Zone1 Might Makes Right

If you're talking about regular people when you say "the American right"... you're missing my point. It doesn't matter what regular people advocate for, if our entire system is a sham. What I was saying was that the powers-that-shouldn't-be are oligarchs / globalists who control both sides of the aisle. They are subversive. Sure, there are probably decent people in politics at the lower levels who are sincere and truly care about what is best for our country. But what I was talking about was the highest levels. I know no one wants to hear this, but imho presidents these days are just puppets, or spokespeople, for the PTSB. That's why nothing significant changes, we're slowly but surely going toward what they want, an authoritarian world government. It won't be anything like the form of government we are supposed to have, where individual rights matter. But this actually could be a topic for a thread of its own.
We have the government we deserve. We have what be have because of th mixed bag you see on this forum. Ours is an education and moral problem. The leaders we have are the result of these competing forces, not some all powerful oligarchs inflicting their will on us innocent but powerless peasants.
We have the government WE created
The Supreme court took no position whatsoever on a person's right to an abortion ... Their ruling is the exact opposite of totalitarianism.

declaring that the constitutional right to abortion, upheld for nearly a half century, no longer exists.

simply the desert could not stand for not having the authority to tell other people how to live their lives ... than the supposed context of their ruling.

And neither issue in any way addresses my point that it isn't the American right wanting totalitarian government but those radical Marxists, all leftist, who are doing their damndest to have that.

not sure marxists even exist in america, certainly not the left ...


except for in the minds of maga and their cultural purity - the might is right to storm the capital after losing an election.

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