ISIS, Illegal Gangs, and Chinese Drug Slaves: Map Shows Which Open-Border Nightmare Is in Your State

Of course they will. The vast majority of people have never heard of Proportional Representation, don't know there are other ways of voting, don't realize the US isn't democratic, don't understand the issues, are ignorant as fuck.

What do you want me to do?

I don't come on here to be as ignorant as the masses. I come on here to be informed about things.

I'm informing you. You don't seem interested in being informed. Seems like you want to be like the masses.
And I’m informing you that it starts with policy or lack thereof.,
Is using a harsh, derogatory term your way of showing “love”?
Yes. Calling out evil and wrongdoing is essential. Do you let your loved ones harm themselves or others? In fact, we are commanded to hate evil.
Yes, there is something "NEW"!
Presidents in the past, have not literally invited it!

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

And yet, people came before, and they'll come in the future.
“At least they weren’t illegals”???? Ok so by going softer on illegal immigration it makes it harder for another 9/11 ??

Trump's Muslim ban was going to stop another 9/11. Because ALL of the nationalities involved in 9/11, their countries weren't a part of the Muslim ban.

Yeah, dat will stop it in the future...
Yes. Calling out evil and wrongdoing is essential. Do you let your loved ones harm themselves or others? In fact, we are commanded to hate evil.
Essentially the Bible, to you, is a paperweight. You have zero idea what Christianity is about if you think using that word is somehow noble.
Trump's Muslim ban was going to stop another 9/11. Because ALL of the nationalities involved in 9/11, their countries weren't a part of the Muslim ban.

Yeah, dat will stop it in the future...
Did Trump ban ALL Muslim countries?
Essentially the Bible, to you, is a paperweight. You have zero idea what Christianity is about if you think using that word is somehow noble.
What are you babbling about now?

Are you honestly trying to pass yourself off as some Bible expert? Are you now claiming to be a Christian?
Did Trump ban ALL Muslim countries?


Like I said, none of the participates from 9/11's nationalities got included in it

Can you imagine "I'm keeping you safe by banning all these Muslims, just not the ones that participated in 9/11..." yeah, I feel so much safer knowing only Saudis, Egyptians and UAE and Lebanese can get into the country, no Bungabungaistanis getting in... dangerous them

That's how full of shit Trump is/
Keep informing yourself and providing no data to back it up.

Oh please. If I get into a proper conversation, I'll back up as much as I can. Problem is most conversations on here never reach that point.

But I'll start with a little, mostly because what usually happens is I write loads, back it up and then get a shit reply that dismisses everything I wrote.

I've studied different political systems and how they impact countries.

In Germany they have two systems, FPTP like in the US and PR.

In 2017 we can see that the CDU/CSU gained 37.27% of the vote, and about 77% of the seats with FPTP.

But with PR they got less votes, 32.9% of the votes, losing nearly 5% of the vote, and getting about 34% of the seats.

That's the difference the electoral system made. Instead of a massive majority, they got to be senior partner in a coalition govt.

In the UK with FPTP, the Tories got less than 1,000 votes more than the Lib Dems and Labour, and yet got 25% seats EXTRA. 365 seats to 202 and 11 seats for the two left wing parties.

In the UK, like the US you end up with a two party system where it's difficult to dislodge the main parties. They get comfortable. Especially in the US.

In the UK you had UKIP, after 30 years in 2015 they got 12.6% of the vote and one seat.
In Germany you have the AfD. After five years they got 12.6% of the vote and 80 seats.

Spot the difference. One has FPTP and the other PR.

The whole German federal election cost LESS than the most expensive senate seat.

"In 2017, the last time Germany held a parliamentary election, parties spent €92 million ($109.6 million) combined on their election campaigns, according to the Federal Statistical Office."

Compared to $298 million for one senate seat in North Carolina.

Why? Because money isn't the issue. You don't need to eek out small victories by a few votes. You concentrate on the whole country.

Each party stands for something, rather than throwing money at something. People vote for what they want. Not for a person. They vote for a party that means something.

This means politicians don't try and get ALL THE VOTES, they try and get as many votes with a manifesto that appeals to people of a certain political persuasion.

In Germany you have the CDU/CSU and SPD, traditional left and right.

Then you have further right with the AfD and center right with the FDP. Then you have green left and you have further left.

It's easy for the large parties to lose votes and for newer parties to gain loads of votes, as I've shown with UKIP and the AfD.

Let's see if this turns into a discussion or whether you dismiss things.
And I'm tell you that you're wrong.

That's because I can see the difference between how different systems work. Because I'm informed.
Keep informing yourself and providing no data to back it up.
Oh please. If I get into a proper conversation, I'll back up as much as I can. Problem is most conversations on here never reach that point.

But I'll start with a little, mostly because what usually happens is I write loads, back it up and then get a shit reply that dismisses everything I wrote.

I've studied different political systems and how they impact countries.

In Germany they have two systems, FPTP like in the US and PR.

