Wind Turbines Are Taking Us Back To The Horse And Carriage

Yep, just like in the times of horses and buggies. Now we just need to reduce the population to the level it was in the 1900's. What do you suggest.
All three are even now at play. Actually, the birthrate in the west in declining. Sadly, it hasn't in other parts of the world. Africa still averages 6 kids per family.

Interesting that you only mention three of the "four horsemen of the apocalypse". The white horse of deception is the most dangerous one. It has caused us to be asleep at the switch.
One would think I make this up but I do not. "Taking us back to the Horse and Carriage." This is phrase I have repeatedly heard in reply to pointing out how extremely inefficient green energy is. Yet, green energy is trying to revive ancient wind turbines.

Thus far, everything the green energy movement has produced has failed. In the case of Wind Turbines. Everything installed has been scrapped three and four times now.

Thus far, the only technological advance is, to make them bigger! Now they are building wind turbines 1,000 feet tall!

Now for the fun part, now that the world is seeing this monstrosity for what it is a product of Fossil Fuel we come full circle.

Wind Turbines are going back to the Horse and Carriage to be made out of wood!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are calling this, "visionary." Going back to the horse and carriage, going back to wood, is visionary!!!!!!!!!!
Windmills were initially used to grind grain and pump water. The first wind mill designed and built to generate electricity was made by Charles F Brush, an American scientist, in 1887. His looked like this:

The same year, a British scientist by the name of James Blyth built a wind turbine generator on his own property and used it to power his cottage.
Then, in 1899, Danish scientist Poul Lacour determined that a smaller number of blades would be more efficient and thus was born the modern wind turbine.

The first dynamo was built in 1866 and the first practical coal-fired power plant was developed by Thomas Edison in 1882.

So, you're coal-fired plant is older, and thus more horse and buggy than an electricity generating wind turbine.

Thank you for this opportunity to show what you can do with links.
Windmills were initially used to grind grain and pump water. The first wind mill designed and built to generate electricity was made by Charles F Brush, an American scientist, in 1887. His looked like this:
View attachment 959788
The same year, a British scientist by the name of James Blyth built a wind turbine generator on his own property and used it to power his cottage.
Then, in 1899, Danish scientist Poul Lacour determined that a smaller number of blades would be more efficient and thus was born the modern wind turbine.

The first dynamo was built in 1866 and the first practical coal-fired power plant was developed by Thomas Edison in 1882.

So, you're coal-fired plant is older, and thus more horse and buggy than an electricity generating wind turbine.

Thank you for this opportunity to show what you can do with links.
The first wind mills are over a thousand years old.

Yes, the horse and buggy is where democrats are taking us
they are not sustainable, they break, get buried as junk, new ones get put up, they break, get buried as junk, new ones get put up, they break, they bury them, they put new one up

how is the endless use of fossil fuels used to manufacture wind turbines sustainable.
You should see how the internal combustion machines break down.
The first wind mills are over a thousand years old.

Yes, the horse and buggy is where democrats are taking us
The first coal-fired power plant was put into service years before the first prototype wind turbine generator.

In case any of you missed it, Elektra had repeatedly declared here that he is an "expert" on wind turbines and the "go-to" guy on the subject at work. I leave it to you how to respond to that.
The first coal-fired power plant was put into service years before the first prototype wind turbine generator.

In case any of you missed it, Elektra had repeatedly declared here that he is an "expert" on wind turbines and the "go-to" guy on the subject at work. I leave it to you how to respond to that.
We quit using wind mills cause they cant compete with coal.

We quit using wind turbines because we need power, electricity.

We quit using wind turbines because they can not provide tge electricity we need.
We quit using wind mills cause they cant compete with coal.
Wind turbine generators did not compete with coal for power generation till the 1980s. And since then they have been a rousing success. Coal is on its way out and wind is in.
We quit using wind turbines because we need power, electricity.
Almost no one was generating electricity with wind turbines till the 1980s. The world's first utility-owned wind turbine farm went up in 1980.

It's astounding that you have the gall to claim you're the wind turbine expert and then put crap out here that a sixth grader could (and would) shoot down.
We quit using wind turbines because they can not provide tge electricity we need.
We quit using wind turbines to grind grain and pump water because electrically powered machinery was considerably more effective, cheaper and convenient.

And, as I have noted elsewhere in this thread, coal-fired electrical power plants predate wind turbine generators. Coal is the horse-and-buggy technology.

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