Increasing public unrest in Israel

I am so very tired of this falsehood being regurgitated. It has been debunked so many times.

Prior to WWI: Ottoman Empire
WWI to 1948: British Mandate for Palestine
1948-1967: Israel, partly occupied by Jordan, partly occupied by Egypt
1979-1994: Israel, partly occupied by Jordan
1994-present: Israel, limited local sovereignty for the State of Palestine in Areas A, B by treaty agreement
2005-present: Israel, limited local sovereignty for the State of Palestine in Areas A, B by treaty agreement, local sovereignty for Gaza government in Gaza
The Israelis can't "let" people in, the vast majority of them ALREADY LIVED THERE until the militant Zionists expelled them. Only the most arrogant racial supremacists can walk into a place, draw a made up "border" on the map then declare to everyone living within that border "this is our country" and then kick out those who aren't Jews.
The Jew-hating Arab shits attacked them in ‘67 and they lost. The Israelis were too kind in allowing any of these antisemitic Arabs to remain. And they certainly were too kind in vacating the area in 2005 and leaving the Arabs on their own.

You really need to stop lying, and your antisemitic lies and double standards - like how the Arabs kicked out 850,000 Jews from their homes, which you never mention - will be reported.
The Israelis, Zionists are hyper sensitive to criticism, we even see it here in this forum where there is an endless stream of accusations of "Jew hater" and "antisemitic" hurled abusively at anyone who tries to draw attentions to the regime's criminality.

The subtext here is always the victim argument, everything Israel does that everyone else sees a as a crime cannot actually be a crime because we need special rules, special exceptions because Jews are - well, special, superior.

We are expected to judge Israel and Zionism using different standards to everyone else, even the suggestion all peoples should be treated equitably is considered effrontery to the Zionists.

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The Israelis, Zionists are hyper sensitive to criticism, we even see it here in this forum where there is an endless stream of accusations of "Jew hater" and "antisemitic" hurled abusively at anyone who tries to draw attentions to the regime's criminality.

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And it’s your double standards that betray your antisemitism, along with your lies about genocide.
Once this is sincerely embraced the rest follows logically, like approving of segregation, home demolitions, open prisons, sieges, slaughter of babies, bombing schools and hospitals, arresting kids, shooting protesters, denying pregnant women access to hospital and so on.

I do not understand the delusional thinking of living in this bubble where Israel/Zionists/Jews do all these terrible things outlined above, and Palestinians don't even exist, except as "innocents" sitting around doing nothing but waiting for things to happen to them.

As example: No one was requiring ambulances to go through security at checkpoints. Until Palestinians started using ambulances as bombs and to transport weapons into Israel.
And it’s your double standards that betray your antisemitism, along with your lies about genocide.
The accusations of genocide in Gaza are shared by the majority of the human race, itty bitty 3rd world stone age Israel is out of touch with the rest of the human race.
I'm arguing that they are mutually antagonistic goals, one must decide which is more important killing people who participated in Oct 7th or disregarding them and getting people's loved one's home.

It's a pretty simple choice, principled decent leadership would get this done and dusted, but the deranged psychos in the Knesset are not principled or decent or leaders - just war criminals.

The prioritized goal is that an October 7 must never happen again. Everything else falls after this goal.
I do not understand the delusional thinking of living in this bubble where Israel/Zionists/Jews do all these terrible things outlined above, and Palestinians don't even exist, except as "innocents" sitting around doing nothing but waiting for things to happen to them.
Which is to be expected when you consider the morality. Most people can see that the Palestinians are victims of Israeli apartheid, and can understand that to fight back against a barbaric state like that does require desperate tactics. This cry of "we are the victims" from the Zionists is all part of the sham.
As example: No one was requiring ambulances to go through security at checkpoints. Until Palestinians started using ambulances as bombs and to transport weapons into Israel.
And no one was requiring that ambulances be used to attack Israel until the state began persecuting Arabs and stealing their land and houses and shooting their kids and so on.
...everyone else sees a as a crime cannot actually be a crime because we need special rules, special exceptions because Jews are - well, special, superior.

Another inversion of reality. Israel is held to a separate and higher standard than the standard required of other states.
The prioritized goal is that an October 7 must never happen again. Everything else falls after this goal.
Well any fool can see that that goal has not only been missed but the situation has been made more dire. Whereas before you had a few thousand Hamas fighters threating the Israeli regime, now you likely have hundreds of thousands and the hatred is considerably more amplified after killing and maiming and blinding and paralysis and so on that has befallen even the most vulnerable in Gaza.

Israel will not see a reduction in violence but an increase, so bravo, well done, more Israelis are going to die and all attributable to the incompetence and fanaticism of the regime and in fact most of society.
Another inversion of reality. Israel is held to a separate and higher standard than the standard required of other states.
Another inversion of reality. Israel routinely violates many basic human rights to a greater degree than probably any other so called democracy and thus rightfully gets more accusations as a result.
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The fact that you're not familiar with the image shows me how sheltered your are from what's going on.
There aren’t any Israelis who think using a Palestinian as a human shield would be effective. The idea that the Islamic terrorist would skip firing on that truck because there was a Palestinian on it is hilarious.
There aren’t any Israelis who think using a Palestinian as a human shield would be effective. The idea that the Islamic terrorist would skip firing on that truck because there was a Palestinian on it is hilarious.
Another inversion of reality:

The Hannibal Directive was actually an Israeli innovation: the name of a controversial procedure used by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. According to one version, it says that "the kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces."[2] It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF soldiers in Lebanon and subsequent controversial prisoner exchanges.

With that policy, any Palestinian can see there's no advantage in trying to use human shields or even hostages as a form of protection.

You guys are so bad at this, you make my task so easy, like shooting fish in a barrel.
I do not understand the delusional thinking of living in this bubble where Israel/Zionists/Jews do all these terrible things outlined above, and Palestinians don't even exist, except as "innocents" sitting around doing nothing but waiting for things to happen to them.

As example: No one was requiring ambulances to go through security at checkpoints. Until Palestinians started using ambulances as bombs and to transport weapons into Israel.
Come on. You DO understand. The only explanation for such deluded thinking and double standards where Jews are involved is engrained antisemitism - so engrained that these posters can’t even acknowledge what is driving their deluded interpretations.

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