Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

Elections are suspended during wartime by Ukranian law.

Foreign election influence has ALWAYS been ok, it is specifically foreign electioneering operations in United States that are illegal.
They're not in America. Something for Democrats to keep in mind. ;)
Here's a history lesson for you, son.

Hitler used your exact same excuse to invade the Sudetenland, saying it had belonged to Germany in the past.

After invading and seizing the Sudetenland, Neville Chamberlain got Hitler to sign a piece of paper promising Hitler would make no more land grabs. Chamberlain stupidly bragged he had achieved "peace in our time".

Hitler got a lot of laughs making speeches about appeasers like you and Chamberlain.

And then he seized the rest of Czechoslovakia.

You are a damned fool if you think Putin will stop with Eastern Ukraine, or stop with all of Ukraine.

You have already forgotten Putin's invasion was headed straight for Kyiv when they were beaten back.

You have some serious willful blindness and ignorance of the history of imperialist dictators.
Dummy thinks there is another Hitler around every corner, because he believes state controlled media. Lol.

Stop posting. Everything you know is wrong.
See? Even you admit Trump is full of silly shit.
As whole of the Biden administration is. But there are people who want to stop this stupid war. And there are people who want to prolong it. I am with the former ones.
Sure, enough weapons for a never-ending war.

Like I said, what is not to like?

The best part are the weapons Biden gives the Ukraine and then tells them they can't use them to attack Russians in certain circumstances so as not to expand their never-ending war cuz they want to keep it only in that country.

Never ending? All wars are never ending… until they end

This one will end when Russia is tired of bleeding their country dry for… what exactly?
As whole of the Biden administration is.

But, but, but what-about!

That's all you can think of to deflect from Trump being blatantly full of crap - right?

Ok, sure, lets go with that. You've watched the debate (see OP) - what did Kamala say that was on that level?
Lol! Proving you know very little.


What do you know about Blackrock in Ukraine dummy?

It's an investment company that togather with Chase has raised $15 billion (GASP!) Ukraine rebuilding fund.

Thats who you think will own Ukraine? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

China holds trillions of American I-OWE-U notes - you know what they own here? Jack shit in terms of actual control of this country.
Dummy thinks there is another Hitler around every corner, because he believes state controlled media. Lol.

Stop posting. Everything you know is wrong.
^ This is from a poster who for years had Stalin beating up Hitler in his avatar.

Also same poster that supports Putin's imaginary war against Nazis in Ukraine.

THAT is the poster that now plays stupid when someone explains imperialist land-grabs were bad when Hitler did and still just as bad when his beloved Putler is doing it.
Never ending? All wars are never ending… until they end

This one will end when Russia is tired of bleeding their country dry for… what exactly?
You aren’t informed. This war isn’t bleeding Russia. It has made their military much stronger and their economy is doing well. Stop believing western propaganda.

This dumb war instigated provoked and continued by the US Empire just might end with a nuclear holocaust. Does that work for you? All over a nation no American has any interest in, other than a few corrupt elites.
You aren’t informed. This war isn’t bleeding Russia. It has made their military much stronger and their economy is doing well. Stop believing western propaganda.

This dumb war instigated provoked and continued by the US Empire just might end with a nuclear holocaust. Does that work for you? All over a nation no American has any interest in, other than a few corrupt elites.
Do you get your propaganda straight from the Kremlin?

It’s ruining their military, not making it stronger and costing them a fortune… for what?
But, but, but what-about!

That's all you can think of to deflect from Trump being blatantly full of crap - right?

Ok, sure, lets go with that. You've watched the debate (see OP) - what did Kamala say that was on that level?
Dude, I don't care about your candidates, basically. Do not care at all. But, but, but. If some guy says I want to stop this war as soon as possible; and another one says I will continue to support Ukraine (that means in reality 'I'll keep fueling this war as much as possible') - then be sure that I am with the former guy.
Dude, I don't care about your candidates, basically. Do not care at all. But, but, but. If some guy says I want to stop this war as soon as possible; and another one says I will continue to support Ukraine (that means in reality 'I'll keep fueling this war as much as possible') - then be sure that I am with the former guy.

