Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

Your false and nasty accusations and personal insults are inappropriate for a Clean Debate Thread, and your last one has been reported. Now piss off.
You used to try the same thing when we had a Race Relations Board.
Make racist statements and then report if someone called you a racist.

So you move your bigotry into the Clean Debate Forum and expect to be shielded from criticism.

Maybe you should just clean up your act
It's not your place to say what people should blow their money on. It drove my ex crazy when I bought shoes. Mind you, I got about a hundred pair. But it's my money
Since I got rid of that old nag I diversified my portfolio to include more bags. Little cute designer handbags to go with my shoes. Tonight I'm gonna have a five dollar pot pie from KFC and a apple crumble for desert. Weed and a girl flick. Thelma and Luise maybe. Or old Star Trek. They crack me up
Are you on welfare? Then it really isn’t your money. Stop acting like welfare recipients are entitled to $100 toys for their kids when the people FUNDING the welfare can’t afford $100 toys for their kids.
Once you give em the welfare money it's their money. Once you give a pan handler twenty bucks it's his twenty to do as he pleases. Not everybody is gonna be responsible. Ever. I'm just glad that stuff like that ruins your day. Maybe you should try to find God or something.
It isn't their money. It is MY money and many other taxpayer's just like me. Maybe you should have listened to your ex, he might not be an ex if you had.
That's how they do you. I don't want my tax dollar to pay for Trump's SS protective detail. I don't approve of that. They do it anyway.
Once you give em the welfare money it's their money. Once you give a pan handler twenty bucks it's his twenty to do as he pleases. Not everybody is gonna be responsible. Ever. I'm just glad that stuff like that ruins your day. Maybe you should try to find God or something.
It is my choice to give to the panhandler. I have no choice when the government takes MY money to give to a low life with no common sense.
I see this constantly with my wife’s family. One sister In particular. The family is Puerto Rican and when I started dating the woman who is now my wife I got dubbed “the rich white guy” by two of her sisters and their combined seven kids (zero husbands).

One of them is now married to a do nothing and they’re constantly asking for money (which we only occasionally send) in spite of the fact that she collects welfare and close to $1000 in SNAP funds.

In the next couple weeks my wife will receive the Christmas Wish List from them abd we’ll have a good laugh over it, since I’m sure it’ll include at least one cell phone, a computer or gaming system, and some other major electronics. They’ll get gift cards.
How do you know. I know lots of people who get food stamps and nobody ever offered me any for the moonshine I sell. