Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

Some say that the Russian settlers in the Donbas are terrorists and illegal immigrants so….
You’re comparing Russians to Hamas? Are you feeling OK? Russians when they live in different parts of the world aren’t committing multiple acts of terror, treating their women like slaves and forcing their values on their new countries. Muslims do that.

Your conflation is nonsensical
You’re comparing Russians to Hamas? Are you feeling OK? Russians when they live in different parts of the world aren’t committing multiple acts of terror, treating their women like slaves and forcing their values on their new countries. Muslims do that.

Your conflation is nonsensical
In some ways I AM comparing Hamas to the Putin government. They pushed Russian nationals into Crimea and Donbas and then demanded Russian autonomy from Ukraine in those areas.

Palestinians of course were PUSHED by Israel into Gaza and the West Bank and then denied true autonomy
In some ways I AM comparing Hamas to the Putin government. They pushed Russian nationals into Crimea and Donbas and then demanded Russian autonomy from Ukraine in those areas.

Palestinians of course were PUSHED by Israel into Gaza and the West Bank and then denied true autonomy
Palestinians rejected every single peace offer. Islam in general doesn’t want peace and doesn’t separate church and state. Israel took that territory after each and every war where they were attacked first. Have you seen how tiny Israel is? Why are they the problem and not Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Qatar? Hmmmm maybe it’s those Joooos? Right?
In some ways I AM comparing Hamas to the Putin government. They pushed Russian nationals into Crimea and Donbas and then demanded Russian autonomy from Ukraine in those areas.

Palestinians of course were PUSHED by Israel into Gaza and the West Bank and then denied true autonomy
Could it be that Islam is the problem?

Oh look… the Zionist is trying desperately to derail yet another thread
Yes, exactly my point!

I warned REPEATEDLY in 2016 that Trump would lead his cult into the far left cave.


You are suggesting America ran a coup and installed a regime in Ukraine? :cuckoo:

What you are talking about are Russian myths (often propagated on the right), Ukraine was commited to nuetrality when Russia invaded in 2014, annexed Crimea and forced Ukraine to seek security guarantees only NATO membership would provide.

"Coup" was not about NATO millitary alliance membership, it was about Ukranians fighting for their freedom of speech and economic membership in EU. National commitment to a goal of joining NATO was only established after Russians invaded.

Lol, you're so naive you'll believe anything. You're to be pitied.

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