Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate

"A 2023 survey conducted by highlighted that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, a 6% increase from the previous year."

Reported today:

"But though Americans might not feel quite as rich as they did when the government was shoveling money into everyone’s bank accounts, they’re still doing pretty well on a lot of measures, from unemployment to household wealth. More importantly, the economy is still headed in the right direction.
Median pretax household incomes increased by 4 percent in 2023, the first statistically significant increase in four years, and with real weekly earnings now higher than they were before the pandemic, this year could bring that number to a new high. Inflation has fallen to 2.5 percent, and might have further to go, a feat the Federal Reserve managed not only without a full-blown recession but also while keeping the unemployment rate at a jaunty 4.2 percent. The aggregate net worth of American households has never been higher, and with interest rates finally beginning to fall, that number, too, has room to grow.

Things are steadily improving, and by many measures, 2024 could well be the best year on record."
It was a butt kicking by a black woman Trump has called stupid.
It was scripted by the Progressives. The fact is, Trump has many answers. Progs are of some form of pride. We must elect a woman of color over pragmatic policies is the mantra of many of her voters. If the people in this nation do not vote for Trump, then they get what they deserve for what she will do. The tax breaks Trump has offered to lower classes are good. It takes in a good percentage of people. Even some limits on the tax cuts would be beneficial. With many of them having tougher times today due to the idiot overprinting of the fiat currency legislation passed the first two years of Joe and Kamala. That in itself should guarantee votes for Trump. There is a clear difference just on that. I can only imagine what the next green energy legislation will look like with the Progs wasting more fiat printing currency.
Reported today:

"But though Americans might not feel quite as rich as they did when the government was shoveling money into everyone’s bank accounts, they’re still doing pretty well on a lot of measures, from unemployment to household wealth. More importantly, the economy is still headed in the right direction.
Median pretax household incomes increased by 4 percent in 2023, the first statistically significant increase in four years, and with real weekly earnings now higher than they were before the pandemic, this year could bring that number to a new high. Inflation has fallen to 2.5 percent, and might have further to go, a feat the Federal Reserve managed not only without a full-blown recession but also while keeping the unemployment rate at a jaunty 4.2 percent. The aggregate net worth of American households has never been higher, and with interest rates finally beginning to fall, that number, too, has room to grow.

Things are steadily improving, and by many measures, 2024 could well be the best year on record."
6% more are now living paycheck to paycheck.

Your little screed means nothing.

Except people are taking second jobs to pay for the Biden/Harris stupidity.

Why the unbecoming anger, poster 83?
Are you OK?

Is USMB really the right venue for you?

You can address the issue raised (as you did not do in your follow up post which is just a regurgitation of your previous garbage) and show some understanding about the damage done by the Biden/Harris inflationary policies or you can continue to post unrelated crap.

People can't fry, bake or BBQ the tripe you post so it really doesn't help them.

And your lack of understanding isn't my problem.

As to your other questions: There is nothing unbecoming or angry about my post. It simply points out how I feel about a moronic, left wing dip like you.
Putin stopped doing what he was doing when Trump bombed his troops and killed some.
So vague. He stopped shaving? Stopped what?

Russia is permanently deployed in Syria. They kill peole there every day.

Guess who bailed? The US, under Trump. Who stopped doing what? Putin continues to do what he likes.

You're just talking out of your ass. You don't know if any of what you say is true. You just think it must be true, because Trump is so.awesome, in your mind.
Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate.
Biden, in interviews and other personal appearances, continued to say he has not lost cognitive abilities and was fit to be President. Those appearances proved he had lost enough cognitive ability he was not fit to serve.
Trump, in his appearances since the debate, claims he won the debate. He is spending most his time ranting and defending all the claims made by Harris in the debate. The debate showed that Trump does not have the disposition to be the President of the USA. He was unhinged. His ranting since the debate proves he is not fit to be President of the USA.
If Trump was President working on policy would take a back seat to revenge on all those he feels have wronged him.
Biden's debate will be in the history books forever. Yes, Trump didn't have the greatest debate but there have been many over the years who have had a bad debate. I think only two will go down in history, Richard Nixon sweating his ass off against JFK and Biden doing so horribly that even his own party forced him out of office, even after Biden had won the nomination nonetheless.

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