Is it starting to seem like our politicians are slowly forcing us segregate?

Yep….some of us are woke mammals…scared shitless to admit to our preferences.
Back on track….how long before all good real core Americans reside in one place because our politicians have forced those with preferences to do so?

I have been calling out Critical Theory as unAmerican for ages now.


. . . . and yet, the course probably won't teach what Cultural Marxism is, will they?

That shit has even infiltrated Wikipedia. Even they are Cultural Marxists. They want to attribute such a things to a "conspiracy theory," where it was once an established scholarly fact.

The old web page;
Cultural Marxism
Cultural Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Cultural Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cultural Marxism refers to a school or offshoot of Marxism that conceives of culture as central to the legitimation of oppression, in addition to the economic factors that Karl Marx emphasized.[1] An outgrowth of Western Marxism (especially from Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School) and finding popularity in the 1960s as cultural studies, cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity;[1] are historically recent developments that help to justify and maintain hierarchy. Cultural Marxists use Marxist methods (historical research, the identification of economic interest, the study of the mutually conditioning relations between parts of a social order) to try to understand the complexity of power in contemporary society and to make it possible to criticize what, cultural Marxists propose, appears natural but is in fact ideological.
Cultural Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The new web page.

Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory
Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 21st-century conspiracy theory regards the Frankfurt School as the origin of a contemporary movement in the political left to subvert traditional western cultural norms, referred to as "Cultural Marxism" by theory proponents. It advocates the idea that multiculturalism and political correctness are products of critical theory, which originated with the Frankfurt School. The theory is associated with American conservative thinkers such as William Lind, Pat Buchanan and Paul Weyrich, and has received institutional support from the Free Congress Foundation.[51][52][53][54]

Although it became more widespread in the late 1990s and 2000s, the theory originated with Michael Minnicino's 1992 essay "New Dark Age: Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness'", published in Fidelio by the Schiller Institute.[55][56][57] The Schiller Institute, a branch of the LaRouche movement, further promoted the idea in 1994.[58] The Minnicino article charges that the Frankfurt School promoted Modernism in the arts as a form of Cultural pessimism, and played a role in shaping the 1960s counterculture.[55] In 1999 Lind led the creation of an hour-long program, Political Correctness: The Frankfurt School.[56] The documentary

That's right. Among the thought police and the cultural PC police, all of this is now just in our imaginations, it is not going on, and Cultural Marxism is nothing but a fantasy, it's now a "conspiracy theory." How Orwellian is that? They have even re-written history! :badgrin:

Wrong, it's actually the reverse. This is AGW propaganda and critical theory propaganda.

The fact is, there is a war on men.

Consumption is the problem. The more people consume, the more the planet is polluted and despoiled, not just with carbon, but depleted of rare earth minerals, plastic refuse, etc.

If we could convince these globalists to quit their war on men and these stupid materialist obsessive Amazon shoppers, we would all survive much longer and mass extinctions would not happen so quickly.

You don't think all these ads are targeted to men do you?

Women Influence 83% Of All Consumer Spending In U.S.
Women Influence 83% Of All Consumer Spending In U.S.

Women Influence 83% Of All Consumer Spending In U.S.-Pt. 3-Inspire Your Company To Engage Men..

. . . and as far as how folks posts make each other feel?

Well? How you feel is YOUR responsibility, not others. This is the tenet of Taoism, Stoicism, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

It is illogical to expect life, or the thoughts and actions of others, to conform to yoar expectations. This is the plague of modern political and intellectual life.

It is why this woke garbage and critical theory shit, has taken over university, professional and political life.

. . . but been the boon of Big Pharma.

Take care of your own shit. And get off the booze and dope.

Four cardinal virtues​

  • "Prudence (φρόνησις, phrónēsis; Latin: prudentia; also Wisdom, sophia, sapientia), the ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the appropriate time, with consideration of potential consequences.
  • Justice (δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosýnē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness;[4] the Greek word also having the meaning righteousness
  • Fortitude (ἀνδρεία, andreía; Latin: fortitudo): also termed courage: forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation. Notably, ἀνδρεία, being closely related to ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός, could also be translated "manliness".
  • Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosýnē; Latin: temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition. Plato considered sōphrosynē, which may also be translated as sound-mindedness, to be the most important virtue. σωφροσύνη was often used in reference to drinking and "knowing the right amount" to avoid belligerence."


Enjoy Moms 4 Liberty’s really uncomfortable "60 Minutes" appearance​

View attachment 912707

Megyn Kelly Slams "60 Minutes" For "Moms For Liberty" Hit Job Over Indoctrination of Kids in Schools​

They are wrapping up Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory into one educational agenda at the local level. It is all part of post modern philosophy.

