Increasing public unrest in Israel

Here's a Jew who was alive when Israel was created and has visited Israel many times and who knew every Israeli Prime Minister personally, his own grandmother was shot in her bed by a Nazi, yet he says the Israeli state acts like "Nazis". He'd ridicule your naivety as many of us here have been doing:

I stand with Jews like Kaufman, Chomsky, Leibowitz, Finkelstein, Pappe, you stand with Jews like this:

View attachment 1011917View attachment 1011919

You continue to make my point for me. Instead if evidence to support your false allegations about Israel, you present quotes from other people who agree with you without presenting any evidence the allegations are true.
You continue to make my point for me. Instead if evidence to support your false allegations about Israel, you present quotes from other people who agree with you without presenting any evidence the allegations are true.
It’s appalling the overt ignorance of the dumb American. Heartless inhumane MFers.
You continue to make my point for me. Instead if evidence to support your false allegations about Israel, you present quotes from other people who agree with you without presenting any evidence the allegations are true.
I see the same evidence Chomsky sees and Finkelstein sees and Kaufman saw and Illan Pappe sees and Hajo Meyer saw and so on, you need to look at the evidence they looked at, if you can't find it look harder or if you're not mentally up to the task then you'll have to just carry on doing this:

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It’s appalling the overt ignorance of the dumb American. Heartless inhumane MFers.

Smotrich is excrement, should be crushed under foot, turned to dust and blown to the four winds, utterly disgusting human being.

I didn't think people like this actually still existed, I assumed that depraved mindset died with the Third Reich, but it's now clear, they do still exist and they all live in Israel (a few even hang around discussion forums like this one)
I see the same evidence Chomsky sees and Finkelstein sees and Kaufman saw and Illan Pappe sees and Hajo Meyer saw and so on, you need to look at the evidence they looked at, if you can't find it look harder or if you're not mentally up to the task then you'll have to just carry on doing this:

View attachment 1011942
So you claim, but you are clearly unable to present such evidence in this forum, merely quoting other people who share your views.

The truth is you seem to have no interest at all in anything but trying to justify killing Jews and there is no limit to the kind of lies you will tell to try to justify it.
So you claim, but you are clearly unable to present such evidence in this forum, merely quoting other people who share your views.

The truth is you seem to have no interest at all in anything but trying to justify killing Jews and there is no limit to the kind of lies you will tell to try to justify it.
So you claim, but you are clearly unable to present such evidence in this forum, merely quoting other people who share your views.

The truth is you seem to have no interest at all in anything but trying to justify killing Arabs and there is no limit to the kind of lies you will tell to try to justify it.
So you claim, but you are clearly unable to present such evidence in this forum, merely quoting other people who share your views.

The truth is you seem to have no interest at all in anything but trying to justify killing Arabs and there is no limit to the kind of lies you will tell to try to justify it.
I always present evidence for what I claim to be true, and you consistently reject any evidence that does not justify killing Jews.
Smotrich is excrement, should be crushed under foot, turned to dust and blown to the four winds, utterly disgusting human being.

I didn't think people like this actually still existed, I assumed that depraved mindset died with the Third Reich, but it's now clear, they do still exist and they all live in Israel (a few even hang around discussion forums like this one)
Agreed. I too never thought we’d see a genocide like this one again. How naive of us. It makes me sick. And all these idiots supporting this horrendous mass murder also surprises me and thoroughly disgusts me.
So you claim, but you are clearly unable to present such evidence in this forum, merely quoting other people who share your views.

The truth is you seem to have no interest at all in anything but trying to justify killing Jews and there is no limit to the kind of lies you will tell to try to justify it.
You’re on the wrong side. You will soon deny you supported mass murder of innocent women and children. Hypocrite!
You’ve become that which you claim to abhor. You support genocide.

Today's Gaza genocide is not the first time that genocidal Jews have been complicit in mass murder through starvation:

"Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED

I think that it is commendable of Israeli media to be so candid and sometimes so openly critical of Israel's unfortunate current government.

While I am severely opposed to the Netanyahu government and it's criminal machinations, I sincerely want the rational, peace seeking and admirable Israeli people to enjoy a peaceful and productive existence.

There's no way to kill more Palestinians and ever have security with 1.7 Billion embittered Muslims around the world.

Thanks and enjoy your weekend.


The existence of this terrorist state and their genocidal campaign should be a disgusting affront to all of humanity. And if our governments won’t stand against it we will.

It's existence must be brought to and end, it's despicable.

Just like the Nazis, silence dissent, kill anyone who exposes the truth of the insidious and horrifying state of Israel.

Israel is a misery machine, it's only contribution to humanity is to serve as a textbook example of the worst kinds of political ideologies. It generates pain, fear and misery, it is a parasite that leeches off the American tax payer, it is an illegitimate enterprise that has done irreparable harm to Arabs and Jews alike.
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Ah, there ya go. Yes. Both peoples (as a collective) have rights to return to the land. It would be hypocritical for one to believe that only one group has rights to return and self-determination. Both groups must have the same rights.

That said, there are other considerations, limitations, and boundaries (for both).

I'm glad to hear of your even handed sentiments.

That's all that I have been arguing for;
an even handed treatment of both parties .

I'm glad to hear of your even handed sentiments.

That's all that I have been arguing for;
an even handed treatment of both parties .


Great. You would agree, then, that BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab people have a right to self-determination in that land and you agree that BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab people have a right to return to that land?

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