Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

California has rejected desalinization plants on real estate of the coast in the past. Where is Donny getting the water? Who is he going to take it from? I have heard him disparage Native Americans. I can't see him doing a rain dance.
California has plenty of water. Much they divert to the sea cause they claim the Delta smelt is in danger.

The smelt is long gone but california breeds the smelt in hatcheries, dumps them in the delta, then claims they need protection.
California has plenty of water. Much they divert to the sea cause they claim the Delta smelt is in danger.

The smelt is long gone but california breeds the smelt in hatcheries, dumps them in the delta, then claims they need protection.

You and your FACTS.

So triggering.
Talk about hold back. You haven't see hold back to Ukraine like a Trump Presidency in 2025. He repeatedly refused to say he wanted Ukraine to win it's war against the continued Russian invasion and agression to control that country. Trump is a good military guy, for the Russian military and Putin. He just sucks as far as NATO and the European Union, go, as he would cede it to Vlad, whom he said was brilliant for going into Ukraine in the first place.

Quit listening to leftist propaganda on MSNBC and CNN. Trump isn't going to end the war by withholding weapons from Ukraine. He would most likely end it by forcing Putin into a position where continued aggression would be against his better judgement. In case you have forgotten, Obama withheld the transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine. It was President Trump who armed them with anti-tank missiles, giving Putin second thoughts about invading. It was also President Trump who came close to destroying both Russia's and Iran's oil-based economies by removing many regulations against our own energy producers.
In another brilliant move. Trump promises water to those dying of thirst.
Water for the biggest farms in the world that feed the entire world.

What is funny is that just a few years ago here, I commented on Ca's looming water problem and someone here lambasted me with a haughty response that Ca had water coming out the ass. Meanwhile, most of southern Ca is under water restrictions and they get part of their water bused down from the northern part of the state while most of the rest of their water is brought in from thousands of miles away from snow melt in the Rockies! And that is drying up.

Add to that something like a THIRD of all their water goes straight to agriculture for growing vegetables and nuts.

The only real solution to Ca's water problem is that they have far too many people in the LA, SD and PS regions that just gotta go. Every one of them has a swimming pool and must water their lawns daily to keep them alive.
What is funny is that just a few years ago here, I commented on Ca's looming water problem and someone here lambasted me with a haughty response that Ca had water coming out the ass. Meanwhile, most of southern Ca is under water restrictions and they get part of their water bused down from the northern part of the state while most of the rest of their water is brought in from thousands of miles away from snow melt in the Rockies! And that is drying up.

Add to that something like a THIRD of all their water goes straight to agriculture for growing vegetables and nuts.

The only real solution to Ca's water problem is that they have far too many people in the LA, SD and PS regions that just gotta go. Every one of them has a swimming pool and must water their lawns daily to keep them alive.
90% of California's water goes to industry and agriculture

I like to use the Wine Industries crush report to show record crop yields in recent years as proof there is plenty of water.
I like to use the Wine Industries crush report to show record crop yields in recent years as proof there is plenty of water.

There is only plenty of water because Ca is sucking up every drop it can lay its hands on, at the expense of others who need it too.

Like who?

Water galore? Like I said, the water just isn't there and so far, Ca is only getting by on reserves. As usual, people have exploited a resource to the very limit of killing it. Current consumption cannot continue much longer.

In another brilliant move. Trump promises water to those dying of thirst.

Water for the biggest farms in the world that feed the entire world.

Water for the suffering people in Southern California
“You have so much water, and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. And you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle. … The land would be damp, and you’d stop many of these horrible fires that are costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government,” he said.
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Do you mean he's got the "concept of a plan"? Yeah, we have heard that before. :itsok:
Water galore? Like I said, the water just isn't there and so far, Ca is only getting by on reserves. As usual, people have exploited a resource to the very limit of killing it. Current consumption cannot continue much longer.

The colorado river does not come into play. Non issue there. Owens Valley and Central Valley is where the water will come from.

Water is being diverted to the ocean. That can stop, problem solved
What once was, and now is.
So? Mexico uses the water for farming. Tell Mexico to quit farming. And we can nit forget about Arizons, quit building homes and farms in Arizons.

The Colorado river made it to the sea of cortez until the arizona water project came online as well as the new agriculture in mexico.

And again, colorado river water was never used in the central valley or los angeles county and orange county
The politicians from the red state of Arizona have the perfect solution, bring in water from the Mississippi River.

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