Boeing workers on strike want 40% raise

Ahh, here you are!
Why did you run away when I challenged you?!!

that dei hire sure looked presidential tuesday night.

has trump called her "dumb as a rock" since he now knows better?

](on edit : trump may be too stupid to know how badly he was beaten, but he does know he is toast, and will not deal with it. )
And I would love to have a rainbow unicorn to give to my daughter.

Yes, it's over four years, but come on, this is ridiculous and these kind of wage increases, are one of the reasons we have been living in the inflation-age.

Boeing workers on strike for the 1st time in 16 years after 96% vote to reject contract​

The overwhelming vote to reject a contract deal is expected to halt operations in the Seattle area – the hub of Boeing's commercial plane manufacturing – and disrupt the company's supply chain.​

/—-/ The libtards say the poor workers can’t afford to buy the very products they make. You try buying a $70 million plane on an unlivable wage of $50 an hour. Greedy corporate America.
trump appears to make enough money now. has he asked you for more?
The topic is Boeing not Trump.
I earn less than Boeing workers and I'm not going on strike even though I know that my bosses are rolling dough. Most workers strike out of greed, not need. Of course, there is need if one hasn't managed their finances, but why blame your employer?
/—-/ The libtards say the poor workers can’t afford to buy the very products they make. You try buying a $70 million plane on an unlivable wage of $50 an hour. Greedy corporate America.
Right. Maybe look at smaller planes. You can get a good Cessna 150 for under 30K. :)
/—-/ The libtards say the poor workers can’t afford to buy the very products they make. You try buying a $70 million plane on an unlivable wage of $50 an hour. Greedy corporate America.
What the idiots don’t realize is that inflation has ALREADY driven airline fares skyhigh. Do these workers want to put such high compensation burdens on those who pay their salaries no choice but to raise airfares even higher, resulting in fewer people flying (Zoom meetings, driving vacations) and bring about massive layoffs?
Is he really that consistent on immigration? His rhetoric is. He hates all brown people. But he won’t come out and say what he’s going to do insofar as how it will look on the ground. Are we going to have ICE agents going house to house checking people’s papers? He won’t say.
Trump is usually short on details, but we can figure out what a president would likely do. When he went on about building the wall he gave no details, yet the wall went up (well, some of it).

Regarding deporting the immigrants, he would gather the heads of the departments concerned with immigration and put forward his agenda to them. He would fire any that bucked his orders or dragged their feet. When his plans go into motion many immigrants would 'self-deport' as they have in the past. In fact, self-deportation would likely be the most effective factor.

Moderators don't have time to listen to details even though they often ask for them. If Trump went into details the whole 90 minutes could be spent on one topic.
And I would love to have a rainbow unicorn to give to my daughter.

Yes, it's over four years, but come on, this is ridiculous and these kind of wage increases, are one of the reasons we have been living in the inflation-age.

Boeing workers on strike for the 1st time in 16 years after 96% vote to reject contract​

The overwhelming vote to reject a contract deal is expected to halt operations in the Seattle area – the hub of Boeing's commercial plane manufacturing – and disrupt the company's supply chain.​

How much do Boeing test pilots make.
And I would love to have a rainbow unicorn to give to my daughter.

Yes, it's over four years, but come on, this is ridiculous and these kind of wage increases, are one of the reasons we have been living in the inflation-age.

Boeing workers on strike for the 1st time in 16 years after 96% vote to reject contract​

The overwhelming vote to reject a contract deal is expected to halt operations in the Seattle area – the hub of Boeing's commercial plane manufacturing – and disrupt the company's supply chain.​

I divested all my stocks and retirement from Boeing as i see its eventual ending like TWA and PanAm. Now unless this company is too big to fail, it needs a good bankruptcy and all the union members fired. Then in reorganization, bring in real talent that, can not only make a better product, but at a cheaper price. Until that happens, Boeing is going down the toilet.

Maybe the workers should stop building planes where the parts fall off in mid flight....
Leave the crack pipes at home people and build a better aircraft....
DEI baby, full of it.

month later, Clinton was in China, where she jubilantly announced that the aerospace giant would be writing a generous check to help resuscitate floundering U.S. efforts to host a pavilion at the upcoming World’s Fair.

Boeing, she said, "has just agreed to double its contribution to $2 million."
Make a deal with the Devil, it will go badly for you.
The topic is Boeing not Trump.
I earn less than Boeing workers and I'm not going on strike even though I know that my bosses are rolling dough. Most workers strike out of greed, not need. Of course, there is need if one hasn't managed their finances, but why blame your employer?
How do you know that your bosses are rolling in dough. I have seen many company owners go without a paycheck for months just to keep his company going and his employees paid.
A 40% raise for building substandard products. That's the power of socialist unions for you.
Give the builders substandard parts that's what happens. That's on the Ceo and upper management 110 percent. Please work hard for low wages....the american ceo thought process.
This company has done a piss-poor job of management.

They need to pay their employees more money.

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