Hear what citizens in Springfield told their elected officials before the Trump debate

Actually all immigrants are classified as undocumented or documented. The term illegal can only be officially used after the undocumented have their day in court and then , only if their claim for asylum is ruled unwarranted. In our long history as a free nation ,most are allowed in. Most are telling the truth.

So what do they have to prove in 'their day in court'?
I believe what the Springfield officials said , it's not happening there.

I believe what the residents, the people that actually have to live day to day with these 'migrants' are saying. The 'officials' are nothing but liars and have turned their backs on the citizens they're supposed to be representing.
So what do they have to prove in 'their day in court'?
They must present some reason why they are seeking asylum because they made the claim. There has to be some evidence to back the claim up. That's why we have immigration courts. Judges determine their fate.
It is your job when you make the claim. You can't substantiate your claim, therefore it is bullshit.
Again, I never made any claims about unemployment you fucking idiot. The claim i did make i did substatiate. That you have questions after that isnt my problem.
You can't even explain how a poor penniless Haitian gets from Haiti to the US to begin with, enters without papers, manages to make their way to middle America to find a job, all without any money or assistance from anyone. You sound like a complete fool.
I'm not here to do fan fiction for you. Why do you think it's my job to imagine how they got there? :dunno: I didn't make any claims about their means of transportation or the depth of their financial resources.
Seems to me that if they can manage to get into the US and find employment in middle America, they have the brains and the where with all to effect change in their own country of origin.
Because you're such a moron you think getting from one location to the next and getting a job is the equivalent of being able to fix centuries of socioeconomic exploitation? You would believe something that fucking stupid..... :lol:
Yes, you've stated your bullshit many times on this board, yet you can't explain how all of your minorities have managed to stay around when you've clearly been 'out bred' in the past. Your pie in the sky dreams will never be realized, you're being played for the fool you are.
I don't even know what point you're making here. What do you mean out bred in the past? What is that in reference to? It's the United States census that is confirming demographic change.
I believe what the residents, the people that actually have to live day to day with these 'migrants' are saying. The 'officials' are nothing but liars and have turned their backs on the citizens they're supposed to be representing.
Elected officials would be highly unlikely to turn their backs on the majority of the population. That doesn't make sense. About as much sense as the pet-eating claim itself. More likely some hateful native residents came up with this BS to attack the Haitians.

12,000 to 15,000 Haitians went there between 2020 and now.... A 4 year period. They were not all dumped there at once?

They were INVITED there by an open letter in the papers, from the city Council, inviting immigrants to come and fill all their job openings and work in a Springfield factory is what was reported.

I believe the Haitians are on some kind of Protection Visa.....which is only a temp visa, allowing them to live and work here while Haiti is going through this dangerous time and crisis, and then the USA orders them home once the Haitian crisis is calmer or over and it is safer for them to return home.

They are never on a visa that offers citizenship.

Governor DeWine is sending more money and troopers to help teach them how to drive, and straighten up the traffic havoc, there has been money to fund larger class rooms, and more hospital/clinics and workers to ease the medical delays and more interpreters and stuff like that....

If the Haitians were needed to work, why are they unemployed and living on EBT and animals they can steal? It's a lie like everything else democrats say. The mayor and entire city council are being recalled and should be recalled.
Actually all immigrants are classified as undocumented or documented. The term illegal can only be officially used after the undocumented have their day in court and then , only if their claim for asylum is ruled unwarranted. In our long history as a free nation ,most are allowed in. Most are telling the truth.
I don't care about your pedantic point guy, you understood what I meant, clearly.
I believe what the Springfield officials said , it's not happening there.
Then why did you make a point about pet eating to me?
It's not surprising you don't understand the difference, in one post you're talking about them respecting the laws of the country they've 'migrated' to, and in the next you're claiming there aren't any. You're not very bright.
That was a rhetorical question you fucking moron...... :lol:

It was the poster I was responding to who seemed confused.

What is the difference? The government allows both into the country and then ships them both around and allows them to do whatever

If the Haitians were needed to work, why are they unemployed and living on EBT and animals they can steal? It's a lie like everything else democrats say. The mayor and entire city council are being recalled and should be recalled.
85% of the Haitians are employed and Reuters wrote an article how the Haitians fueled the Springfield economy. The city has been in decline for years , now it's thriving.
I don't care about your pedantic point guy, you understood what I meant, clearly.

Then why did you make a point about pet eating to me?
This a discussion board I am not just talking to you , I'm talking to everyone on here and expressing what I believe to be the truth of the matter.
85% of the Haitians are employed and Reuters wrote an article how the Haitians fueled the Springfield economy. The city has been in decline for years , now it's thriving.
The citizens of Springfield don't agree with you and certainly don't consider their city thriving. Haitians are remaking Springfield into what they left. If Haitians were such a hardworking people, Haiti would not be the shithole that it is. The reason democrats brought Haitians here and settled them in small town America is to destroy that town. There is no other reason.

Next up. Voodoo sacrifice.
The citizens of Springfield don't agree with you and certainly don't consider their city thriving. Haitians are remaking Springfield into what they left. If Haitians were such a hardworking people, Haiti would not be the shithole that it is. The reason democrats brought Haitians here and settled them in small town America is to destroy that town. There is no other reason.

Next up. Voodoo sacrifice.
Fortunately reason rules in America , not your fanaticism.

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