So you don't care...except you care because obviously they have implication for your country. You are as coherent as usual.

Trump is effectively saying he will force your government to conceed the 5 regions, in their administrative borders to Russia. Which means Ukraine has to litterally withdraw their troops and give away Zaparozhie and Kherson they control now. Ukraine would also have to withdraw their NATO aspirations, basically ensuring that Russia can break the agreement at any time and go for Kiev again (like they did with Chechnya).

When Kamala is saying that her administration will continue to support Ukraine, she means JUST THAT. Ukraine is represented by their government and Kamala will support their descision to continue OR not-continue their efforts to liberate Ukranian territories from Russian invaders. What Kamala will not do is force Kiev into quick capitulation to Russian terms like Trump is promissing to.
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We belonged to Britain for centuries. Should we hand over the East Coast to Britain, moron?

Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Try to get that through your thick skull, appeasement monkey.
The difference is Ukraine was never created with a untied people. It wasn’t ever a naturally formed nation.

Many countries are formed due to outside powers that dictate its borders with no regard to the people in them. Such as Iraq.

If Ukraine had been founded by a revolution with the backing of all its people, then I would say they have the right to all that land. But that isn’t what happened. Their borders were drawn up by Bolsheviks. That should had been fixed in the 1990’s but for whatever reason it wasn’t. And because of that, we now have war there.

Just fix the borders, allow people to vote on it (they already did and it was ignored), and let there be peace.
The difference is Ukraine was never created with a untied people. It wasn’t ever a naturally formed nation.

What dumb bullshit.

Ukraine is internationaly recognized soveregn country. Putin signed and ratified border agreement with Ukraine in 2004. If Russia felt like it had ANY legitimate claim to Ukranian territories they obviously wouldn't do that.

Here is Putin in 2008, reiterating that Ukranian sovereign borders are not in any dispute:

I guess you also think that it would be ok for GB to invade Israel since it's territory once belonged to them and Israel is not a "naturally formed nation" :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
So you don't care...except you care because obviously they have implication for your country. You are as coherent as usual.

Trump is effectively saying he will force your government to conceed the 5 regions, in their administrative borders to Russia. Which means Ukraine has to litterally withdraw their troops and give away Zaparozhie and Kherson they control now. Ukraine would also have to withdraw their NATO aspirations, basically ensuring that Russia can break the agreement at any time and go for Kiev again (like they did with Chechnya).

When Kamala is saying that her administration will continue to support Ukraine, she means JUST THAT. Ukraine is represented by their government and Kamala will support their descision to continue OR not-continue their efforts to liberate Ukranian territories from Russian invaders. What Kamala will not do is force Kiev into quick capitulation to Russian terms like Trump is promissing to.
Exactly, I don't care about your candidates. I will support any 'peacemaker'.

About other stuff you wrote.. I have already got tired of it. I keep hearing that for almost three years. There will be no NATO membership, these territories won't be retaken as a result of this war. What will change is a number of people killed and cities destroyed. All that to your joy, bloody clowns.
What do you know about Blackrock in Ukraine dummy?

It's an investment company that togather with Chase has raised $15 billion (GASP!) Ukraine rebuilding fund.

Thats who you think will own Ukraine? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

China holds trillions of American I-OWE-U notes - you know what they own here? Jack shit in terms of actual control of this country.
Lol. The warmongering dipshit admitted he doesn’t know what Blackrock is. Dummy!
Dude, I don't care about your candidates, basically. Do not care at all. But, but, but. If some guy says I want to stop this war as soon as possible; and another one says I will continue to support Ukraine (that means in reality 'I'll keep fueling this war as much as possible') - then be sure that I am with the former guy.
Seeing that you're seemingly not pals with Antoshka anymore kind of elevates you in my opinion. Somewhat like the enemy of your enemy is ... .;) Really, the asshole is tiresome. But then again, isn't basically any other democrap?
Do you get your propaganda straight from the Kremlin?

It’s ruining their military, not making it stronger and costing them a fortune… for what?
No, but you get your propaganda straight from the CIA and Mossad.

Stop posting!!!!!!!

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