Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals

Oh... you think he's going to solve the problems facing the country? That's about as fucking likely as Harris solving the problems facing the country.
You think Harris isn’t go to make things even worse?! $25,000 house down payments? Including for ILLEGALS?! Price fixing at the grocery store? Increasing welfare? Raising taxes?

At least Trump can start to reverse the damage, or keep the Dems from making it worse.
Yeah, pretty much. If you are white, straight and male, the system already works for you because you are privileged.

How you will be treated by employers, law enforcement and business is pre-determined.

That's just complete bullshit. Affirmative Action has been around for 5 decades. Just the opposite of what you posted is true.

Why can't the Democrats support equality?

Why do you and Hitler supporters support fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination?



Democrats needs to explain why...
Back to the topic of Laura Loomer calling herself a “white advocate,” I see no problem for three reasons:

1) The Left pushes policies like DEI that discriminate against whites, and so she wants to advocate for them to protect them from this racism.

2) Nobody has a problem when a black person says he advocates for blacks.

3) What does this have to do with Trump?

what does this have to do with Trump, he asks

what does this have to do with Trump, he asks
First, I’m not a he. My name, Lisa, should have clued you in.

What I meant, as you well know, is what does this have to do with Trump’s presidency - and his superior economic policies, his plans to ramp the border shut, to bring about energy independence, to stop the Socialists from ruining things further, etc., etc.

Now if you have a tape of him fondling a 10-year-old’s prepubescent nipples,,then we’ll talk.
First, I’m not a he. My name, Lisa, should have clued you in.

What I meant, as you well know, is what does this have to do with Trump’s presidency - and his superior economic policies, his plans to ramp the border shut, to bring about energy independence, to stop the Socialists from ruining things further, etc., etc.

Now if you have a tape of him fondling a 10-year-old’s prepubescent nipples,,then we’ll talk.
it has nothing to do with his presidency, but he is a candidate. One is known by the company one keeps. So if he is hanging around with a woman who is not his wife.. need i say more.
First, I’m not a he. My name, Lisa, should have clued you in.

What I meant, as you well know, is what does this have to do with Trump’s presidency - and his superior economic policies,
Fake news.
They don't exist. Just like his bullshit "concepts of plans" to replace the ACA.
his plans to ramp the border shut,
Fake news.
Nobody could ever "close" the southern border. If the convicted felon actually had the smarts and experience to even BE POTUS material in the first place he would know that and he wouldn't have to fill the heads of his ignorant cultroaches like you with such garbage.
to bring about energy independence,
Fake news.
He never did that nor will he ever. But you'll believe anything right?
to stop the Socialists from ruining things further, etc., etc.
So far all this parroted fake news propaganda kinda indicates you are in a cult.
Seek help.
Now if you have a tape of him fondling a 10-year-old’s prepubescent nipples,,then we’ll talk.
Who are you trying to kid?
That wouldn't bother you at all.
Trump could be caught on video butt-fucking little boys in a dressing room and by the end of the day you'd have a story spun up about how the kids "deserved it" or were "just trying to frame him to make him lo9k bad.
There is nothing this mam could do now that would be "too much" or "over the line" for you. You are prepared to excuse anything and everything he says or does.
That is the way cults work.

Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story. The former pageant contestants discussed their memories of the incident after former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate that Trump entered the Miss USA dressing room in
2001 when she was a contestant.

Uh, guy,

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I'm sure if I talked to everyone in your sad and useless life, I'll find someone who will say that you were terrible to work with or got ahead by brownnosing.

You're projecting again. LMAO BTW, I've never felt oppressed either, the way I was raised, you work to get what you want. And that's exactly what I did for about 50 years. And I fully retired at 63. So piss off commie, I had it no better or worse than anyone I know.



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