Wind Turbines Are Taking Us Back To The Horse And Carriage

One would think I make this up but I do not. "Taking us back to the Horse and Carriage." This is phrase I have repeatedly heard in reply to pointing out how extremely inefficient green energy is. Yet, green energy is trying to revive ancient wind turbines.

Thus far, everything the green energy movement has produced has failed. In the case of Wind Turbines. Everything installed has been scrapped three and four times now.

Thus far, the only technological advance is, to make them bigger! Now they are building wind turbines 1,000 feet tall!

Now for the fun part, now that the world is seeing this monstrosity for what it is a product of Fossil Fuel we come full circle.

Wind Turbines are going back to the Horse and Carriage to be made out of wood!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are calling this, "visionary." Going back to the horse and carriage, going back to wood, is visionary!!!!!!!!!!

World's tallest wooden wind turbine starts turning​

What is made from the same wood as a Christmas tree, held together by glue and manufactured in a Swedish factory for assembly later?
If that calls to mind flat-pack furniture and meatballs, you're wrong.
If you answered "a wooden wind turbine", you could be a visionary.
According to Modvion, the Swedish start-up that has just built the world's tallest wooden turbine tower, using wood for wind power is the future.
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One can't be more full of shit than saying wind energy is the same as using trees for energy.
Yes, wasn’t a Merica great back in 1490
In many ways yes. In 1490 the enslaved masses of the world fled here for freedom and prosperity. Which gave rise to the inventions that gave us our modern life and culture.

In 1490 wind mills were used, water wheels were used. With the use of steam to produce electricity, wind mills became obsolete and are still obsolete today.
Trees are a finite power source. Wind energy is noT.
If trees are finite, how do you replace all the wind turbines over and over again? We need trees to build wind turbines. Thus far all the wind turbines installed in the last century were replaced with newer wind turbines. The second generation turbines have all been replaced as well.

Wind Turbines have a short lifespan, hence we will always replace them. How is that renewable?
If trees are finite, how do you replace all the wind turbines over and over again? We need trees to build wind turbines. Thus far all the wind turbines installed in the last century were replaced with newer wind turbines. The second generation turbines have all been replaced as well.

Wind Turbines have a short lifespan, hence we will always replace them. How is that renewable?
Wind turbines are made from tubular steel and have an average lifespan of 25 - 30 years.
Wind turbines are made from tubular steel and have an average lifespan of 25 - 30 years.
in theory

The tower is steel made from coal
The base is steel and cement, made from coal
The Blades, the Nacelle, and more are fiberglass made from coal

These blades are not even close to being 25 years old. These blades and the turbines they came from are not in your calculation.

This stuff is job security for people like me.
me too, but that does not mean I can not point out that it is bad
I just got 4 months of work, on a solar/wind chemical plant.
I could get another 6 months beginning at the end of summer
On top of that I may get a certification to do specialized work at the chemical plant that will make me more valuable to the chemical industry.
me too, but that does not mean I can not point out that it is bad
I just got 4 months of work, on a solar/wind chemical plant.
I could get another 6 months beginning at the end of summer
On top of that I may get a certification to do specialized work at the chemical plant that will make me more valuable to the chemical industry.
I'm electrical and I think wind energy is great!
I'm electrical and I think wind energy is great!
Sure, other than being ineffecient, extremely expensive, not producing the electricity they claim and using many millions of tons more, billions of tons more natural resources.

Yes, other than being extremely expensive and obsolete, who would not want endless heavy industry manufacturing paid for by taxpayers
Sure, other than being ineffecient, extremely expensive, not producing the electricity they claim and using many millions of tons more, billions of tons more natural resources.

Yes, other than being extremely expensive and obsolete, who would not want endless heavy industry manufacturing paid for by taxpayers
What natural resources are being used?
What natural resources are being used?
Steel, quartz, coal, coke, wood, cement, boron, propene, hydrochloric acid...

The list is long.
Do you want a complete list?

What is real great is part of the process literally requires 3 days of uninterrupted electricity which solar and wind do not provide
Landowners (farmers in particular) need to stop selling themselves out to the wind power cult.....Their once beautiful farms are now eyesores.....Oh but that sweet lease money!....Paid for by subsidies from the taxpayer.
Pretty soon ,the Dems in power will require mule drawn plows for farming.

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