Undecideds Favor Trump After Debate

In response to my question why should we believe anything they say when we know they are spreading hearsay rumors from russian trolls off facebook, they say it's us to go investigate every claim they make.

Remember this story?

  • Republican Mark Jennings, Former McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Commissioner:
    I know. Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can't do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.
    I know where two big deep holes are here if you ever need them.
    • Kevin Clardy, McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Sheriff:
      I have got an excavator.
    • Mark Jennings:
      I have known — I have known two or three hit men. They're very quiet guys.

    • For reaction, I want to bring in Deon Osborne, the managing editor for The Black Wall Street Times. He's based in Greenwood, Oklahoma.

      Deon, thank you for joining the "NewsHour."

      As a Black journalist living in Oklahoma, what was your reaction when you heard the full audio?
Life is like that. No one is perfect and if you look, you will ALWAYS find something that supports you view. The thing is that intelligent people that understand life, don't look for examples that prove their point, they look at what is called "TRENDS" or should I say "PATTERNS" as those are the ones that mean something

When you have a group like the Trumpers, it is absolutely predictable what each person is going to do. It is a pattern/trend and therefore indicative. The Democrats also show a pattern/trend, which is to work together to accomplish a common goal. Nonetheless, the Republican platform and ideal is for each individual to accomplish a goal based on their own talents and NOT to do it as a group.

When they do work as a group (like you and many others here are doing) it does stand out, especially since the goal is not to accomplish something for the group but to accomplish your own personal goals.

In simple words, what you see in an asylum.
Life is like that. No one is perfect and if you look, you will ALWAYS find something that supports you view. The thing is that intelligent people that understand life, don't look for examples that prove their point, they look at what is called "TRENDS" or should I say "PATTERNS" as those are the ones that mean something

When you have a group like the Trumpers, it is absolutely predictable what each person is going to do. It is a pattern/trend and therefore indicative. The Democrats also show a pattern/trend, which is to work together to accomplish a common goal. Nonetheless, the Republican platform and ideal is for each individual to accomplish a goal based on their own talents and NOT to do it as a group.

When they do work as a group (like you and many others here are doing) it does stand out, especially since the goal is not to accomplish something for the group but to accomplish your own personal goals.

In simple words, what you see in an asylum.

I'm not 100% pro union but I understand the importance of unions to a strong middle class. Without them there is no middle class. We see from 1978 as union membership went from 35% of our work force down to 5%, labor hasn't gotten a raise. We didn't have unions keeping employers honest.

So when i see this I cheer on the workers

Yea but notice she came from the middle class? She wasn't born rich like Trump.
What’s wrong with being born into some wealth? Especially when you grow it ten times over.. he created a ton of jobs and capital for the economy throughout his life. We need more entrepreneurs
Clinton, not born rich. Obama, not born rich. Biden, not born rich. Kamala not born rich. See the theme?

Bush and Trump, silver spoons.
Yet Clinton, Obama, Biden are all filthy wealthy multi millionaires.. and Harris soon after probably.

You just proved how corrupt the politicians you support are. I agree, they are scumbags to abuse their trusted positions and take from us all to increase their own wealth.

But you voted for that
You’re adopt. And boring. Kayleigh, give some thought to seeking any education.
and you (see below) are the one telling me this?

What’s wrong with being born into some wealth? Especially when you grow it ten times over.. he created a ton of jobs and capital for the economy throughout his life. We need more entrepreneurs
GOP is the party of the rich. My nephew is a silver spoon white college educated man. Republican. He don't care about the middle class.
GOP is the party of the rich. My nephew is a silver spoon white college educated man. Republican. He don't care about the middle class.
Well gosh, if your nephew is like that, they’re all like that.

Mind-blowing anecdotal analysis..

It’s worth less than the toilet paper I wipe my a$$ with lol
Well gosh, if your nephew is like that, they’re all like that.

Mind-blowing anecdotal analysis..

It’s worth less than the toilet paper I wipe my a$$ with lol
Sez more about upbringing than financial status.

Seems like this kid was failed by his parents.

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