Zone1 Statue of Black Educator Replaces Confederate General in U.S. Capitol

I dunno if my reaction is the one the OP seeks, but I don’t actually care that they took down a statue of a Confederate soldier. And with or without regard to skin color, a statue to an actual educator is a nice addition to the nation’s Capitol.
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I dunno if my reaction is the one the OP seeks, but I don’t actually care that they took down a statue of a Confederate soldier. And with or without regard to skin color, a statue to an actual educator is a nice addition to the nation Capitol.
Is there a statue of Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller’s teacher? Plus, she started her teaching of Helen in Alabama, so it would still be appropriate for a southern state.
A statue of someone I've never heard of in the US Capitol sounds stupid to me, considering how many great Floridians are out there.

What's wrong with a statue of Tim Tebow or Rush Limbaugh?

How about President Trump?
When I was in grade school my best friend's mom gave me a book on Mary McLeod Bethune. Even though it was a success story in many aspects it was too heavy for my heart and soon to be forgotten.

Image my surprise more than a decade later to find myself viewing with my own eyes the house where she lived up the street from Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Florida where I ended up for college. I had apparently forgotten that the school she founded initially for girls was located in Daytona.

I wanted to post this in current events because is truly an historical event but some members here cannot be civil when left to their own devices so at least it stands a chance here in Zone 1 of the Race and Racism forum.
Statue of Black Educator Replaces Confederate General in U.S. Capitol
What's a "black educator"?
Why does George Floyd deserve a statue?
I agree. Why is a drug-addicted deadbeat father, whose own children don’t know him, with a long criminal record a model for black children? He represents the very WORST of the black community.
I agree. Why is a drug-addicted deadbeat father, whose own children don’t know him, with a long criminal record a model for black children? He represents the very WORST of the black community.
For me it's not about who he was. Its about what happened and a reminder on how little progress this country has made in race relations.
For me it's not about who he was. Its about what happened and a reminder on how little progress this country has made in race relations.
It was a very rare incident and NOT indicative of lack of progress. Compare how our country treated blacks in the south, especially, to now - where blacks actually are favored over whites in some arenas (most notably college admissions).

There is no more racism against blacks than there is antisemitism against Jews. This false idea that blacks are oppressed victims is what is setting back race relations.
It was a very rare incident and NOT indicative of lack of progress. Compare how our country treated blacks in the south, especially, to now - where blacks actually are favored over whites in some arenas (most notably college admissions).

There is no more racism against blacks than there is antisemitism against Jews. This false idea that blacks are oppressed victims is what is setting back race relations.
So, what you’re saying is that my opinion on this subject is irrelevant. Yours on the other hand is not, as a matter of fact your opinion matters more than mine.
Just for the record, neither Antisemitism nor racism should exist.
So, what you’re saying is that my opinion on this subject is irrelevant. Yours on the other hand is not, as a matter of fact your opinion matters more than mine.
Just for the record, neither Antisemitism nor racism should exist.
I’m saying I disagree with you that the one sadistic cop killing the defiant criminal (no indication race had anything to do with it) is an indication that there has been a lack of progress among race relations.

Your response was childish. Someone says something that disagrees with what you’ve said, and you attack with “so my opinion doesn’t count as much as yours?” That is a strategy put forth by Alinsky to divert from the point made by your opponent, and get your opponent to start defending himself.
I’m saying I disagree with you that the one sadistic cop killing the defiant criminal (no indication race had anything to do with it) is an indication that there has been a lack of progress among race relations.

Your response was childish. Someone says something that disagrees with what you’ve said, and you attack with “so my opinion doesn’t count as much as yours?” That is a strategy put forth by Alinsky to divert from the point made by your opponent, and get your opponent to start defending himself.
Actually it shows what white people have always done and continue to do.
Btw, I’ve never heard of this Alinsky person, so thats not where my opinion comes from.
Actually it shows what white people have always done and continue to do.
Btw, I’ve never heard of this Alinsky person, so thats not where my opinion comes from.
You’ve learned the Alinsky tactic by adopting it from other leftists who practice it.

Just out of curiosity, do you mind if I ask how old you are?
You’ve learned the Alinsky tactic by adopting it from other leftists who practice it.

Just out of curiosity, do you mind if I ask how old you are?
You have no idea about why I post what I post.
If “attack the messenger” is a liberal tactic, why do I see “ fake news” posted by Republicans?
As a matter of fact I do mind. You probably wouldn’t believe me and call me a liar.
For me it's not about who he was. Its about what happened and a reminder on how little progress this country has made in race relations.
The same thing happened to a white man, it just didn’t get the media coverage, does he get a statue?

The confederacy was a nation of it's own that waged war against the U.S. and lost. That IS what happened, so the confederacy is not American history. It is Confederate history therefore a statues or anything else honoring traitors need to be removed.

Apparently, you are the stupid one. But it doesn't take much intelligence to be a WS.
so the rebels that fought the british during the revolutionary war should never be recognized as part of american history
The same thing happened to a white man, it just didn’t get the media coverage, does he get a statue?

So true. Where is HIS statue? Where was his massive funeral fit for a head of state? Why wasn’t HIS killer‘s trial televised? Why didn’t cities burn to the ground for what happened to HIM? Why didn’t MACY’s have 8 minutes of silence to honor HIM? Why weren’t there photos of him in store windows?

Answer: He was white.

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