I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Thanks for not answering my question. Truth be told, I already knew you couldn't answer it when I asked it. I just wanted to see you flail.
/—-/ Because it was a rhetorical question. I can only go by others actions. So, are you saying Trump doesn’t really believe he won?
He are some FACTS:

1). trump started talking about Stolen Election and Rigged Elections years before 2016.
2). He says what he KNOWS his base will LOVE. Stollen Election is #1.

Even worse for Trump, before the 2020 election, a former advisor of Trump's said Trump was going to say he won if he lost and then cry about election fraud. Which of course, is exactly what Trump did. Sadly, rightards are too stupid to see they've been duped no matter how glaringly obvious it was. Even sadder, hundreds upon hundreds of them are now convicted felons, many still in prison, because they're too dumb to see reality, even when it slaps them in their face...

/—-/ Yeah, anyone smart enough to reject your socialist hellhole nanny state is definitely in a cult.

Not necessarily, but anyone who still supports Trump after his lies about election fraud inspired members of his cult to attack the seat of our government, after he shared classified documents with a journalist, after he sent fake electors to Washington.... definitely is.
Pence has the blood of innocents on his hands for supporting or hoisting these knuckleheads into office, because if he was part of the rhino's in the attempt to not follow the constitution, and all because it was Trump that he might have had some sort of anger towards, then to hell with Pence putting dirty politics over the nations well being...

GOD help us all.

Pence should curl up into a fetal position, and beg the good Lords forgiveness for what he has caused.

The lives of those young girls brutally murdered and our nations innocent people being slaughtered and frightened by the illegal immigrants as they cause chaos at the open invitation of Democrats by design is truly despicable....

This wave of chaos by the Biden administration who baited them to breach our southern border for their nefarious long term election solution's that are aimed at the illegals for the Democrat party is truly despicable and blatant.

Hey, don't forget about all the pets being eaten by illegal immigrants.
It makes no difference WHEN either 2030 or 2050! HE GUARANTEES to destroy what constitutes the major life blood of our civilization. With electricity today that 60% is generated by fossil fuels! How stupid to guarantee something when
the simple statement he could have made that wouldn't have created a 50% increase in gas prices would be this:
"I Joe Biden believe that fossil fuels are a tremendous necessity to our existence. I also believe that we need to HELP the fossil fuel industry to either figure out how to reduce CO2 emissions or help them migrate to lessen CO2 emissions over time with solar and wind. I do not believe in destroying fossil fuels but to work with the industry."
How less divisive that statement would have been! Whether it was 2030 or 2050 is irrelevant. Today Biden caused
oil companies to RAISE prices out of a defensive posture.
READ the reality of the oil industry!
As a result of Biden's stupid guarantee..
the CEO of Chevron, Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So if the oil companies have trouble getting financing to do exploration, refining, etc., WHAT can they do but raise their prices NOW to get the investments, to build the refineries.

Totally divisive and truly ignorant and even more pathetic are people like you that can't see beyond 1 year!

You're still lying. Biden never said HE was going to end fossil fuels. He said, "we," as in America, would end it by 2050. You just keep lying by posting that edited video instead of the entire clip.
i. Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon. 240515 {post•224}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Trump used his freedom of speech to tell the world he activated a criminal plan to overturn the election he lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515 Vpcotb00224

Hildabeast screeched for years she was cheated out of the election.

Clinton forever has a constitutional right to screech. The losing candidate however does not have a right to do what Trump attempted to do on his encounter with January 6. That was stir up a white grievance religious riot based on his big lie and attempt to exercise a criminal conspiracy to place false certificates of electors in front of Mike Pence with the intent to overturn the will of the voters and remain in power over 81 million disenfranchised voters beyond the date he was required to leave.

January 6, 2017 Clinton was nowhere to be found nor was she involved in any of the objections that VP Biden gaveled down every single time

Contrast that what Donald Trump sent on January 6, 2021:

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”​

Hillary Clinton did not ever attempt to become president by fraudulent means or through violence:

Please take the following dose of reality to heart MAGA:

11 times VP Biden was interrupted during Trump’s electoral vote certification. By Brenna Williams, CNN. January 6, 2017

15 electoral vote count interruptions

Vice President Joe Biden presided over a joint session of Congress Friday, where members officially tallied electoral votes from the 2016 presidential election. ……. During the course of the certification, House Democrats tried to object to electoral votes from multiples states, with Biden gaveling them down for failure to follow the rules.

Objections to the votes needed to be in writing and signed by both a member of the House and a member of the Senate. Every House member who rose to object did so without a senator’s signature.

1:09 P.M. ET: Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts rose to object to the certificate from Alabama.

Biden denied McGovern on the grounds that he didn’t have a senator’s signature on his written objection.

1:14 P.M.: Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland rose to object to 10 of Florida’s 29 electoral votes.

Biden denied Raskin on the grounds that he didn’t have a senator’s signature on his written objection.

1:15 P.M.: Washington’s Rep. Pramila Jayapal objected to Georgia’s vote certificate.

