Hear what citizens in Springfield told their elected officials before the Trump debate

You're making the claims that they were invited and/or traveled there for 'jobs', so how many out of the 20k are gainfully employed and how many are living off of the government?
Why do you think it's my job to answer your question? I don't know that any are living off the government. I do know the article I linked to said many came for jobs and low cost of living.
Why don't we just take in all 12 million Haitians, and the remainder of the world's 'poor' as well, according to you pukes that would be the humanitarian thing to do. 🤡
I'm down. Do you have something against allowing poor people the opportunity to better their lives? :dunno:
And look at all the little lefties in here that are now a fan of killing animals and eating them. A lot of those animals have been domesticated, ducks within city limits are not used to be hunted, and do not fear or avoid humans, but now suddenly they're fair game for people to kill and eat. Bunch of fucking cultist lefties that will say and do anything to protect their cult.
That's just a lot of angry words guy. In Jamaica we like oxtail and goat. I think it's the Philippinios who enjoy some guinea pig. We Chinese also love us some duck. Florida man loves him some gator and iguana. The Japanese are eating everything. Not everything is for everyone. I try not to judge. My wife tried cricket in South Africa, not for me but this story isn't even true so why are acting like such a fearful fucker?
Why were they even brought there?

Who is responsible?
A good question. No one put them there. They chose to go there because there were plenty of job opportunities. Here in Nebraska , most of our larger cities have surging immigration populations because of the same reason. Plus Nebraskans are generally accepting to have outsiders , especially when they are good , hard-working people. Just had a severe hail storm. The crew that replaced my roof was 100% immigrants. They arrived at 7am and worked in near 90 degree heat and didn't quit until 8 30 pm. They got the job done in one day. FYI : Sept 15th. is Guatemalan Independence Day. They were all looking forward to that and planned to take the day off. All I can say is ," Much as Gracias ! " and enjoy your day off , you deserve it.
Why do you think it's my job to answer your question? I don't know that any are living off the government. I do know the article I linked to said many came for jobs and low cost of living.

I'm down. Do you have something against allowing poor people the opportunity to better their lives? :dunno:

That's just a lot of angry words guy. In Jamaica we like oxtail and goat. I think it's the Philippinios who enjoy some guinea pig. We Chinese also love us some duck. Florida man loves him some gator and iguana. The Japanese are eating everything. Not everything is for everyone. I try not to judge. My wife tried cricket in South Africa, not for me but this story isn't even true so why are acting like such a fearful fucker?

It is your job, you made the claim, but I never had any expectations that you'd be able to back up anything you say.

Why aren't they 'bettering their lives' right where they are at?

So it's okay to go to another country and disrespect their culture? Doesn't surprise me that you'd think that's okay.
It is your job, you made the claim, but I never had any expectations that you'd be able to back up anything you say.

Why aren't they 'bettering their lives' right where they are at?

So it's okay to go to another country and disrespect their culture? Doesn't surprise me that you'd think that's okay.
From what I can ascertain, the government officials invited these immigrants into Springfield, thus making themselves a sanctuary city.

But when locals protest after having issues with this, the media portrays them as haters that just need to deal.

These folks don't have any representation at the local or federal level regarding this issue.
A good question. No one put them there. They chose to go there because there were plenty of job opportunities. Here in Nebraska , most of our larger cities have surging immigration populations because of the same reason. Plus Nebraskans are generally accepting to have outsiders , especially when they are good , hard-working people. Just had a severe hail storm. The crew that replaced my roof was 100% immigrants. They arrived at 7am and worked in near 90 degree heat and didn't quit until 8 30 pm. They got the job done in one day. FYI : Sept 15th. is Guatemalan Independence Day. They were all looking forward to that and planned to take the day off. All I can say is ," Much as Gracias ! " and enjoy your day off , you deserve it.

How many are employed and how many are living off of the government? How does a 'poor Haitian' get to the US, find a city in middle America, travel there, find a place to live, all without a job or any money? Solve the mystery for us.
How many are employed and how many are living off of the government? How does a 'poor Haitian' get to the US, find a city in middle America, travel there, find a place to live, all without a job or any money? Solve the mystery for us.

That must be it.
It is your job, you made the claim, but I never had any expectations that you'd be able to back up anything you say.
I didn't make any claim about unemployment you fucking Moron. :lol:

I argued no one put them there, that they traveled their on their own looking for job opportunities and my link supported that.
Why aren't they 'bettering their lives' right where they are at?
Haiti? Probably because it's much harder to what with the violence, instability and lack of stable infrastructure.
So it's okay to go to another country and disrespect their culture? Doesn't surprise me that you'd think that's okay.
All they have to respect are laws. Your feelings are optional. Be less of a bitch about it.
From what I can ascertain, the government officials invited these immigrants into Springfield, thus making themselves a sanctuary city.

But when locals protest after having issues with this, the media portrays them as haters that just need to deal.

These folks don't have any representation at the local or federal level regarding this issue.
Where did you ascertain this from? :dunno:

Sanctuary cities are for illegal immigrants, Moron. These are legal immigrants.
I didn't make any claim about unemployment you fucking Moron. :lol:

I argued no one put them there, that they traveled their on their own looking for job opportunities and my link supported that.

Haiti? Probably because it's much harder to what with the violence, instability and lack of stable infrastructure.

