What is the cause of housing shortages?

I support Harris but you are right. This will not help new buyers.

Experts may agree but, as a homeowner, I very much disagree. I live in an area zoned for single family units and I DO NOT want the character of the neighborhood I live in to change. A zoning change will benefit the developers, not the existing residents. True my house will be worth more but I run the risk of my neighbor's house being turned into a multi-family rental. Then I'll have to foot the bill for new schools, utilities, roads, etc.
Overpopulation keeps wages down and home prices up.
The two are not related. A person living all alone on a desert island will probably have quality of life issues.
You picked the unlikeliest of two scenarios: not enough people vs too many people. The problem is too many people.
The housing shortage is artificial. The big corporations like Black Rock buys up all the houses. But there are enough homes in the country for everyone.
If you include abandoned buildings or homes in smaller towns that no one wants to live in. The housing, employment, and urban sprawl problems could be easily solved by companies returning to these towns instead of leaving them. Large companies could locate 'satellite' plants for domestic production at lower cost than centralizing them where labor costs are much higher. Government could help by lowering corporate taxes even more.
I'm out all the time, and I've been in some of the most crowded places in the world. You were just fed a false "crisis" 100 years ago and you can't let go of it.
Most of the developing world is poor because of overpopulation. Even if global population remained at 8 billion the pressure on the environment will continue to increase. It's nearly unsustainable now.
Overpopulation keeps wages down and home prices up.
I'm not sure what 'over' population means. A shrinking population is bad, just ask Japan. A growing population is good, just look at the population growth of the US and our growing prosperity. Immigration is vital to the US, without it our population would shrink.
– Human knowledge can be passed on through the written and spoken word in ways that evolutionary or biological advantages can’t be.

– Demographers estimate that at least 20 billion people lived on earth between the years 8000 B.C. and 0 A.D. (That’s right, the idea that half of all people who have ever lived are alive currently is a myth!)[4]

– Plankton makes up 3 times more biomass than all 7 billion humans combined.[5]

– Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have 5 acres of land. [6]

– Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have a half-acre of arable land.[7]

– If we wanted to squeeze close, everyone in the world could stand shoulder-to-shoulder on the island of Zanzibar.[8]

– About 48% of all people live in a country with below-replacement fertility.[9]

– The global total fertility rate is 2.53 children per woman.[10]

– By 2050, Nigeria is projected to have a larger population than the United States.[11]"


Were you around when the ink on Malthus' doggerel was still wet?

"The claim that the world will become dangerously overpopulated has never been true. It was false when first postulated in the 19th century. It was false when The Population Bomb was first published in the 1960s. It is false now. That this theory is still taught in grade schools all over the world even today does not make it any truer. It remains a false theory."

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