Increasing public unrest in Israel

Come on. You DO understand. The only explanation for such deluded thinking and double standards where Jews are involved is engrained antisemitism - so engrained that these posters can’t even acknowledge what is driving their deluded interpretations.
P.S. For example, anyone who refers to Israel as a “Jew supremacy state” is an antisemite. In fact, anyone who uses Jew as an adjective - that’s a Jew neighborhood or that’s a Jew store - is an antidemite.
Nice culture

Yes, appalling, but rest assured those terrorist are slowly being whittled away, just got a report that this fiendish five month old terrorist was killed, don't take any chances with these evil Arabs.

I wonder what the evilangelicals think of this given their fretting over abortion...

Another inversion of reality:

The Hannibal Directive was actually an Israeli innovation:

With that policy, any Palestinian can see there's no advantage in trying to use human shields or even hostages as a form of protection.

You guys are so bad at this, you make my task so easy, like shooting fish in a barrel.
Yeah, I guess that’s why the Islamic terrorist hid their hostages under a children’s playroom. You are delusional.
P.S. For example, anyone who refers to Israel as a “Jew supremacy state” is an antisemite. In fact, anyone who uses Jew as an adjective - that’s a Jew neighborhood or that’s a Jew store - is an antisemite.
Anyone who frets over trivia like that is an ultrasemite.
Yeah, I guess that’s why the Islamic terrorist hid their hostages under a children’s playroom. You are delusional.
Well if Israel is OK with killing kids in order to achieve their goals, why all the fuss over Hamas killing babies to achieve there's, it's hypocrisy.
Yes, appalling, but rest assured those terrorist are slowly being whittled away, just got a report that this fiendish five month old terrorist was killed, don't take any chances with these evil Arabs.

I wonder what the evilangelicals think of this given their fretting over abortion...

View attachment 1011234
Elect a terrorist group to represent you, that shit will happen.
Elect a terrorist group to represent you, that shit will happen.
Steal people's land for eighty years, evict them and make them homeless by the hundreds of thousands, shoot their kids, poison their farm livestock, steal their water, create Jew only nice areas to live and deny building rights to Arabs, then this shit will happen:


Just FYI, I watched it and saw the sub titles, at no point did he say "to obliterate all men, women and children who reject Islam and don’t worship Allah and Muslims."

Bit of an own-goal there Monsieur Lautrec, stick to painting dancing girls, logic isn't your forte whereas it is mine.
Here's another brave act carried out by the honorable Jewish settlers as they pursue the grand master plan to create the morally superior culture that can bless all those lesser nations like us:


Here's video the man took to show what has been done to him, his family and his animals.
Here's another brave act carried out by the honorable Jewish settlers as they pursue the grand master plan to create the morally superior culture that can bless all those lesser nations like us:

View attachment 1011269

Here's video the man took to show what has been done to him, his family and his animals.
What do you mean by “Jewish” settlors? I thought you antisemites keep insisting that your hate for Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism.

So why refer to them as Jewish?

You GD antisemite. I hope you burn in hell.
What do you mean by “Jewish” settlors? I thought you antisemites keep insisting that your hate for Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism.

So why refer to them as Jewish?
Do you have reason to believe they weren't Jewish? If you actually ever read or watched news other than Newsmax, you'd be well aware of how Jewish settlers are referred to as erm...Jewish settlers, e.g. the BBC

You GD antisemite. I hope you burn in hell.
So no sympathy for the poor sheep farmer then, just another weasel attempt to play the victim and throw hysterical accusations of "antisemitism" all over the place.
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Do you have reason to believe they weren't Jewish? If you actually ever read or watched news other than Newsmax, you'd be well aware of how Jewish settlers are referred to as erm...Jewish settlers, e.g. the BBC

View attachment 1011278

So no sympathy for the poor sheep farmer then, just another weasel attempt to play the victim and throw hysterical accusations of "antisemitism" all over the place.
The point is…..why bring up that they are Jewish? You insist that your constant demonization of Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism. So why bring up their religion at all.

You reveal your antisemitism with every post, and then deny the very obvious.

I feel sorry for the sheep. Do you feel sorry for the 1100 innocent Jews the Islamic monsters hunted down to torture them to death? Or the 250 hostages the Islamic monsters kidnapped and abused for a year, and then killing them for no reason?

It’s obvious you are a paid HAMAS propagandist. If the forum allows you to spread your antisemitic venom, I will continue to call you out.

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