What is the cause of housing shortages?

There are NOT "too many people," and there never will be.
If people were spread out in small towns and farms sure. But people are now clustered in huge metro areas. If you gather everyone in one place, there are too many for that place. That's why big cities become hell holes.
Hedge Funds, Non-Traded REITs and Private Equity Funds have played a role in this, buying up residential properties like candy.

Some laws may need to be changed, but that would probably require our elected "leaders" (ha ha) to work together like normal, intelligent adults.

So, that probably won't happen.

If people were spread out in small towns and farms sure. But people are now clustered in huge metro areas. If you gather everyone in one place, there are too many for that place. That's why big cities become hell holes.
That is population density, not overpopulation.
Yeah, the 1970 US population of 207 million was just about right.

I'm starting to come around to Bill Gates way of thinking.

Bill Gates?

..... ..... ..... Hell...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I'm wondering if Thanos might not have been right.

Bill Gates?

..... ..... ..... Hell...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I'm wondering if Thanos might not have been right.

Listening to the Presidential debate will never inform you about anything, let alone the housing shortage.

All you will hear is Kamala saying she will build more and give money away, but never addressing the causes of the housing crisis other than blaming Trump.

LOL. What useless morons we have in government.

In fact, giving money to first time home buyers will probably just cause prices to go up.

Here are a few articles that shed light into the problem

A shortage of land, lending, labour and materials since the financial crisis in 2008 are the main causes of the US housing shortage, the Moody’s study finds.
This has driven up costs and cut the profit margins builders can make. They have less incentive to build more homes, “particularly lower-priced housing with lower margins,” Moody’s Analytics says.
COVID-19 is considered to have made the housing crisis worse, as buyers and renters looked for more space during lockdowns. Historically low-interest rates in many countries, which make it cheap to borrow money, have fueled this phenomenon.

And this article

Reforming zoning rules to allow for more density is key for more homes to be built. Experts overwhelmingly agree that relaxing zoning laws is one of the best ways to improve affordability, and these types of measures have broad support among homeowners and renters. Even adding a modest amount of density in the country's biggest markets could create millions of new homes.
You know, just a couple of years ago, there was no housing shortage causing housing costs to skyrocket. We haven't added that much legal population in just a couple of years to cause a housing shortage. The problem stems from both inflation and illegals flooding the country.
Listening to the Presidential debate will never inform you about anything, let alone the housing shortage.

All you will hear is Kamala saying she will build more and give money away, but never addressing the causes of the housing crisis other than blaming Trump.

LOL. What useless morons we have in government.

In fact, giving money to first time home buyers will probably just cause prices to go up.

Here are a few articles that shed light into the problem

A shortage of land, lending, labour and materials since the financial crisis in 2008 are the main causes of the US housing shortage, the Moody’s study finds.
This has driven up costs and cut the profit margins builders can make. They have less incentive to build more homes, “particularly lower-priced housing with lower margins,” Moody’s Analytics says.
COVID-19 is considered to have made the housing crisis worse, as buyers and renters looked for more space during lockdowns. Historically low-interest rates in many countries, which make it cheap to borrow money, have fueled this phenomenon.

And this article

Reforming zoning rules to allow for more density is key for more homes to be built. Experts overwhelmingly agree that relaxing zoning laws is one of the best ways to improve affordability, and these types of measures have broad support among homeowners and renters. Even adding a modest amount of density in the country's biggest markets could create millions of new homes.
There is also the obvious case of importing millions of illegals which is spiking demand and thus, prices.

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