An apology to Trump supporters - Was he really that bad?

He saw my list:

Summary from transcript:

  • First president since Herbert Hoover to oversee a net job loss.
  • Unemployment soared, and the economy shrank by more than 3%.
  • Corporate profits increased, but manufacturing jobs declined.
  • Home prices soared by nearly 30%.
  • The national debt increased by nearly $8 trillion.
  • Crime rates spiked.
  • Number of uninsured Americans increased by 3 million.
  • Underplayed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, ignored warnings, and promoted ineffective treatments.
  • Suggested injecting disinfectant to combat COVID-19.
  • Promoted conspiracy theories and controversial figures like a doctor who believed in "demon sperm."
  • Insulted servicemembers and feuded with Gold Star families.
  • Saluted a North Korean general and was reprimanded for violating federal law by desecrating Arlington National Cemetery.
  • Claimed to have the best memory but contradicted himself multiple times.
  • Laughed at by the United Nations.
  • Impeached for threatening to withhold military aid from Ukraine.
  • Encouraged Russia to interfere in U.S. elections.
  • Doctored a weather map to misrepresent a hurricane's path.
  • Threw paper towels at hurricane victims.
  • Criticized by multiple senior officials, who called him an "idiot" and a "moron."
  • Took millions from foreign officials, possibly including a $10 million bribe from Egypt.
  • Attempted to overturn the 2020 election results, stoking a violent insurrection.
  • Impeached a second time following the January 6th insurrection.
  • Lost the popular vote twice and was indicted four times.
  • Found guilty of fraud, libel, and sexual abuse.
  • Bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, but expressed conflicting views on abortion bans.
  • Misnamed public figures (e.g., "Tim Apple" for Tim Cook, "Leon Musk" for Elon Musk).
  • Made bizarre claims about windmills, shark attacks, and electric boat batteries.
  • Brought a conspiracy theorist and lawyer to the White House, with one press conference held at a landscaping company.
  • Falsified business records to pay hush money to a porn star.

I remember when Seth used to be funny.

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