Increasing public unrest in Israel

Fuck them. You can’t negotiate with terrorists. Kill all the terrorists. Turn Gaza into a parking lot.
Don't be silly people negotiate all the time, Israel is by far the greater source of terrorism in Palestine anyway, stop making a fuss, if you want them home then act like you do.
Don't be silly people negotiate all the time, Israel is by far the greater source of terrorism in Palestine anyway, stop making a fuss, if you want them home then act like you do.
Her chances of being released are next to zero. These Islamic terrorists just need to be eliminated.

In your deluded mind, you really think the IDF doesn’t target innocent civilians, yet it is abundantly evident.
Some people take comfort in being able to disregard awkward facts, truth is not something to be valued but denied.

To really be a Zionist one has to embrace certain beliefs and really believe them. Chief amongst them is the belief that Jews - really really are - superior, better than the rest of us.

Once this is sincerely embraced the rest follows logically, like approving of segregation, home demolitions, open prisons, sieges, slaughter of babies, bombing schools and hospitals, arresting kids, shooting protesters, denying pregnant women access to hospital and so on.

All of these things can be portrayed as necessary because Jews are victims of inferior, more primitive, more primeval races and cultures.

These people are dangerous, they live amongst us in our midst but are monsters, they must be challenged and exposed at every opportunity, Israel is a deranged rogue state who's people are largely completely out of touch with reality, out of touch with the other 99% of the human race, but that of course is interpreted as just antisemitism by 99% of the human race.

These Zionists need help, our help, which is why challenging them here is important, they need to see how far Israeli society has drifted towards neo-Nazism.

There's even talk now among "settlers" of seeking to bomb the Al Aqsa mosque, I kid you not.
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Her chances of being released are next to zero. These Islamic terrorists just need to be eliminated.

Right and if she gets bombed then tough. That's some new kind of compassion right there, Zionists are so inherently evil that they let their government put them all at risk yet they still carry on supporting them even at the expense of their fellow citizens.
Her chances of being released are next to zero. These Islamic terrorists just need to be eliminated.

And these are the people the leftists are clamoring to admit to our country. If a Jew objects to allowing in obvious antisemitic Palestinians, the lefty will try to harass the Jew into silence by screaming “Islamophobia!!!!”
Right and if she gets bombed then tough. That's some new kind of compassion right there, Zionists are so inherently evil that they let their government put them all at risk yet they still carry on supporting them even at the expense of their fellow citizens.
No one but you antisemites want to see her killed. However, if we allow the terrorists to live she won’t be their last victim.
And again, you have produced no facts in evidence to support any of your outrageous allegations about Israel.
Ooh look, he can't see any evidence either, I wonder if you two have something in common...

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No one but you antisemites want to see her killed. However, if we allow the terrorists to live she won’t be their last victim.
Have any hostages been released since Oct 7th, through negotiations? any at all? come on, answer this question.

How can someone advocating for getting Jewish hostages released be called antisemitic? Surely the people who are thwarting all efforts to get a ceasefire are the true antisemites - judge a tree by its fruit.

Ant antisemite would rejoice in the hostages being captured and rejoice when they were killed.
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And these are the people the leftists are clamoring to admit to our country. If a Jew objects to allowing in obvious antisemitic Palestinians, the lefty will try to harass the Jew into silence by screaming “Islamophobia!!!!”
The Israelis can't "let" people in, the vast majority of them ALREADY LIVED THERE until the militant Zionists expelled them. Only the most arrogant racial supremacists can walk into a place, draw a made up "border" on the map then declare to everyone living within that border "this is our country" and then kick out those who aren't Jews.
Here's a lexicon of terms for use when debating Zionists:

Ultrasemite - one who characterizes all criticism of Israeli ambitions, policies and practices as a form of antisemitism.
Israeliar - one who is willing to lie in order to defend the state of Israel.
Israeled - one who shares something in good faith only to have it stolen, then declared that the original owner is the true thief.
Have any hostages been released since Oct 7th, through negotiations? any at all? come on, answer this question.

How can someone advocating for getting Jewish hostages released be called antisemitic? Surely the people who are thwarting all efforts to get a ceasefire are the true antisemites - judge a tree by its fruit.

Ant antisemite would rejoice in the hostages being captured and rejoice when they were killed.
Yeah some have been release. Others have been executed.

You aren’t advocating for their release. You are advocating for the terrorists to be spared.
Yeah some have been release. Others have been executed.

You aren’t advocating for their release. You are advocating for the terrorists to be spared.
I'm arguing that they are mutually antagonistic goals, one must decide which is more important killing people who participated in Oct 7th or disregarding them and getting people's loved one's home.

It's a pretty simple choice, principled decent leadership would get this done and dusted, but the deranged psychos in the Knesset are not principled or decent or leaders - just war criminals.

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