“It is over,” Biden told the congresswoman.

1:21 P.M.: Rep. Barbara Lee of California ….. objected following the counting of Michigan’s votes.

Biden denied Raskin on the grounds that he didn’t have a senator’s signature on his written objection. They also turned off her microphone.

1:23 P.M.: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas stood up to object.

“The debate is not in order,” Biden interrupted. Again, the congresswoman lacked a senator’s signature.

1:28 P.M.: Arizona’s Rep. Raul Grijalva rose to object

“There is no debate. There is no debate. There is no debate,” a visibly agitated Biden said as he gaveled.

1:31 PM: Jackson Lee made another appearance minutes later after South Carolina’s certification.

“There is no debate in the joint session,” Biden said, shutting her down once more.

1:36 PM: Biden must have thought, after five minutes of peace and getting through the state of West Virginia, that the House members might observe the rules. Lee wasn’t even able to make it through her objection before Biden said, “There is no debate.”

They cut off her microphone again.

1:37 PM: Wisconsin’s votes had been read. With just Wyoming to go, the finish line was in reach.

Jackson Lee once again tried to make an objection on the grounds of Russian interference in the election.

“The objection cannot be received,” Biden said.

1:40 PM: But at the end of the day, despite the objections, Trump’s election was certified by Congress.

OH I knew it before you did. But again... you didn't READ accurately!
View attachment 1010818
I was very specific! Trump's salary if you'd follow the above link was $1.6 million.
Hoover was $300,000 four years JFK $400,000.
I also know that above.

Sorry, but you don't get to ignore inflation just so you can lie. Both Hoover and JFK sacrificed more than Trump when it came to their respective presidential salaries.

Funny how you say you're not a fan of Trump's yet you continuously lie for him. :dunno:
Nope, my link showed that the democrats screamed, whined, and cried to have alternate electors, which democrats now call, fake electors.

Nothing in your link showed anyone in 2016 calling for alternate electors.

And your link was authored by retards who apparently think what happened in Hawaii in 1960 is somehow comparable to what happened in multiple states in 2020.

1960 was in accordance with the law.

2020 was fraud.
Nope, my link showed that the democrats screamed, whined, and cried to have alternate electors

Not After mid December 2016 every state certified a slate of the letters for Trump.

Clinton officially conceded and ended her campaign on November 9, she had nothing to do with state electors before or after the Safe Harbor deadline in mid-December 2020. Zero! Nada! Nothing! Absolutely nothing to do with claiming she won this or that state .

After December 14, 2020 Don Trump instigated his fraudulent fake elector plot to try and overturn the election. The only reason it failed is because Mike Pence refused to submit to criminal pressure to commit fraud for a higher ranking public official who was POTUS at the time.
/——/ Hildabeast screeched for years she was cheated out of the election.
Take your take outrage and shove it.

She did.

What she didn't do was....

  • Lie about election fraud
  • Invite her base to descend upon the Capitol on January 6th
  • Inspire her base to attack our government
  • Pressure the vice president to unilaterally make her the winner of her lost election
  • Nearly get the vice president killed
  • Send fake electors to Congress
  • Try to steal the election she lost
  • Get indicted for election fraud
Nope, my link showed that the democrats screamed, whined, and cried to have alternate electors, which democrats now call, fake electors.
Choosing to have alternate electors to be ready once a court decides there is to be a change in the outcome, is not unlawful.

However, after the election has been certified by the state, there is no reason to have alternate electors because the election has been decided and the legal deadline for challenges in court is over.

Trump’S Alternate electors if you want to call them that went beyond being alternate electors. They sent an actual version of the elector certificate to Mike Pence to use in the Eastman plot.

However, it couldn’t work because Mike Pence refused to participate in the Eastman fraudulent scheme to overturn the election for Don Trump.
Last edited:
Curious... what is "cannit"? You meant "cannot"? So why don't you pay attention to details like that?
Because you are just plain lazy.
Gee thanks for the spelling lesson. Good eye on catching that typo.
Btw, as long as we're doing the OCD thing on grammatical details, your punctuation (question mark) on what is "cannit"?
belongs inside your quotatiin marks like this:
what is "cannit?"
You're welcome.
Gee thanks for the spelling lesson. Good eye on catching that typo.
Btw, as long as we're doing the OCD thing on grammatical details, your punctuation (question mark) on what is "cannit"?
belongs inside your quotatiin marks like this:
what is "cannit?"
You're welcome.
/——/ The Brits put the punctuation outside the quotes.
Personally, I don't believe he believes he won.

I believe Don Trump believes he has the only one vote he needs to become as rich and powerful as Vladimir Putin. He seeks such wealth and power through the presidency of the United States of America and the white Christian evangelical Biblical community for which it stands and his religious base who will vote for him, no matter how many pussies he grabs and lies he tells and porn stars he fucks and babies he will kill since he opposes the six week abortion ban that he will vote to save in Florida.

That be Jesus:


Confusing to rational folk I know.

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