It's Spreading: Three Cats Found Mutilated, Cut in Half with Paws Cleanly Chopped Off, No Blood at the Scene in Houston, Texas

The media, the local government, the police and the republican governor of the state are all in it together against Trump?
In many (most?) cases, yes. Trump jeopardizes the Military Industrial Complex and the Big Business Oligarchy. In other words, he's the roadblock to that massive flow of money landing in the pockets and bank accounts of the string-pullers.
You realize you can't chase this down, right? You're trying, I get it, but it's not going to work. You're on the backfoot. He meme'd the debate and now you lost
No. You're desperately trying to find some way that doesn't make him look so pathetic. That makes it even more pathetic.

all major news outlets in the country, local government in the Ohio town and the office of the Republican governor of the state of Ohio are all in cahoots together to bury a news story about cat-eating Haitians in order to embarrass Donald Trump.

Is that what you’re saying?

No, really, go back and read all that again. Is that what you’re saying?


Don’t believe what you see in your neighborhood.
No. You're desperately trying to find some way that doesn't make him look so pathetic. That makes it even more pathetic.
All he had to do was convince independents. And do it without making Harris look like a girl. Harris is not very good. You can see she was playing an act in the debate. The false smile. The moving of her hands in different positions including her chin. She knew the questions and even had answers. And she said nothing of what she is going to do. It will be interesting to see if Deplorables give up their guns if she wins. For you would be the invaders to their areas of living and they would be the part of guerilla warfare if they chose to. They will pick you off like a carnival shooting game. Stop pushing.
finger pointing is us less and accusation with no proof of anything is wrong. It just invites distrust and hatred.

The article says they do not know if an animal did this or a human

For humans to do this then it begs the question why. A satanic ritual maybe

for food unlikely

for the thrill of it maybe

and if it was another animal then it depends on what was left behind.

If parts missing then maybe it was another animal maybe or a ritual

cats are pretty fast and whomever did this had to ability to catch them.

surprise that no video has appeared if it was in a neighborhood
You deserve the world you live in
How sickening! It's now apparent that this country should be sterilized of all third world illegals after Trump takes office. The Haitians need to be targeted first along with the Venezuelan gangs.

It's not just Haitians; some Asians were doing the same with ducks and swans and geese from city parks not all that long ago, then the media was instructed not to report that any more; it will do the same with these stories.
Trump, was a total embarrassment to this Nation spewing that kind of unsubstantiated crap at a debate on the world stage, for the President of the United States of America.

Lord almighty! What a disgrace he and his ilk are.... :(
For the media, the local police, the mayor, the governor all to be saying the same thing, all under tremendous scrutiny, that would require a coordinated conspiracy

Or each of these institutions is lying and saying the exact same lie by sheer coincidence?

I'm sorry--did you live through the Covid years? Or not?
Trump, was a total embarrassment to this Nation spewing that kind of unsubstantiated crap at a debate on the world stage, for the President of the United States of America.

Lord almighty! What a disgrace he and his ilk are.... :(

More puritanical shaming

Meanwhile it's all over every social media
No. You're desperately trying to find some way that doesn't make him look so pathetic. That makes it even more pathetic.

If he looks so pathetic then why is the race essentially far as we know? (And most Trump voters don't answer polls)
Trump, was a total embarrassment to this Nation spewing that kind of unsubstantiated crap at a debate on the world stage, for the President of the United States of America.

Lord almighty! What a disgrace he and his ilk are.... :(
You've been given numerous examples in this thread alone and you continue to ignore and excuse animal abuse. You're a hypocrite. You don't "care 4 all"

You don't have a problem with animal abuse as long as the "right" people are doing it, or the "wrong person" (Trump) spotlights it. You have selective morality
Haitians disagree. But you're denying it's even happening despite what the residents themselves are telling you
What am I denying? Nothing but YOUR awful, harmful, lies.....about Haitians killing and eating our pets....

Trump made the Topic THAT, and Trump and Vance took the focus away from the real struggles in this town with the big influx of their population, without enough funding and resources to meet social needs of the communuty.....

But nooooooooooooooo.....

that wasn't good enough....not meme worthy....or crazy enough to go viral.... So you have to be your awful selves and make a LIE, the focus..... likely to just get the focus off of Trump's crappy crappy crappy debate.

You're terrible people, and terrible examples of Americans.

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