Photo Shows "palestine" Hamas Leader's Nephew Children Celebrating 9/11 Islamist Massacre of 3,000

As always, you’re completely wrong. What’s being talked about in this thread is the idiocy of believing the children of such a tender age are celebrating American deaths.

The children were being posed by the adults in their lives in front of that photograph, and their gestures are meaningless.

What isn’t meaningless is the hate constantly spewed by the Trump Cult towards “others”.

Racist, angry and clueless is no way to go through life
Racist, angry, and clueless is the exact description of the bigoted HAMAS supporters abusing Jewish students and screaming to genocide Jews.

But the target is Jews, and the culprits are Muslims (and their clueless supporters), so… silence.
The Only "EVIL" around the 911 event is the massholes believing in the bullshit official story.

911 was the cover event for the war against 7 middle eastern countries that were hesitant in the idea of a WORLD GOVERNMENT.
That 40,000 was an old figure. It's probably thousands more by now. Plus when you add in those dying from starvation,

Gaza: Israel’s Imposed Starvation Deadly for Children
(Beirut, April 9, 2024) – Children in Gaza have been dying from starvation-related complications since the Israeli government began using starvation as a weapon of war, a war crime, Human Rights Watch said today. Doctors and families in Gaza described children, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, suffering from severe malnutrition and dehydration, and hospitals ill-equipped to treat them.

The forty thousand figure is straight from Hamas. Stop being a useful idiot.
As always, you’re completely wrong. What’s being talked about in this thread is the idiocy of believing the children of such a tender age are celebrating American deaths.

The children were being posed by the adults in their lives in front of that photograph, and their gestures are meaningless.

What isn’t meaningless is the hate constantly spewed by the Trump Cult towards “others”.

Racist, angry and clueless is no way to go through life
I’m not blaming the children….. they are subject to their parents and guardians hate. You, however, are trying to downplay and ignore that hate and intolerance to the point you want to shift focus on Trump. Are you insinuating that Trump is worse than the mentality of celebrating 9/11 ???

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