The laptop again.

So you're saying Hunter making porn means Joe Biden is a criminal?

You'll have to explain the chain of logic behind that.
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?
no they have the 20 plus something shill companys... ol news.
emails -bank accounts- look into it-
i'm not gonna do your job? i already know this garbage.
So you're claiming that the Idiot-in-Chief wanted his crackhead son's employer prosecuted (and for Hunter to lose that cushy job)?

Are you retarded?
Dear Lord.
Shokin is/was Corrupt.....the EU wanted him fired for his lack of Investigations and subsequent Prosecutions of the Corrupt Officials in Ukraine.
I guess it is your position that “investigations” are synonyms of “prosecutions.”

But …

They aren’t.
Yes Sir.
Is it your contention that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS 'investigating' Burisma.
How would/could you possibly know this?

The entire argument is about Shokin 'Investigating' or 'Not Investigating' Burisma.

Did Biden and the entire EU want Shokin fired because he (Shokin) was corrupt, and NOT investigating the corruption in Ukraine, including Burisma.

So, Hide behind the words (prosecuting or investigating), but ignore the facts.
Sounds about right.

The real question is:

Why was Shokin Fired?

The Truth: He was not investigating nor prosecuting the corruption in Ukraine.
Your Truth: To protect Hunter Biden.
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?
no they have the 20 plus something shill companys... ol news.
No they don't. They just lied about that. I don't think you're lying about it deliberately. You've just been brainwashed to believe the biglies and repeat the biglies.

If you're not repeating lies, then list those 20 shell companies, prove Joe Biden owned them, then prove they funneled money to Biden. If you could do that, you'd be the first person on this board or anywhere in the world to do that.

You know what to do now. Just refuse to provide any evidence, and double down on pushing the biglie. Bonus points if you add in the biglie of "IT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE!"

emails -bank accounts- look into it-
I have. Your side literally has nothing. Zip. Zero. Nil. Nada. We've been asking for the evidence years, and your side makes it a point of pride to run from such requests.

i'm not gonna do your job? i already know this garbage.
You do, as you so aptly put it, know the garbage. You just don't know any facts. Your masters told you what to believe, and that settles it in your mind. You won't independently check the evidence, becaues if you did, people might think you were dirty liberal.
Dear Lord.
Shokin is/was Corrupt.....the EU wanted him fired for his lack of Investigations and subsequent Prosecutions of the Corrupt Officials in Ukraine.

Yes Sir.
Is it your contention that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS 'investigating' Burisma.
How would/could you possibly know this?

The entire argument is about Shokin 'Investigating' or 'Not Investigating' Burisma.

Did Biden and the entire EU want Shokin fired because he (Shokin) was corrupt, and NOT investigating the corruption in Ukraine, including Burisma.

So, Hide behind the words (prosecuting or investigating), but ignore the facts.
Sounds about right.

The real question is:

Why was Shokin Fired?

The Truth: He was not investigating nor prosecuting the corruption in Ukraine.
Your Truth: To protect Hunter Biden.
So, once again, I'm asking you. Was Biden wanting the company Hunter was working for prosecuted?

Or was Biden influencing another country to protect the company's corrupt practices (and Hunter's paycheck)?
Rudy and Trump made up a story that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was prosecuting Burisma,
First of all, the story is not made up, you are simply distorting it by replacing "investigating" with "prosecuting", moron. Nobody here claimed that Shokin was prosecuting Burisma. Therefore you are presenting a logical fallacy known as a straw man argument. Folks who have a very low IQ will often spew logical fallacies because they are simply too fucking stupid to think logically.

Furthermore, Quid Pro Quo Pedo Joe had Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired because he was INVESTIGATING Burisma Holdings owner (and Biden crime family benefactor) Nikola Zlochevski and raided his mansion.

Shokin had not started prosecuting him yet because he had fled the country in 2014.
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So you're saying Hunter making porn means Joe Biden is a criminal?

You'll have to explain the chain of logic behind that.
/——/ The same logic democRATs use when they blame Donald for the 1970s housing segregation of his father’s NYC apartments.
See how that works?
So, once again, I'm asking you. Was Biden wanting the company Hunter was working for prosecuted?
The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT investigating Burisma and doing his job to prosecute corruption.
You contend that Shokin WAS investigating Burisma, facts are he wasn't investigating Burisma.

Furthermore, Quid Pro Quo Pedo Joe had Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired because he was INVESTIGATING Burisma Holdings owner
The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT investigating Burisma and doing his job to prosecute corruption.
You contend that Shokin WAS investigating Burisma, facts are he wasn't investigating Burisma.
Thread summary:

The Trump cultists are still unable to provide any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. Not even the tiniest bit.

And they're all lying about that, loudly and proudly.

Why do the Trump cultists all lie in such an inept manner?

1. The party orders them to lie.

2. The rest of the cultists are lying, and they always go along with the herd.

2. They're weird and creepy pervs who literally get a sick sexual thrill from lying.
Psychologists ought to change the term from "projection" to "mamooth".
Oh, it wasn't just Trump's dad.

