I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Gee thanks for the spelling lesson. Good eye on catching that typo.
Btw, as long as we're doing the OCD thing on grammatical details, your punctuation (question mark) on what is "cannit"?
belongs inside your quotatiin marks like this:
what is "cannit?"
You're welcome.
Thanks. Very keen of you so if you are that observant why did you ignore the little red dotted line pointing out the spelling error? Very simple.
Sorry, but you don't get to ignore inflation just so you can lie. Both Hoover and JFK sacrificed more than Trump when it came to their respective presidential salaries.

Funny how you say you're not a fan of Trump's yet you continuously lie for him. :dunno:
AGAIN it is "FUNNY" how you interpret the statements I make...I personally don't like Trump BUT I've also disliked a few of my asshole bosses who though were like Trump an EXECUTIVE, i.e. executes the plans.
If you are unsophisticated, uneducated, and especially like a little kid who has to "LIKE" his friends or the kid won't have anything to do, I like millions of Americans appreciate the EXECUTIVE ACTIONS Trump did. Like the 2017 Act that repatriated $1 Trillion of which $340 billion WAS taxed and the remaining paid out by stock buybacks WHICH were again taxed.. that according to this chart these billions in taxes will be coming in over the next 10 years.
/—-/ Oh, just pointing out a little fact.
And I'm pointing out a simple fact. The little red dotted line tells you if you misspell a word..."
Screen Shot 2024-09-13 at 9.12.27 AM.png
Why is that so difficult to note and correct? To me that indicates lazy people which most people who DON"T substantiate with links their wild-ass comments.
And I'm pointing out a simple fact. The little red dotted line tells you if you misspell a word..."View attachment 1010986 !
Why is that so difficult to note and correct? To me that indicates lazy people which most people who DON"T substantiate with links their wild-ass comments.
/—-/ In a creative writing class wannabe writers were upset they were expected to use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling in emails to the writing instructor. “But, its jus email”
Thanks. Very keen of you so if you are that observant why did you ignore the little red dotted line pointing out the spelling error? Very simple.
Let's go back to what YOU ignored, shall we?
Before you got your panties all in a ruffle about a minor typo that really didn't amount to much, the subject was how much more dangerous convicted felon Trump would be in a second Term without the guardrails (like Mike Pence) that kept him (for the most part) on the right side of the law during his first term.
The guy is so stupid, so boorish and incurious, so incompetent and disinterested in learning and improving himself, a second term of his would probably be a disaster our nation would never recover from.
It would literally be the end of us.
Perhaps that is more important for rumination than other people's careless typos?
Just sayin'.
Let's go back to what YOU ignored, shall we?
Before you got your panties all in a ruffle about a minor typo that really didn't amount to much, the subject was how much more dangerous convicted felon Trump would be in a second Term without the guardrails (like Mike Pence) that kept him (for the most part) on the right side of the law during his first term.
The guy is so stupid, so boorish and incurious, so incompetent and disinterested in learning and improving himself, a second term of his would probably be a disaster our nation would never recover from.
It would literally be the end of us.
Perhaps that is more important for rumination than other people's careless typos?
Just sayin'.

Trump will get into WWIII if he gets re-elected.
Choosing to have alternate electors to be ready once a court decides there is to be a change in the outcome, is not unlawful.

However, after the election has been certified by the state, there is no reason to have alternate electors because the election has been decided and the legal deadline for challenges in court is over.

Trump’S Alternate electors if you want to call them that went beyond being alternate electors. They sent an actual version of the elector certificate to Mike Pence to use in the Eastman plot.

However, it couldn’t work because Mike Pence refused to participate in the Eastman fraudulent scheme to overturn the election for Don Trump.
Bullshit, nothing says the courts decide an election
/——/ Why didn’t he do those things when he was president for four years?
He tried to stay in power using criminal fraud after losing the election for a second term.

There is no disputing Don Trump’s thirst for unconstitutional authoritarian power. He told the entire world on January 6, that he has no respect for the multicultural voters who fired him three months earlier with this comment:

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”​

Trump couid not become president unless Mike Pence committed fraud in furtherance of the Eastman plan that day.

Mike Pence refused to commit fraud.

Bullshit, nothing says the courts decide an election
The voters decide. And when there is a dispute the loser seeks resolution through the courts.

Donald Trump sought resolution through white Christian mob violence and through a criminal enterprise contrived by Trump Lawyer John Eastman’s fake electric scheme, put into action by Jenna Ellis, under Rudy Giuliani, and the Kracken hag Sydney Powell.
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He tried to stay in power using criminal fraud after losing the election for a second term.
The law and precedent disagrees with the democrat's lies, lies, and more lies.

It was just a couple months ago you and all the democrats claimed Biden to be fit to be president.

Democrats are a joke who have no problem with dementia Joe leading the nation.

A real sick party, democrats need to change the name of the party, maybe demarxist?
The law and precedent disagrees
Actually, grand juries are a big part of the law and our Justice system. . And several grand juries being informed of the evidence and the law decided there’s enough evidence to prosecute Don Trump, his rioters and many of his fake elector minions and the lawyers who caused Republican officials to commit crimes for Donald Trump..

Why would anybody throw their careers and their lives away for the bumbling stumbling selfish and ignorant and racist idiot?
1 Million dead from Covid. --- You clowns hated Trump long before Covid. And he made the vaccine possible. Dem Govs shoved elderly Covid patients into understaffed nursing homes to die.
5 Million jobs lost - Governors shut down their state economies and screamed when Trump wanted to reopen them early.
265,000 small businesses shuttered. Governors shut down their state economies and screamed when Trump wanted to reopen them early.
riots in the streets - ANTIFA and BLM are under Trump's control? He offered Federal troops and the blue state mayors said no.
assaults on Democracy - democracy bad - republic good.
You already knew that, but couldn't post anything other than lies. Cause that's how you roll.

REAL is they all made mistakes, and took no responsibility for there OWN mistakes.
REAL is that keeping power & there jobs was more important than saving our country.
reality's is that Hundreds are getting sick and some die every week.
because THEY did not make a good plan & stick to it.
Do you know the story behind why he had that hat on. It is something to do with being a decent human being, unlike the deranged monster that the red hat represents.
If the hat represents a deranged monster this shows that president Biden is witless, dying of dementia.
I guess if Biden wore a Swatika that also makes Biden, decent.

You prove how democrats are of very low intelligence
If the hat represents a deranged monster

Joe Biden is president for all Americans, including all those who are stupid enough to support a deranged monster.

Behaving with decency towards each other during the 911 event between Biden and a Trump supporting firefighter is something I a hate infested indecent Trump supporter just cannot comprehend. It is really sad being you I’m sure.

The event in Shanksville commemorated Flight 93, which was taken over by al-Qaeda hijackers in 2001. Passengers fought back and prevented the plane being crashed into a government building in Washington. All 40 aboard died.

Biden greeted firefighters and paid respects at a cross made from the broken fuselage.

Footage inside the fire station posted to social media shows Biden chatting with people and interacting with a man wearing a red hat with "Trump 2024" emblazoned on the front.

Biden offers the man a hat with the presidential seal on it, saying he would autograph it.

After some joking about his age, Biden hands the man the autographed cap and offers to trade it for the Trump hat.

Several of those gathered call on him to put it on, to which he shouts: "I ain't going that far!" before putting it on, to loud cheers.

The White House later explained it was a way to underline the unity theme of the day.

"As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, POTUS should put on his Trump cap," deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

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