Hear what citizens in Springfield told their elected officials before the Trump debate

Sorry you believe that was directed at you. It was a message to all.
That you decided to share by replying to me specifically. There is a general reply button down there at the bottom when you want to send a general message not directed at any one person in particular. Did you forget about it?
That you decided to share by replying to me specifically. There is a general reply button down there at the bottom when you want to send a general message not directed at any one person in particular. Did you forget about it?
Like now all the blue boxes say thanks , gift. , quote , reply , curried goats and report. That's all there are.
Yes, and they hunt LEGALLY!!!!!!!!
They have to PAY for licenses and FOLLOW RULES AND LAWS or face stiff penalties and fines for not doing so, you fucking IDIOT.
So your problem is that they have no permit.

Just as a question, did anyone ask them if they had a permit?

Why do you think they had no permit?

How do you know the GOP with their guns had permits? Was it their guns or they are white?
No one is eating pets. And those Haitians are reviving a town that was dying economically
Like now all the blue boxes say thanks , gift. , quote , reply , curried goats and report. That's all there are.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page there is a giant box you can type things in and when you hit reply it doesn't tag anyone in particular. The reply button on the bottom of my post is to reply to my post, not everyone.
They must present some reason why they are seeking asylum because they made the claim. There has to be some evidence to back the claim up. That's why we have immigration courts. Judges determine their fate.

Such as? Explain why one Haitian is allowed to stay but another would not? Or can all of Haiti 'migrate' here, along with the rest of the 3rd world?
Again, I never made any claims about unemployment you fucking idiot. The claim i did make i did substatiate. That you have questions after that isnt my problem.

I'm not here to do fan fiction for you. Why do you think it's my job to imagine how they got there? :dunno: I didn't make any claims about their means of transportation or the depth of their financial resources.

Because you're such a moron you think getting from one location to the next and getting a job is the equivalent of being able to fix centuries of socioeconomic exploitation? You would believe something that fucking stupid..... :lol:

I don't even know what point you're making here. What do you mean out bred in the past? What is that in reference to? It's the United States census that is confirming demographic change.

You made claims that they came there for jobs, so how many are working? Should be easy enough to answer, yet you can't do so.

So you can't back up or explain how a penniless 'migrant' came all the way to the states and middle America to look for a job?

You're the one basically claiming they are helpless and stupid since they are incapable of fixing what is wrong with their own country, which is the foundation for the 'excuse' you use for why they should all come live here.

That's because you're not very bright. Why do 'minorities' even exist after 10's of thousands of years on the planet and inter-breeding? According to your logic, there should be no minorities at this point, or is your taunt about wiping out all whites by inter-breeding, or out breeding just another bullshit line that you always use?
So your problem is that they have no permit.

Just as a question, did anyone ask them if they had a permit?

Why do you think they had no permit?

How do you know the GOP with their guns had permits? Was it their guns or they are white?
I see it's drink o'clock in Ireland. :alcoholic:
Elected officials would be highly unlikely to turn their backs on the majority of the population. That doesn't make sense. About as much sense as the pet-eating claim itself. More likely some hateful native residents came up with this BS to attack the Haitians.

Yet that's exactly what they do, because so far they have faced no consequences for doing so. And when the consequences come, your side will be screaming about citizens attacking the precious state and 'destroying democracy'. Tell me, how far do they have to go before you will wake up?
I do believe we have a few members here that are Blood Tribe.

Trump’s line at the debate was the culmination of a weekslong rumor mill that appears to have at least been amplified by Blood Tribe, which has sought to demonize the local Haitian community online and in person. The debate drew more than 67 million viewers, according to the media analytics company Nielsen.

As with most rumors, the beginning of the baseless claims about Haitians eating pets in Springfield is hard to pinpoint, but Blood Tribe undoubtedly helped spread it.

Starting in late June, people in local Facebook groups had been posting about Haitian children chasing ducks and geese. Around the same time, conservative media was characterizing Springfield as being “flooded” with Haitian immigrants. Over the next few weeks, the Facebook complaints, still without evidence, got darker, with anonymous posters claiming they were hearing that ducks and geese were going missing, perhaps even being eaten by their immigrant neighbors.

Pohlhaus, a Marine-turned-tattoo artist known as “Hammer” to his hundreds of followers, wrote Blood Tribe had “pushed Springfield into the public consciousness.”

Members of his hate group agreed. “The president is talking about it now,” a member wrote on Gab, a Twitter-like service popular with extremists. “This is what real power looks like.”
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The citizens of Springfield don't agree with you and certainly don't consider their city thriving. Haitians are remaking Springfield into what they left. If Haitians were such a hardworking people, Haiti would not be the shithole that it is. The reason democrats brought Haitians here and settled them in small town America is to destroy that town. There is no other reason.

Next up. Voodoo sacrifice.

Exactly, they have no answer for that.
Sorry you believe that was directed at you. It was a message to all.

It's hilarious that you're both on the same side but unable to even recognize it, your egos are too big and have overtaken any intelligence that may have been there.
That you decided to share by replying to me specifically. There is a general reply button down there at the bottom when you want to send a general message not directed at any one person in particular. Did you forget about it?

Are you incapable of reading the content of his posts and understanding he's on the same 'side' you are? Clown show. 🤡
You made claims that they came there for jobs, so how many are working? Should be easy enough to answer, yet you can't do so.

Questions aren't counter arguments moron. I never claimed to be able to tell you the employment rate of Haitians in Ohio. I said they traveled to Ohio for jobs.
So you can't back up or explain how a penniless 'migrant' came all the way to the states and middle America to look for a job?
Who said they were penniless? If you want me to accept your premise that they were penniless you need to prove that.
You're the one basically claiming they are helpless and stupid since they are incapable of fixing what is wrong with their own country, which is the foundation for the 'excuse' you use for why they should all come live here.
That's not at all what I said. I said travel from one state to the next or one country to the next and applying for a job isn't on the same level of difficulty as fixing the socioeconomic disparities born from colonialism and slavery. If you think it is feel free to explain why.
That's because you're not very bright. Why do 'minorities' even exist after 10's of thousands of years on the planet and inter-breeding?
What kind of stupid question is this? Minorities exist within certain contexts. Idiot. Black people are minorities in America, not so much in Jamaica. Jews are minorities in America not so in Israel.
According to your logic, there should be no minorities at this point, or is your taunt about wiping out all whites by inter-breeding, or out breeding just another bullshit line that you always use?
That isn't my logic. That's you trying and failing at reason and logic. :lol:

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