What puts more CO2 into the atmosphere cars or forest fires?

Over time it has. However that does not have lignin 30,000 feet deep in any ocean.

Okay ... so if you believe lignin evolved ... where did it all go before microbes evolved to consume it? ... 60 million years of forestry is a lot of wood ... contrary to popular belief, lignin doesn't evaporate ... so where is it? ...

One theory says it all got buried ... 20 to 40 miles of dirt on top ... we certainly have enough time for that ...
Last year we were breathing Canada's forest fire smoke for months.

CA burns every year. Trees have significant mass. So when trees burn how many pounds of CO2 are created?

My question is, which pollutant is the bigger culprit, cars or forest fires?

It seems to me that we are focusing on cars too much and ignoring forest fires.

Working from home is a great idea that saves millions of pounds of CO2, so how many more great ideas are not being implemented?

Nuclear power? Fusion power? A nuclear blast cool down? Etc.
Solution: Electric Trees!
It's so much easier for Deep State to deflect Sheeple away from the truth by using the bogus Climate narrative allied to poor forest management practises , and and to label weather manipulation explanations as bogus and absurd conspiracy .
The left leaves us with but one major conclusion. They believe Man actively manages climate. If they do not believe it, we are doomed per the Democrats.
That's a scientific theory ... I'm not a geologist so all I can do is repeat what I read ... lignin evolved, if you believe in that stuff ...
Some oil is so deep the drilling rig does not hit earth until over 5,000 feet deep underwater. What lignin is that deep?
Some oil is so deep the drilling rig does not hit earth until over 5,000 feet deep underwater. What lignin is that deep?

Are you drilling 43 miles? ... 225,000 feet? ... you're not answering my questions, just asking more ... the first mile of the Earth's surface isn't all the Earth ... what do you find at 100,000 feet? ... 1,000,000 feet? ...

Where did the lignin go? ...
"Fossil fuel" is an oxymoron. Massive pools of oil and hydrocarbons have been found on Titan, a moon of Jupiter. It has more oil than earth.

Swedish scientists have discovered oil and gas being synthesized deep in the earth recently, renewing our resources.

Finally, show me any location on earth where dead plants and animals are not decomposing but are being turned into oil, natural gas, or coal. It will hurt your brain trying just to IMAGINE such nonsense.

Are you drilling 43 miles? ... 225,000 feet? ... you're not answering my questions, just asking more ... the first mile of the Earth's surface isn't all the Earth ... what do you find at 100,000 feet? ... 1,000,000 feet? ...

Where did the lignin go? ...
So you ignore my questions. And stack up more and more of yours. No, of course not, I want to know more is why, correct, earth at 100,000 feet down and same for a million. Now can you answer my questions?

Have you seen the comments by Dr. Patrick Moore?
You're ignoring several factors of which any chemical engineer should be aware.

That 3.4% (if that's the actual value as you list no source) is the annual contribution.

CO2 has a lifetime in the atmosphere measured in centuries. Virtually every bit of CO2 put in the air since the Industrial Revolution is still there. CO2 we put in the air will be there probably past the year 2200. So it is cumulative

Human CO2 emissions have raised the atmospheric CO2 levels by 50%. One third of the CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere is of human origin. And this ignores an enormous amount of CO2 that has been dissolved into the Earth's oceans, increasing acidity and providing an enormous reservoir of CO2 that will outgas as temperatures rise further.

Nature did it all for the past million years. Then we came on the scene and in 150 years increased it past anything seen in that million.

We do not take it for granted. Neither does the Chinese government. China's per capita emissions are significantly lower than the United States' and their expenditures towards converting to renewable energy and vehicle elecrification and dramatically higher than ours.

What possible relevance does that have? You all seem want to justify your self-centered ignorance with jingoistic hostility.

If you're an engineer, apply what they taught you at school to this issue, not your tired anti-communist paranoia.
Are you really unhappy that Earth is getting much more green showing plants that produce life giving O2 is good for Earth?
Which Lignin? We have talked of deep oceans, land and who knows what else, so can you explain that question (ReinyDays) ?
Dear Friend, Lefties will drive you crazy and waste your time.
Debate is impossible with them. Here is a cartoon showing why:


Incidentally, I discuss lignin in my book and show its chemical structure. It is a component of wood, not crude oil.
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Lignin was buried 300 million years ago ... today it's transformed to coal ... do you agree? ...
I am not sure.

I found this to help you.

Where is lignin primarily found?