This philosophy is EXCELLENT for demoralizing and destroying the social bonds of a culture and a nation, if you want to dissolve it from the inside.

". . . Postmodern philosophy questions the importance of power relationships, personalization, and discourse in the "construction" of truth and world views. Many postmodernists appear to deny that an objective reality exists, and appear to deny that there are objective moral values.[1]. . . "



Main article: Criticism of postmodernism

A common criticism of postmodernism is that it lacks coherence and is hostile to notions such as truth, logic, and objectivity. Specifically, it is held that postmodernism can be meaningless, promotes obscurantism and uses relativism (in culture, morality, knowledge) excessively.[citation needed]. . ."

You can find an entry for nearly every common piece of knowledge in the Wikipedia. . . but now ask yourselves. . . .

Why no wiki stub for Ordo Ab Chao? 🤔

Why do Veterans just get a day or two, but the nation seems to be marinating in this LGBTQ crap for a whole month, and this critical theory garbage, year around?


Actually, not really.

This is a relatively recent development, it needs to be specified & delineated. The old fashioned commies had no use for them, they really didn't.

The wokesters that are a result of critical theory, and come out of post-modern pedagogy. Its a subversive new phenomenon to destabilize the west.

The global technocracy is into eugenics & pedophilia, the old commies weren't into that so much.

Forcing us to compartmentalize as they push the square peg into a round hole?
Pushing all the hate whitey stuff, the open border, the men can be women shit, the change America / hate America bullshit?
The mass exodus from Mexifornia and other shitholes kinda confirms my suspicions.
No Christian prefers to live next door to athiests
No heterosexual prefers to live next door to homos
No core American prefers to live next door to a Mexico’s people or a Mariachi Band
Nobody conventional prefers to live next door to unconventionals
Nobody raising their kids to be decent, moral, principled and ambitious prefers to live next door to people raising their children to be indecent, immoral, unprincipled, lazy pieces of dogshit.

It’s just a matter of time before we all end up together….Should I start a Core American Coalition aimed at coordinating the re-location of core Americans? Should we all rendezvous in somewhere like South Dakota?

Starting to seem like??​ must have been asleep the last decade. America is over! Once the lights go out and they never come back on, it will be hell on earth in America.

civil war 4.75.gif
Forcing us to compartmentalize as they push the square peg into a round hole?
Pushing all the hate whitey stuff, the open border, the men can be women shit, the change America / hate America bullshit?
The mass exodus from Mexifornia and other shitholes kinda confirms my suspicions.
No Christian prefers to live next door to athiests
No heterosexual prefers to live next door to homos
No core American prefers to live next door to a Mexico’s people or a Mariachi Band
Nobody conventional prefers to live next door to unconventionals
Nobody raising their kids to be decent, moral, principled and ambitious prefers to live next door to people raising their children to be indecent, immoral, unprincipled, lazy pieces of dogshit.

It’s just a matter of time before we all end up together….Should I start a Core American Coalition aimed at coordinating the re-location of core Americans? Should we all rendezvous in somewhere like South Dakota?
One side is making you segregate.

And it isn't the left.
We're all humans idiot.


babies do not care who is black white or purple

cats do not cate who is pedigreed, black , or siamese.

if you have any counterexamples that do not involve a predator/prey relationship or species specific seasonal behavior, i would love to hear them.

as an aside what makes US human is our ability to overcome these mammalian instincts and sing kumbaya.
  • Thanks
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Forcing us to compartmentalize as they push the square peg into a round hole?
Pushing all the hate whitey stuff, the open border, the men can be women shit, the change America / hate America bullshit?
The mass exodus from Mexifornia and other shitholes kinda confirms my suspicions.
No Christian prefers to live next door to athiests
No heterosexual prefers to live next door to homos
No core American prefers to live next door to a Mexico’s people or a Mariachi Band
Nobody conventional prefers to live next door to unconventionals
Nobody raising their kids to be decent, moral, principled and ambitious prefers to live next door to people raising their children to be indecent, immoral, unprincipled, lazy pieces of dogshit.

It’s just a matter of time before we all end up together….Should I start a Core American Coalition aimed at coordinating the re-location of core Americans? Should we all rendezvous in somewhere like South Dakota?
No true American likes a bigot.
Yep….some of us are woke mammals…scared shitless to admit to our preferences.
Back on track….how long before all good real core Americans reside in one place because our politicians have forced those with preferences to do so?
Real core Americans.

No you weren't. And America has never been 90 percent white christian heterosexuals.
Oh, but we were. Safe and free. We'd hop on our bikes after breakfast, and wouldn't show up again until supper. Then out again until dark. It was wonderful. And never did my parents utter, "I thought you had been kidnapped, sold to sex traffickers, then raped and your body dumped in a shallow grave"...

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