Tyreek Hill admits he contributed to the problem during his arrest.

the intelligent thing to do is follow the law and respect the constitution,,

but so far all you seem to have is personal insults while reject the rule of law and pissing on the constitution,,
No need to be triggered, little one. We are in agreement about the part where the officers overreacted.
No need to be triggered, little one. We are in agreement about the part where the officers overreacted.
over reacted is an understatement,, they violated his rights and their sworn oath

so why do you keep blaming tyreek when he followed every lawful order within seconds of them being given????
You do not get to decide if it is a valid law enforcement situation. Attempts to do so will rightfully and legally worsen your situation

No, the lawmakers do. They've already decided that. If you know that it's not necessary, you don't have to do it. Period. I know you don't like that cops don't own you during a traffic stop, but they don't. You only must obey lawful orders. The definition of a lawful order is an order given by a LEO that complies with state law requirements for the type of stop being conducted. ANYTHING ELSE IS UNLAWFUL. You DO NOT LOSE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS DURING A TRAFFIC STOP.

Where you get off thinking cops own you and you lose your freedom to live when being stopped for a civil violation I don't know, but you sure are fucking wrong about it.

If he failed to obey a lawful order, why wasn't he charged with that? I would think if he did something so awful and terrible to get ripped out of his car and thrown onto concrete with a sleeveless shirt on, he MUST have done something bad enough to get charged with a crime. Yet, he didn't. So, WTF?

Here, read and learn:

"In the State of Florida, it is completely legal for a person to disobey an unlawful order given to them by a police officer."

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No, the lawmakers do. They've already decided that. If you know that it's not necessary, you don't have to do it. Period. I know you don't like that cops don't own you during a traffic stop, but they don't. You only must obey lawful orders. The definition of a lawful order is an order given by a LEO that complies with state law requirements for the type of stop being conducted. ANYTHING ELSE IS UNLAWFUL. You DO NOT LOSE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS DURING A TRAFFIC STOP.

Where you get off thinking cops own you and you lose your freedom to live when being stopped for a civil violation I don't know, but you sure are fucking wrong about it.

If he failed to obey a lawful order, why wasn't he charged with that? I would think if he did something so awful and terrible to get ripped out of his car and thrown onto concrete with a sleeveless shirt on, he MUST have done something bad enough to get charged with a crime. Yet, he didn't. So, WTF?

Here, read and learn:

"In the State of Florida, it is completely legal for a person to disobey an unlawful order given to them by a police officer."

“If you know it’s not necessary then you don’t have to do it”
There is no function of law which so states . You are under the obligation to follow police directive. Want to litigate, do it in court later
“If you know it’s not necessary then you don’t have to do it”
There is no function of law which so states . You are under the obligation to follow police directive. Want to litigate, do it in court later

Yes, there is. See my previous post. Florida law states that you can disobey an unlawful order by a police officer.

Since I added it after I posted the reply, I won't call you an idiot for ignoring it. I'll assume you didn't see it. But its there now.

It is then the responsibility of the State of Florida to demonstrate that the order was, in fact, lawful. If the state is unable to gather the evidence to demonstrate that the order was lawful, it is likely that the case and charges will be dropped.

Considering he wasn't even charged with disobeying a lawful order, that would indicate the order was unlawful. "Disobeying an unlawful order" is not a crime in Florida. There would be no way for that cop to show in court a legit reason why that guy couldn't roll his window back up while the cop walked back to his bike to write the ticket. In that event, the order was unlawful. Unlawful doesn't mean it must be illegal, it means it has no legal basis to happen. Like the cop can't make you sit in a mudhole during the traffic stop. You have a right to not do that, he can't justify that in court. Is it illegal for you to sit in a mud hole? No. But its not necessary for him to conduct his stop, either.
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Yes, there is. See my previous post. Florida law states that you can disobey an unlawful order by a police officer.

Since I added it after I posted the reply, I won't call you an idiot for ignoring it. I'll assume you didn't see it. But its there now.

Considering he wasn't even charged with disobeying a lawful order, that would indicate the order was unlawful. "Disobeying an unlawful order" is not a crime in Florida. There would be no way for that cop to show in court a legit reason why that guy couldn't roll his window back up while the cop walked back to his bike to write the ticket.
You don’t get to decide if what the cop is doing is lawful
Now there might be some things like he can’t order you to strip naked and run around in the street but subjective situations are under control of the police and not you
You probably don’t drive but if ever pulled just hand them the Constitution and tell them you are evaluating your compliance
You can then get your George Floyd award
You don’t get to decide if what the cop is doing is lawful
Now there might be some things like he can’t order you to strip naked and run around in the street but subjective situations are under control of the police and not you
You probably don’t drive but if ever pulled just hand them the Constitution and tell them you are evaluating your compliance
You can then get your George Floyd award

I probably don't drive?

You must not realize I'm a commercial truck driver. I drive about 120,000 miles a year. I probably drive more than anyone else on this forum.

No, if they give you an unlawful order you tell them that the order is unlawful and therefore you don't need to comply. If they want you to comply they need to articulate a reason why they feel you need to do that. If they force you to comply you can sue the living SHIT out of them.

Cops don't get to decide what is lawful. Until you learn this, your argument is moot.

I will ask again since you ignored it every other time.

If he failed to obey a lawful order, why wasn't he charged with that?
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You don’t get to decide if what the cop is doing is lawful
Now there might be some things like he can’t order you to strip naked and run around in the street but subjective situations are under control of the police and not you
You probably don’t drive but if ever pulled just hand them the Constitution and tell them you are evaluating your compliance
You can then get your George Floyd award
not sure why this is being talked about beings tyreek followed every order lawful or not within seconds of them being given,,
The thread is Hill took partial tespinsibility
Lib loons have turned it into his constitutional rights were violated and he had rights to do as he wished
Count to 8 the next time a guy is behind dark glass and you have no idea what is up. It’s a length of time
The thread is Hill took partial tespinsibility
Lib loons have turned it into his constitutional rights were violated and he had rights to do as he wished
Count to 8 the next time a guy is behind dark glass and you have no idea what is up. It’s a length of time

He was told by someone to do that. He just lost his quarterback. The Dolphins are in trouble right now.

"Taking responsibility" does not wipe out the multiple violations of his 4th amendment rights that happened.

The cop that did this had a history of violent encounters. Why do you defend violent cops?

Are you ever going to answer the question or admit you're wrong? You've been shown GOBS of proof that you're wrong, and you won't answer simple questions. So I guess it's over. We won.

Thanks for playing.

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