Trump is doing the same thing Biden did, after a horrible debate

Here's the problem, the inflation rate has come down. But, it's still higher than when Harris took office. And, it's still up 20% since Harris took office. So, people are struggling from that and the current inflation rates. The other thing is, look at the normal household necessities! The average of those is up over 45% on average. Gasoline is up almost double of what it was under Trump when he left office. The Harris years have been a disaster. And, the things she will do in the future will cause a collapse of our economy with the destruction of capitalism in which the Marxist Harris wants.
The largest cause of inflation was factors related to COVID worldwide. Every country in the world had high inflation after COVID.
The USA was hit about average comparing countries worldwide.
Reported today:

Median pretax household incomes increased by 4 percent in 2023,

Pay attention.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, soared under Trump, and has decreased under Biden....


Here's the problem, the inflation rate has come down. But, it's still higher than when Harris took office. And, it's still up 20% since Harris took office. So, people are struggling from that and the current inflation rates. The other thing is, look at the normal household necessities! The average of those is up over 45% on average. Gasoline is up almost double of what it was under Trump when he left office. The Harris years have been a disaster. And, the things she will do in the future will cause a collapse of our economy with the destruction of capitalism in which the Marxist Harris wants.

Pay attention.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, soared under Trump, and has decreased under Biden....

View attachment 1011480

The Biden administration has turned corner on inflation and real income is growing.
The whole world suffered the same post COVID economic problems. The USA handled them better than most countries.
Tell me what they should have done that they did not.
The largest cause of inflation was factors related to COVID worldwide. Every country in the world had high inflation after COVID.
The USA was hit about average comparing countries worldwide.
View attachment 1011478
Another stupid post. The reason for the inflation was because of Harris oil policy. This drove the price of gasoline up to over $7/gal. in many places. That was from $2/gal. What do you think the cost of all goods would be with this? Especially the food costs? Trump will reverse the cost of oil quickly which will reduce prices.
Then, the Harris team decided on a couple more unnecessary Covid payouts that drove inflation even higher. Then, 20 million illegals all demanding free stuff including medical care causing more inflation. Harris will continue this until capitalism dies and Marxism reigns with top down tyranny.
The Biden administration has turned corner on inflation and real income is growing.
The whole world suffered the same post COVID economic problems. The USA handled them better than most countries.
Tell me what they should have done that they did not.
No, you get bogus information from bogus sources. Check before Covid knuckleheads.

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