Hence the cirticism was 100% valid.

And hence why you're so butthut -- because, again, the liberals were right.
/—-/ NYC had been segregated for decades. Rich, while liberals wanted to live in white only buildings. The Feds went after all landlords, not just Fred Trump. Trump was in his 20s and not in charge.
Trump degenerated the golf courses as soon as he bought them. I lived in NYC in the 70s. Did you?
The disk image cetainly was.

And we joy in rubbing that fact in you commiesucking faces. We were right, sucks to be you, loser.

Nobody is forcing you to suck off Russia, so why do you do it?
You know what I find hilarious?

Democrats used to support the Soviet Union more than they supported the United States. That's the business model they wanted for the US. Still use a lot of Soviet finding laws to prosecute political enemies for. "Show me the man, I'll find you the crime."

Now, you all pretend you're patriotic Americans. And Putin, an old-school Soviet who wants to put the band back together, is your worst enemy.

Do you really think you're fooling anybody? I mean, of course, normal people. You all are so gullible you'll believe anything.
Oh, it wasn't just Trump's dad.

Hence the cirticism was 100% valid.

And hence why you're so butthut -- because, again, the liberals were right.
/——-/ I live in NY, do you?
“New York is far from equitable. NYC ranks as the fourth most residentially segregated city nationally, and the city’s schools and commuting regions are ranked as the most segregated in the country. Nearly half of the 59 community districts that make up New York City are occupied by a single ethnic group. “
The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT investigating Burisma and doing his job to prosecute corruption.
You contend that Shokin WAS investigating Burisma, facts are he wasn't investigating Burisma.

The EU wanted Shokin fired for NOT investigating Burisma and doing his job to prosecute corruption.
You contend that Shokin WAS investigating Burisma, facts are he wasn't investigating Burisma.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, you low IQ and therefore easily brainwashed by fake news TDS afflicted moron?

I provided proof that Shokin was investigating Burisma, you fucking disgusting shitbag liar.

The incontrovertible FACT of the matter is that, pursuant of the INVESTIGATION, Shokin's PGO raided Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky's mansion in Kiev February of 2016. The very next month, March 2016, Biden got him replaced via an extortion/bribery scheme.

I just proved that you are a lying piece of shit.
Dear Lord.
Shokin is/was Corrupt.....the EU wanted him fired for his lack of Investigations and subsequent Prosecutions of the Corrupt Officials in Ukraine.

Yes Sir.
Is it your contention that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS 'investigating' Burisma.
How would/could you possibly know this?

The entire argument is about Shokin 'Investigating' or 'Not Investigating' Burisma.

Did Biden and the entire EU want Shokin fired because he (Shokin) was corrupt, and NOT investigating the corruption in Ukraine, including Burisma.

So, Hide behind the words (prosecuting or investigating), but ignore the facts.
Sounds about right.

The real question is:

Why was Shokin Fired?

The Truth: He was not investigating nor prosecuting the corruption in Ukraine.
Your Truth: To protect Hunter Biden.
Stop with all your caterwauling.

An investigation by a prosecutor might lead to a prosecution. But in and of itself, an investigation BY a prosecutor is not a “prosecution.”

Accept that correction and move on.
Now, you all pretend you're patriotic Americans. And Putin, an old-school Soviet who wants to put the band back together, is your worst enemy.
They are among the worst enemies of Democrats, who are the patriots.

Trump cultists are not patriotic Americans, so they're willing to take bribes from Russia and serve Russia.

It's not complicated, even for you. But then, you're just playing dumb. You willingly serve the cause of Christofascism, which counts Russia and the Trump cult as its allies, but which is the enemy of moderate Republicans, Democrats and other loyal Americans.
They are among the worst enemies of Democrats, who are the patriots.

Trump cultists are not patriotic Americans, so they're willing to take bribes from Russia and serve Russia.

It's not complicated, even for you. But then, you're just playing dumb. You willingly serve the cause of Christofascism, which counts Russia and the Trump cult as its allies, but which is the enemy of moderate Republicans, Democrats and other loyal Americans.
Funny, I seem to have missed my check for several million dollars from the mayor of Moscow. Can you call Biden and see if it was delivered to him and Hunter by mistake?
They are among the worst enemies of Democrats, who are the patriots.

Trump cultists are not patriotic Americans, so they're willing to take bribes from Russia and serve Russia.

It's not complicated, even for you. But then, you're just playing dumb. You willingly serve the cause of Christofascism, which counts Russia and the Trump cult as its allies, but which is the enemy of moderate Republicans, Democrats and other loyal Americans.
You need a CAT scan. There is something seriously wrong inside your head.
It's so weird and creepy, all of your perverted fantasies.

If you hadn't driven away all of the normal people around you, someone would have told you that. But you have driven them away, so I have to stage these interventions.
See? You're angry at me. You simply don't care that Hunter raped children, filmed it, and stored it on what has been proven to be his laptop.

You are utterly amoral.

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