Diversity Win: College Religion Department Hires Professor Who Believes In God

Let's just say that there's a 60/40 divide over the belief that there is a god. And let's leave it unmentioned on which side is the 60 and which side in the 40?

Because it really doesn't matter when the number is trending.

Or if the question is qualified with 'true' believers, the divide could be more like 70/30 or 30/70?

That brings us back to the Catholics and their beliefs on the 'big fish/Jonah story? What numbers do you like best?
Atheists love to go after OT parables. They always ignore the NT and the perfect teachings of Jesus.
Any atheist can fulfill the requirements imposed by Christians as long as they're not forced to proclaim the X belief system.
Fake news. Atheism is predicated on the satisfaction of material needs and primitive impulses. They see no distinction between good and evil. They only see pleasure and pain.
A perosn's rights in America still maintain that the question on believing can't be forced on citizens. Government is actively attempting to strip away that right.

Christianity has ways of asking the question of 'belief in the god', that can remain acceptable and within the law. The Xtians know they're on the losing side in the war against Darwin. But they know there are billions of dollars still available to them before it ends.

Hence the reason why the Catholic church has made so many compromised on the literal meanings in their bibles.
The militant atheist regimes of the 20th century tried to abolish religion. Would you like to give that another try?
Show us a Christian scientist and we'll (us atheists) will show you a liar!

And if they're catholics, the scientists will be going to hell for trouble trouble.

They couldn't have gotten through an 8th. grade science class without starting to string out the christian lies!

Ask us for some examples on Sunday after the church pill.
This sounds exactly like something a communist subversive would write.
Don't ask me, ask any Christian on how they've devised ways to pretend they're not living the lies. Ask our Ding! His ways are unique in that he found a way to dump literal beliefs in the bible. Say like, he doesn't believe that A + E weren't doing each other down the 'garden' path. That was just bible porn for the priests.
It's called using common sense, dummy.
So another person who is weak minded enough to buy into the myth of Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Skyman. Big fucking deal. IF you are weak minded enough to need to this all that religious bullshit, that is on you.

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