All they have to respect are laws. Your feelings are optional. Be less of a bitch about it.

How many are employed and how many are living off of the government? How does a 'poor Haitian' get to the US, find a city in middle America, travel there, find a place to live, all without a job or any money? Solve the mystery for us.

Why don't they fix it?

Okay, so respecting culture is not necessary in your opinion, good to know.
Where did you ascertain this from? :dunno:

Sanctuary cities are for illegal immigrants, Moron. These are legal immigrants.
What is the difference? The government allows both into the country and then ships them both around and allows them to do whatever

How many are employed and how many are living off of the government? How does a 'poor Haitian' get to the US, find a city in middle America, travel there, find a place to live, all without a job or any money? Solve the mystery for us.
That's not my job.
Why don't they fix it?
Just like that huh? :dunno: :lol:

Why do you ask stupid questions that make it seem like you can't put history and circumstance into context?

In case you feel like pretending or actually are that stupid I can tell you that as a child of immigrants from a former slave colony that the wealth, stolen from our land and derived from the labor of ancestors traveled back to places like America and Europe and so it is to these countries we will go to take it back.
Okay, so respecting culture is not necessary in your opinion, good to know.
Like I said, all that's required is respecting law and the law says your culture can be replaced. All anyone has to do is out breed you.
What is the difference? The government allows both into the country and then ships them both around and allows them to do whatever

What's the difference between legal and illegal? Is playing dumb the only move you people have left?
Governor DeWine is sending more money and troopers to help teach them how to drive, and straighten up the traffic havoc, there has been money to fund larger class rooms, and more hospital/clinics and workers to ease the medical delays and more interpreters and stuff like that....
They started coming 4 year ago and he's finally getting around to this.

No wonder he is in denial.

Sounds like a total screw up on his part.

Are you going to respond to the claims they've made regarding animals disappearing or is that now being swept under the rug ?
Why do you think it's my job to answer your question? I don't know that any are living off the government. I do know the article I linked to said many came for jobs and low cost of living.

I'm down. Do you have something against allowing poor people the opportunity to better their lives? :dunno:

That's just a lot of angry words guy. In Jamaica we like oxtail and goat. I think it's the Philippinios who enjoy some guinea pig. We Chinese also love us some duck. Florida man loves him some gator and iguana. The Japanese are eating everything. Not everything is for everyone. I try not to judge. My wife tried cricket in South Africa, not for me but this story isn't even true so why are acting like such a fearful fucker?
I ate Witchetty grubs when I was in Australia. They were delicious. An aboriginal diet stable. They are huge grubs , about 10 times the size of Japanese Bettle grubs. Deep-Fat fried , taste like french fries with a nutty flavor. They were a little squishy in the middle. Overall good though. Ate Jicama fruiting Jamaica. Not as good , taste like a coarse may apple fruit. At any rate , neither were people's pets.
I ate Witchetty grubs when I was in Australia. They were delicious. An aboriginal diet stable. They are huge grubs , about 10 times the size of Japanese Bettle grubs. Deep-Fat fried , taste like french fries with a nutty flavor. They were a little squishy in the middle. Overall good though. Ate Jicama fruiting Jamaica. Not as good , taste like a coarse may apple fruit. At any rate , neither were people's pets.
That would explain some things.
I ate Witchetty grubs when I was in Australia. They were delicious. An aboriginal diet stable. They are huge grubs , about 10 times the size of Japanese Bettle grubs. Deep-Fat fried , taste like french fries with a nutty flavor. They were a little squishy in the middle. Overall good though. Ate Jicama fruiting Jamaica. Not as good , taste like a coarse may apple fruit. At any rate , neither were people's pets.
And you imagining Haitians are eating people's pets doesn't make it so.
That's not my job.

Just like that huh? :dunno: :lol:

Why do you ask stupid questions that make it seem like you can't put history and circumstance into context?

In case you feel like pretending or actually are that stupid I can tell you that as a child of immigrants from a former slave colony that the wealth, stolen from our land and derived from the labor of ancestors traveled back to places like America and Europe and so it is to these countries we will go to take it back.

Like I said, all that's required is respecting law and the law says your culture can be replaced. All anyone has to do is out breed you.

It is your job when you make the claim. You can't substantiate your claim, therefore it is bullshit. You can't even explain how a poor penniless Haitian gets from Haiti to the US to begin with, enters without papers, manages to make their way to middle America to find a job, all without any money or assistance from anyone. You sound like a complete fool.

Seems to me that if they can manage to get into the US and find employment in middle America, they have the brains and the where with all to effect change in their own country of origin.

Yes, you've stated your bullshit many times on this board, yet you can't explain how all of your minorities have managed to stay around when you've clearly been 'out bred' in the past. Your pie in the sky dreams will never be realized, you're being played for the fool you are.
What's the difference between legal and illegal? Is playing dumb the only move you people have left?
Actually all immigrants are classified as undocumented or documented. The term illegal can only be officially used after the undocumented have their day in court and then , only if their claim for asylum is ruled unwarranted. In our long history as a free nation ,most are allowed in. Most are telling the truth.
What's the difference between legal and illegal? Is playing dumb the only move you people have left?

It's not surprising you don't understand the difference, in one post you're talking about them respecting the laws of the country they've 'migrated' to, and in the next you're claiming there aren't any. You're not very bright.

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