In 2017 we can see that the CDU/CSU gained 37.27% of the vote, and about 77% of the seats with FPTP.

But with PR they got less votes, 32.9% of the votes, losing nearly 5% of the vote, and getting about 34% of the seats.

That's the difference the electoral system made. Instead of a massive majority, they got to be senior partner in a coalition govt.

In the UK with FPTP, the Tories got less than 1,000 votes more than the Lib Dems and Labour, and yet got 25% seats EXTRA. 365 seats to 202 and 11 seats for the two left wing parties.

In the UK, like the US you end up with a two party system where it's difficult to dislodge the main parties. They get comfortable. Especially in the US.

In the UK you had UKIP, after 30 years in 2015 they got 12.6% of the vote and one seat.
In Germany you have the AfD. After five years they got 12.6% of the vote and 80 seats.

Spot the difference. One has FPTP and the other PR.

The whole German federal election cost LESS than the most expensive senate seat.

"In 2017, the last time Germany held a parliamentary election, parties spent €92 million ($109.6 million) combined on their election campaigns, according to the Federal Statistical Office."

Compared to $298 million for one senate seat in North Carolina.

Why? Because money isn't the issue. You don't need to eek out small victories by a few votes. You concentrate on the whole country.

Each party stands for something, rather than throwing money at something. People vote for what they want. Not for a person. They vote for a party that means something.

This means politicians don't try and get ALL THE VOTES, they try and get as many votes with a manifesto that appeals to people of a certain political persuasion.

In Germany you have the CDU/CSU and SPD, traditional left and right.

Then you have further right with the AfD and center right with the FDP. Then you have green left and you have further left.

It's easy for the large parties to lose votes and for newer parties to gain loads of votes, as I've shown with UKIP and the AfD.

Let's see if this turns into a discussion or whether you dismiss things.

Oh please. If I get into a proper conversation, I'll back up as much as I can. Problem is most conversations on here never reach that point.

But I'll start with a little, mostly because what usually happens is I write loads, back it up and then get a shit reply that dismisses everything I wrote.

I've studied different political systems and how they impact countries.

In Germany they have two systems, FPTP like in the US and PR.

In 2017 we can see that the CDU/CSU gained 37.27% of the vote, and about 77% of the seats with FPTP.

But with PR they got less votes, 32.9% of the votes, losing nearly 5% of the vote, and getting about 34% of the seats.

That's the difference the electoral system made. Instead of a massive majority, they got to be senior partner in a coalition govt.

In the UK with FPTP, the Tories got less than 1,000 votes more than the Lib Dems and Labour, and yet got 25% seats EXTRA. 365 seats to 202 and 11 seats for the two left wing parties.

In the UK, like the US you end up with a two party system where it's difficult to dislodge the main parties. They get comfortable. Especially in the US.

In the UK you had UKIP, after 30 years in 2015 they got 12.6% of the vote and one seat.
In Germany you have the AfD. After five years they got 12.6% of the vote and 80 seats.

Spot the difference. One has FPTP and the other PR.

The whole German federal election cost LESS than the most expensive senate seat.

"In 2017, the last time Germany held a parliamentary election, parties spent €92 million ($109.6 million) combined on their election campaigns, according to the Federal Statistical Office."

Compared to $298 million for one senate seat in North Carolina.

Why? Because money isn't the issue. You don't need to eek out small victories by a few votes. You concentrate on the whole country.

Each party stands for something, rather than throwing money at something. People vote for what they want. Not for a person. They vote for a party that means something.

This means politicians don't try and get ALL THE VOTES, they try and get as many votes with a manifesto that appeals to people of a certain political persuasion.

In Germany you have the CDU/CSU and SPD, traditional left and right.

Then you have further right with the AfD and center right with the FDP. Then you have green left and you have further left.

It's easy for the large parties to lose votes and for newer parties to gain loads of votes, as I've shown with UKIP and the AfD.

Let's see if this turns into a discussion or whether you dismiss things.
You want to discuss the two-party system in Germany, have at it. My discussion is on the Democrat Party’s weak US Immigration policies.
Keep informing yourself and providing no data to back it up.

You want to discuss the two-party system in Germany, have at it. My discussion is on the Democrat Party’s weak US Immigration policies.

There we go. I told you.

You swim in your own ignorance. Fuck off.
Being germane is ignorant? Who knew.

Being ignorant is demanding that someone backs up their argument, then when they do you dismiss them, just as I said you'd probably do.

Piss off and play with the fucktards who shout "Trump's my savior, Biden's a fool" "no, Biden's the greatest, Trumps a moron" all day, every day. Seems to be about your level of politics.
Being ignorant is demanding that someone backs up their argument, then when they do you dismiss them, just as I said you'd probably do.

Piss off and play with the fucktards who shout "Trump's my savior, Biden's a fool" "no, Biden's the greatest, Trumps a moron" all day, every day. Seems to be about your level of politics.
I didn’t demand anything. You are free to back it up or not. You chose to go off topic and told me to fuck off.

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