It is second to cellulose as the most abundant organic material on Earth, though relatively few industrial uses other than as a fuel have been found. A secondary metabolite, lignin is concentrated in the cell walls of wood and makes up 24–35 percent of the oven-dry weight of softwoods and 17–25 percent of hardwoods.Jun 10, 2024
Last year we were breathing Canada's forest fire smoke for months.

CA burns every year. Trees have significant mass. So when trees burn how many pounds of CO2 are created?

My question is, which pollutant is the bigger culprit, cars or forest fires?

It seems to me that we are focusing on cars too much and ignoring forest fires.

Working from home is a great idea that saves millions of pounds of CO2, so how many more great ideas are not being implemented?

Nuclear power? Fusion power? A nuclear blast cool down? Etc.
They say forest fires put just a fraction of CO2 into the atmosphere as human activity does. Probably true. But they do those measurements in tons.

So I got curious about how many tons of CO2 is already in the atmosphere including all that has been put there via forest fires, human activity, volcanoes, etc. And I cannot seem to find that information.

Maybe somebody better with Google than I am can find that number? How many tons of CO2 are in the atmosphere naturally and from all other causes? If that number is nowhere to be found, how do they measure human emission, volcano emissions, forest fire emissions etc. by tons?

Just curious.
They say forest fires put just a fraction of CO2 into the atmosphere as human activity does. Probably true. But they do those measurements in tons.

So I got curious about how many tons of CO2 is already in the atmosphere including all that has been put there via forest fires, human activity, volcanoes, etc. And I cannot seem to find that information.

Maybe somebody better with Google than I am can find that number? How many tons of CO2 are in the atmosphere naturally and from all other causes? If that number is nowhere to be found, how do they measure human emission, volcano emissions, forest fire emissions etc. by tons?

Just curious.
I compare CO2 to pennies located on a table and the tiny amount there to a million. 420 pennies to a Million pennies. Very insignificant.
What are Fossil fuels? Meat decays. Fossils left are bones. Oil is the source of the wealth of nations. Wealth gets spread. It is a good thing to have wealth. Africa would be way better off if it had more wealth.

Suppose someone claimed that we are not running out of petroleum? Or that life on Earth began below the surface of our planet? Or that oil and gas are not "fossil fuels"? Or that if we find extraterrestrial life it is likely to be within, not on, other planets? You might expect to hear statements like these from an author of science fiction. But what if they came from a renowned physicist, an indisputably brilliant scientist who has been called "one of the world's most original minds"? In the The Deep Hot Biosphere, Thomas Gold sets forth truly controversial and astonishing theories about where oil and gas come from, and how they acquire their organic "signatures." The conclusions he reaches in this book might be at first difficult to believe, but they are supported by a growing body of evidence, and by the indisputabel stature and seriousness Gold brings to any scientific enterprise. In this book we see a brilliant and boldly orginal thinker, increasingly a rarity in modern science, as he developes a revolutionary new view about the fundamental workings of our planet.

Thomas Gold is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and an Emertius Professor at Cornell University. Regarded as one of the most creative and wide-ranging scientists of his generation, he has taughtat Cambridge University and Harvard, and for 20 years was the Director of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research.

I compare CO2 to pennies located on a table and the tiny amount there to a million. 420 pennies to a Million pennies. Very insignificant.
But when they say humankind is putting 35 billion tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere every year, that would be more than 4 billion tons for every man, woman, and child on Earth. That seems really odd to me.

Why measure that in billions since nobody seems to know how many billions are in the atmosphere naturally? Because it sounds worse than PPM?

So again, anybody better with Google than I am who can tell me how many billion tons of CO2 there are in the atmosphere right how, I am ready to be educated.
I am not sure.

I found this to help you.

Where is lignin primarily found?

It is second to cellulose as the most abundant organic material on Earth, though relatively few industrial uses other than as a fuel have been found. A secondary metabolite, lignin is concentrated in the cell walls of wood and makes up 24–35 percent of the oven-dry weight of softwoods and 17–25 percent of hardwoods.Jun 10, 2024

I understand the theory I'm using here ... it's just a theory ... nothing more ... you asked about belief and that's a philosophical question ...

Either way, we can measure man's contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide ...

"However, significant Mesozoic and Cenozoic coal deposits formed after lignin-digesting fungi had become well established, and fungal degradation of lignin may have already evolved by the end of the Devonian, even if the specific enzymes used by basidiomycetes had not."
-- Wikipedia's article "Carboniferous"

Yes, I can poke holes in my theories ... that's good science ... and there's other theories ... most explain the build up of carbon-12 in our atmosphere as human caused ... including Dr Golds' I believe ...

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