Wind Turbines Are Taking Us Back To The Horse And Carriage

  • Power capacity from clean energy sources comprised a record 40.6% of the US electricity mix in 2022, according to the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
  • This includes nuclear power, which is not renewable, but doesn’t produce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Wind, hydroelectric and solar power were the biggest areas of renewable capacity growth last year.

Wind and solar farms also provide revenue to the owner of the land. They don't have to do nothing but cash the check.

They can get pissed off if workers leave gates open
  • Power capacity from clean energy sources comprised a record 40.6% of the US electricity mix in 2022, according to the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
  • This includes nuclear power, which is not renewable, but doesn’t produce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Wind, hydroelectric and solar power were the biggest areas of renewable capacity growth last year.

Wind and solar farms also provide revenue to the owner of the land. They don't have to do nothing but cash the check.

They can get pissed off if workers leave gates open
That is an increase to 40%, which is clever lie, but to humor you and make a point we can pretend your lie is the truth.

Increasing solar and wind to 40% required an increase in manufacturing magnitudes larger than Nuclear or Coal. It is called power density. Wind and Solar have no power density hence we must over build, manufacture at a magnitude well over 10,000% greater than a coal plant. That level of manufacturing requires how much coal?

Millions of tons of coal is used to manufacture Renewable energy. Stating the use of coal is not renewable is stating the obvious, everything made with coal is not renewable.

Thank you crick, for telling us solar and wind are not sustainable, renewable, being dependent on the increased use of coal.
Wind, hydroelectric and solar power were the biggest areas of renewable capacity growth last year.
So much propaganda. One must be careful of what they source. Hydroelectric has not grown, not at all. Dams have been being destroyed world wide to restore habitat for fish.

Further, Hydroelectric is very intermittent. Venezuela and Brazil are excellent examples of over reliance on hydro.
Europe, Germany, England are great examples of economies damaged by over reliance on Wind and Solar.
So much propaganda. One must be careful of what they source. Hydroelectric has not grown, not at all. Dams have been being destroyed world wide to restore habitat for fish.

Further, Hydroelectric is very intermittent. Venezuela and Brazil are excellent examples of over reliance on hydro.
Europe, Germany, England are great examples of economies damaged by over reliance on Wind and Solar.
Hydroelectric is just one of the sources for renewable energy. Yes there are limitation as it will depend on a river and it not like you can put an unlimited number of dams in a specific river. So yes it will be limited and you can only put a few dams on a single river. So by its nature it will be limited. Still it does add electric power to the power grid.

Still it does provide power as a renewable source.

unlike Solar which is constant except for at night time. But you can place them in a lot more locations.

Hydropower currently accounts for 28.7% of total U.S. renewable electricity generation and about 6.2% of total U.S. electricity generation.

So it is only one source of renewable power and it does provide renewable electrically power.

However, many countries are experiencing a rapid shift toward renewable generation. For example, the United Kingdom has seen the renewable share of production rise from 6.9% in 2010 to 37.1% in 2019 (1).

Bottom line it provides energy to the grid.

As I mention before if your a land owner with a lot of land. This is one way to make money of the land without having to do anything but sign the contract.

It also provides jobs.

The energy sector added nearly 300,000 jobs, increasing from 7.8 million total energy jobs in 2021 to more than 8.1 million in 2022.

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  • Power capacity from clean energy sources comprised a record 40.6% of the US electricity mix in 2022, according to the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
  • This includes nuclear power, which is not renewable, but doesn’t produce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Wind, hydroelectric and solar power were the biggest areas of renewable capacity growth last year.

Wind and solar farms also provide revenue to the owner of the land. They don't have to do nothing but cash the check.

They can get pissed off if workers leave gates open
Take away the nuke (which green extremists oppose) and the so-called growth is nominal. The electric green utopia is unreachable.
The objective is economic squeeze-down of the middle class by demmunists.
Take away the nuke (which green extremists oppose) and the so-called growth is nominal. The electric green utopia is unreachable.
The objective is economic squeeze-down of the middle class by demmunists.
They can oppose but it still provides. Still 40% is not nominal. The jobs provided is not nominal. It is still growing consider when it started. Yeah yeah what the repub deniers say.
Hydroelectric is just one of the sources for renewable energy. Yes there are limitation as it will depend on a river and it not like you can put an unlimited number of dams in a specific river. So yes it will be limited and you can only put a few dams on a single river. So by its nature it will be limited. Still it does add electric power to the power grid.

