Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

We need to adopt the gun control plans they have in Europe.

They work.

That is about the 10th time I said that on this thread alone.
So you want to piss on the Constitution and confiscate guns.

And you think criminals will follow your silly gun laws? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Never said that.

The President is supposed to address national problems. What is the blob’s plan?
A dem has run the White House for 12 of the last 16 years…the national problem is then their fault

The plan is to keep them out of the White House moving forward
The only direct plan to minimize school shootings is to frisk students, search their lockers, and have armed security.

Such things usually cause democrats to have conniptions

When you can itemize the gun violence in other nations while losing count of the daily instances in yours; it’s clear they are doing something right, and you’re doing something wrong.
You claimed they work, and yet I provided a long list of mass shootings in Europe, Simp.
I haven’t read through this entire thread, but the GOP answer to schools shootings has consistently been the same.

More guns.

If there is school shooting have armed guards.

If that doesn’t work, arm the teachers.

It is only a matter of time before they advocate arming all the kids.

If that doesn’t work put free guns in bin an outside the schoolrooms.

Its been a national problem--mass shootings--since the 80’s.
Not really…just went to Wikipedia school shooting list, saw one in 1989, a couple in the 70s, one back in the 1700s, but the vast majority have been 12 of the last 16 years

As you said, it’s a national problem and the dems have been in charge and unable to address it, in fact made it worse

Time to get them out of office

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