Increasing public unrest in Israel

The point is…..why bring up that they are Jewish? You insist that your constant demonization of Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism. So why bring up their religion at all.
I do not demonize Israel, everything, EVERYTHING I have said can be and usually is, backed up with sources like Wikipedia, Israeli news, history sites, human rights organizations and the UN and so on.
You reveal your antisemitism with every post, and then deny the very obvious.

I feel sorry for the sheep. Do you feel sorry for the 1100 innocent Jews the Islamic monsters hunted down to torture them to death? Or the 250 hostages the Islamic monsters kidnapped and abused for a year, and then killing them for no reason?

It’s obvious you are a paid HAMAS propagandist. If the forum allows you to spread your antisemitic venom, I will continue to call you out
More clear evidence of US emasculation as Dracula pretends the US gives a sh!t:


I wonder how they "press" these fanatics, "please don't shoot any more Americans, we beseech you"? Miller likely know as does the administration that Israel doesn't care, it refuses to comply, will not listen to anyone, they are fanatics, hell bent on taking the entire region down into the bowels of hell yet utterly incapable of seeing that that's what they are doing.
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Her chances of being released are next to zero. These Islamic terrorists just need to be eliminated.

You've clearly never been to the Middle East and know nothing about its realities except for what pro Israel MSM (1) pours into your head.

It was Nazi trained Zionist terrorist gangs (Haganah, Stern Gang, Irgun etc) who introduced terrorism into Palestine with letter bombs, car bombs, mass murder, rape, torture of unarmed civilians, (2) destruction of homes, farms, olive groves and even Palestinian graveyards to (3) make their Zionist genocide complete

Yes, Hamas took some hostages many of whom were gunned down by trigger happy IDFers but the fate of the hostages held by Hamas must be far better than the thousands of Palestinian hostages held by Israel who are deliberately starved, tortured(4) and even put on display for demented Israelis to film torture session for their amusement. (5)

If anyone needs to be eliminated or, rather deported it's America infestation of parasitic, manipulative and treacherous Zionist lobbies and disloyal "Israel Firsters".

The cost of the US Government's complicity in Zionist genocide promises to continue to cost Americans dearly in both blood and resources.

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with.... CONTINUED

(2). “Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

(3). “Israel-Hamas war: Even Gaza's graveyards have suffered destruction”

EXCERPT “Nearly half the burial sites in the Palestinian enclave have suffered damage by armored vehicles, air strikes and artillery fire from the Israeli army.

The situation at the Jabaliya cemetery was not isolated. Scores of videos and photos, shot and taken by Gazan residents and journalists, have documented the destruction of at least eight major cemeteries in the Palestinian territory since the start of the Israeli army's ground operations. They show destroyed tombstones and human remains dispersed from their graves and scattered over the upturned earth.” CONTINUED

(4). “Palestinian prisoners in Israel jail tortured, starved”

(5). “IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report”

EXCERPT “Israel Defense Forces officers brought Israeli civilians into detention centers and allowed them to watch and film Palestinian prisoners being tortured, according to survivor testimonies published this week by the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor." CONTINUED
I am so very tired of this falsehood being regurgitated. It has been debunked so many times.

Prior to WWI: Ottoman Empire
WWI to 1948: British Mandate for Palestine
1948-1967: Israel, partly occupied by Jordan, partly occupied by Egypt
1979-1994: Israel, partly occupied by Jordan
1994-present: Israel, limited local sovereignty for the State of Palestine in Areas A, B by treaty agreement
2005-present: Israel, limited local sovereignty for the State of Palestine in Areas A, B by treaty agreement, local sovereignty for Gaza government in Gaza

I'm sure that it's frustrating to see so clearly that Palestine was predominately Arabic before the invasion of Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs, the Nakba and influx of violent Zionists hungry for "free land".

It doesn't matter if you dislike the inconvenient truth that Palestine was stolen by Foreign governments and foreign Zionists, a map and a graph both prove that the Palestinian Arabs were in Israel / Palestine first.


EXCERPT "Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5]

Census GroupPopulationPercentage
Jewish (Foreign-born)Est. 10,0002.1
You've clearly never been to the Middle East and know nothing about its realities except for what pro Israel MSM (1) pours into your head.

The media is overwhelming liberal. Liberals are not “pro Israel”.
It’s all due to your hate for Jews.

Yes, I think Jared Kushner (he's the son in law of Trump who looks like a relative of Reinhard Heydrich) is keen to "redevelop" the area in to an A1 tourist attraction with Trump hotels and other amenities. He'll need to get all of the unexploded munitions removed and clear the rubble which could take until 2040.

The other "problem" of where to push the current occupants to, he already solved:


These people are evil, simple as that, evil.

Here's his look alike, might even be related, their both full of ideas when it comes to relocating indigenous people en-masse:

Yes, I think Jared Kushner (he's the son in law of Trump who looks like a relative of Reinhard Heydrich) is keen to "redevelop" the area in to an A1 tourist attraction with Trump hotels and other amenities. He'll need to get all of the unexploded munitions removed and clear the rubble which could take until 2040.

The other "problem" of where to push the current occupants to, he already solved:

View attachment 1011393

These people are evil, simple as that, evil.

Here's his look alike, might even be related, their both full of ideas when it comes to relocating indigenous people en-masse:

View attachment 1011395View attachment 1011396

I think that's always been the plan. Was interesting how they basically herded them with their strategic bombing campaign. They herded them right to the Giza pier. Of course, then it floated away, ironically.

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