Still it does provide power as a renewable source.
Your article claimed new Hydroelectric came online. Sorry, hydroelectric is on the decline. Your article is pure propaganda.
Your article claimed new Hydroelectric came online. Sorry, hydroelectric is on the decline. Your article is pure propaganda.
Care to provide a source other than an opinion.

Since it does depend on water, it will depend on the amount of water available. Thus with more rain, there is more water, Dry years will have less water.
So it fluctuate based on the amount of rain and there is an association between rainfall and amount of electricity that is provides.

Still 40% is significant.

Also as mention a river can only have a limited number of Hydroelectric Dams.
Care to provide a source other than an opinion.

Since it does depend on water, it will depend on the amount of water available. Thus with more rain, there is more water, Dry years will have less water.
So it fluctuate based on the amount of rain and there is an association between rainfall and amount of electricity that is provides.

Still 40% is significant.

Also as mention a river can only have a limited number of Hydroelectric Dams.
what makes you think I offered an opinion
google and bing links, do not dictate facts, they can, but many many times, google and bing are flooded with propaganda
what makes you think I offered an opinion
google and bing links, do not dictate facts, they can, but many many times, google and bing are flooded with propaganda
If you are not offering an opinion then stated your source for your statements.

If your offering an opinion then say so.

If you have no source then yes it is an opinion.

You posted Hydroelectric is on the decline. I can only assume that it is an opinion. yes you can state an opinion.
"I need 872 liters of oxygen to survive 24 hours of normal activity."
That is the sort of statement that calls for a valid reference source. I know this is new to you, but you'll catch on.
That is your statement, of course you need a reference to know how to breath, you are crick, you won't catch on, dummy.

New to me, I have been dealing with your slimy lies a long time, you just lied again, you can't post without lying.

Here is your link, which makes my post, fact, according to the crick rules
Wind Turbines are obsolete
You are once again attempting to claim facts not in evidence. Why don't you try your hand at links to reputable sources? Look how well that worked out for you last time.
You are once again attempting to claim facts not in evidence. Why don't you try your hand at links to reputable sources? Look how well that worked out for you last time.
Wind turbines were declared obsolete in the 19th century when electricity was created with steam.

Today, steam generated electricity is the most powerful form of electricity
Don’t you mega fuck ups wanna return us to the 1920s politically, morally and idiotically?
No, that was when the Democrat President showed that KKK film in the white house and fired all black people in government.

Thank you for putting a little bit of information in your reply that I could reply to.

You most likely will not want to do that again.
One would think I make this up but I do not. "Taking us back to the Horse and Carriage." This is phrase I have repeatedly heard in reply to pointing out how extremely inefficient green energy is. Yet, green energy is trying to revive ancient wind turbines.

Thus far, everything the green energy movement has produced has failed. In the case of Wind Turbines. Everything installed has been scrapped three and four times now.

Thus far, the only technological advance is, to make them bigger! Now they are building wind turbines 1,000 feet tall!

Now for the fun part, now that the world is seeing this monstrosity for what it is a product of Fossil Fuel we come full circle.

Wind Turbines are going back to the Horse and Carriage to be made out of wood!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are calling this, "visionary." Going back to the horse and carriage, going back to wood, is visionary!!!!!!!!!!

World's tallest wooden wind turbine starts turning​

What is made from the same wood as a Christmas tree, held together by glue and manufactured in a Swedish factory for assembly later?
If that calls to mind flat-pack furniture and meatballs, you're wrong.
If you answered "a wooden wind turbine", you could be a visionary.
According to Modvion, the Swedish start-up that has just built the world's tallest wooden turbine tower, using wood for wind power is the future.
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The cultists would prefer that we go back to living in fucking caves again.

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