Hear what citizens in Springfield told their elected officials before the Trump debate

If you scroll to the bottom of this page there is a giant box you can type things in and when you hit reply it doesn't tag anyone in particular. The reply button on the bottom of my post is to reply to my post, not everyone.
Thank you never used that feature before. Thanks again.

These are the people democrats are calling liars.

These are the people Kamala disdains and wants replaced. or worse.

Notice, Kamala never sends Haitians to rich democrat strongholds where she resides, where her rich elitist friends reside. No, she just sends them to red rural states to dilute her political opponents as she replaces them.

We all know Kamala will pack the Supreme Court if she ever gets the chance in order to take it over, but in the interim, she will pack places like Springfield Ohio with her cronies as she methodically turns red states into blue ones to take them over.

Gee, not one of them claimed an immigrant ate their family pet.

Thanks for proving Trump is a liar and an idiot, which most of us already knew.

The third lady was upset at seeing non-whites in her area, and bi-lingual signs.

Fuck that racist bitch.
What I find amazing about President Trump is through the years I've supported him he comes up with what seems to be some crazy ShIt, BUT, it always turns out to be true.
What I find amazing about President Trump is through the years I've supported him he comes up with what seems to be some crazy ShIt, BUT, it always turns out to be true.
Give another example. He's been so wrong about so many things it isn't funny
Depends on their pay.
If they get paid at all. For a city of 50,000 they're usually paid and number between 5 and 7. There are no set rules. A city is best represented by more ,not less representatives in the city council representing all ethnic groups on the city. New York has 51 , Chicago has 50. Etc. Etc.

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