Bombshell: Signers of the "Russian disinformation" lie about Hunter's laptop were working for the CIA

Thereā€™s nothing to do. People have a right to express their opinions.

If you have a problem with that, thatā€™s on you.
People who expressed their opinions about THE LIES TOLD BY LEFTARDS were ostracized, told they were conspiracy theorists and members of a cult, and in some cases lost their jobs.

That's on => YOU <=, leftard hypocrite.
It looks like the whole thing was a CIA black op to get Biden elected.

Makes sense now knowing that they've been using Senile Joe as a puppet to start wars, destroy our economy, and open the border up to the horde.

Remember, Biden publicly called the report on the laptop "a Russian plant", when he knew for certain it wasn't. That's treason.

These traitors need to be prosecuted for insurrection, treason, and election fixing. I hope it's high on Trump's agenda next year.


"election fixing". LOL

Somehow the GOP (you know, the opposition) gained 7 house seats during the "fixing"

Come back when you have a less insane theory there, Shirley.

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