Undecideds Favor Trump After Debate

Jimmy Kimmel is making fun of Trump using polls from weird sites that say Trump won 91% to 9%.

I wonder where Trump came up with that percentage

The Trump Indictments: The 91 Criminal Counts Against the Former President of the United States​

Jimmy Kimmel?

That beta soi cuck?

He's repenting to the SJW left for his Man Show days, when he still had his balls.
The dolt is you. You seem to forget that Trump being an entertainer (the Apprentice) was what got him elected. He became known to all because of that and is the reason he got the votes. The Apprentice had 20 million viewers. Swift has 14 times more viewers than Trump.

Sure, many of them are teens that cannot vote. Nonetheless, 53% of them are adults of voting age (over 150 million) and that is over 7 times more than Trump.

You truly do not think that these people can be "swayed" to vote for Harris?

For you information, Biden got 81 million votes in 2020 and won the election. Swift has twice that amount of fans. Just her fans ALONE and voting for Harris could assure a win!

You’re beyond pathetic.

Please go cast your vote based on the command of Taylor Swift.

You’re her target audience: an immature little girl.
Jimmy Kimmel?

That beta soi cuck?

He's repenting to the SJW left for his Man Show days, when he still had his balls.
Jimmy is so funny and popular. It's why he's always asked to host award shows.

Trump's biggest regret is he used to be able to rub elbows with all celebrities. He got off on it. I've heard many stories from many celebrities. He LOVED being a celebrity. But now most celebrities hate him. He can go to WWE and MMA but most places no one wants him. Now he rubs elbows with

Jimmy is so funny and popular. It's why he's always asked to host award shows.

Trump's biggest regret is he used to be able to rub elbows with all celebrities. He got off on it. I've heard many stories from many celebrities. He LOVED being a celebrity. But now most celebrities hate him. He can go to WWE and MMA but most places no one wants him. Now he rubs elbows with

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What a snobby twat you are.

And remember they loved him until he decided enough was enough with progressive bullshit.

You’re beyond pathetic.

Please go cast your vote based on the command of Taylor Swift.

You’re her target audience: an immature little girl.
Wow, I really am getting under your skin, right? That is exactly my objective. To goad you enough so that you prove my OP is correct and to do it with facts.

Here you are, doing exactly what the OP is saying that Trumpers do:

1) closed eyes and ears
2) insult and debase and bite the opponents
3) lick and kiss the ass of Trump.

Once again, thank you for helping
What a snobby twat you are.

And remember they loved him until he decided enough was enough with progressive bullshit.
Howard Stern says still he was the best guest he ever had. So honest. To admit if your daughter weren't your daughter, you'd be fucking her? Wow. Now that's some weird locker room shit.
Howard Stern says still he was the best guest he ever had. So honest. To admit if your daughter weren't your daughter, you'd be fucking her? Wow. Now that's some weird locker room shit.

Howard Stern has turned into a basement dwelling germ-a-phobe grandma who has lost all his edge.

And when was this interview, recently or when Stern had some balls?
Wow, I really am getting under your skin,

Not in the slightest. I enjoy exposing your imbecility. You provide a massive target for that.

That is exactly my objective.
Self proclaimed troll ^ brags about being a troll. Cool.
To goad you enough so that you prove my OP is correct and to do it with facts.
Your OP is gibberish and nothing “proves” it’s anything but gibberish.
Here you are, doing exactly what the OP is saying that Trumpers do:
1) closed eyes and ears.

2) insult and debase and bite the opponents
Nope just exposing your imbecility. I can see how you’d make that mistake though. Truth hurts you.
3) lick and kiss the ass of Trump.

Never have. Never will.

You do make a lot of lies up out of thin air.
Once again, thank you for helping
I’m happy to help expose you for what you are: a self proclaimed troll.

But at least you’re unable to make a valid argument.
Not in the slightest. I enjoy exposing your imbecility. You provide a massive target for that.


Self proclaimed troll ^ brags about being a troll. Cool.

Your OP is gibberish and nothing “proves” it’s anything but gibberish.



Nope just exposing your imbecility. I can see how you’d make that mistake though. Truth hurts you.

Never have. Never will.

You do make a lot of lies up out of thin air.

I’m happy to help expose you for what you are: a self proclaimed troll.

But at least you’re unable to make a valid argument.
You are good at this:


Then again, no facts to support your words.

You do know that words are free and even assholes can use them? Facts though, require brains to find them and bravery to show them (at the insane asylum). You have none of the latter.
Howard Stern has turned into a basement dwelling germ-a-phobe grandma who has lost all his edge.

And when was this interview, recently or when Stern had some balls?

Why are you deflecting to attack Stern? This has nothing to do with him. Even though he's my favorite Jew.

Why does it matter when Trump said it? It was a long time ago I believe she was 12.
Why are you deflecting to attack Stern? This has nothing to do with him. Even though he's my favorite Jew.

Why does it matter when Trump said it? It was a long time ago I believe she was 12.

you brought him up, dipshit.

I was talking about when the Kimmel interview happened that you are talking about.
You are good at this:

View attachment 1011027

Then again, no facts to support your words.

You do know that words are free and even assholes can use them? Facts though, require brains to find them and bravery to show them (at the insane asylum). You have none of the latter.

In response to my question why should we believe anything they say when we know they are spreading hearsay rumors from russian trolls off facebook, they say it's us to go investigate every claim they make.

Remember this story?

  • Republican Mark Jennings, Former McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Commissioner:
    I know. Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can't do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.
    I know where two big deep holes are here if you ever need them.
    • Kevin Clardy, McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Sheriff:
      I have got an excavator.

    • Mark Jennings:
      I have known — I have known two or three hit men. They're very quiet guys.

    • For reaction, I want to bring in Deon Osborne, the managing editor for The Black Wall Street Times. He's based in Greenwood, Oklahoma.

      Deon, thank you for joining the "NewsHour."

      As a Black journalist living in Oklahoma, what was your reaction when you heard the full audio?
Taylor Swift sent a message to her 284 million followers endorsing Kamala Harris, and the MAGAsphere lost its collective mind. :lol:

Swift is also starting a massive drive of registering voters for Harris.

This caused Megyn Kelly to lose her mind, coming completely unglued. I don't know if you've seen her reaction, but look it up. It's priceless. Kelly has gotten moist between her legs at celebrities endorsing Trump, but she dried up and fell to pieces over Swift endorsing Harris. She is clearly bleeding from her wherever.

But the best reaction which demonstrates total obliviousness came from Shady Vance who said...get this..., "We admire Taylor Swift's music, but I don't think most Americans, whether they like her music, are fans of hers or not, are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and problems of most Americans."

No. Really. That's exactly what Shady said. I shit you not.

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