% compared with the once-through use of water from a sea, lake or major river.
Fossil fuel plants go down. Even nuke plants go down. But it can be dealt with. Accurate forecasts on wind several days in advance is available worldwide. And it's not as if the people who are spending money to install and use these things are unaware of the issues. They still buy them, install them, use them and make money off them that cannot be made with systems that use millions and millions of dollars worth of fuel every year AND harm the environment and accelerate global warming.
They don't go down on a daily basis, as the sun sets and the wind stops blowing...They're also not subject to the vicissitudes of the seasons and ever-changing atmospheric conditions....You're playing obtuse on purpose.
Zero point can have multiple meanings, including:
  • A point on a scale that indicates zero
  • A fixed reference point for a coordinate system in mathematics
  • The lowest possible energy level in a quantum mechanical system
  • The hypocenter of a nuclear explosion
  • A calibration mechanism for magnitude in astronomy
  • A point in Possession Bay, South Georgia
  • A cloverleaf interchange in Islamabad, Pakistan
  • A railway station on the Pakistan–India border
  • A Chinese band sometimes translated as Zero Point
Your dearth of intellectual curiosity is your problem.

Sucks to be you.

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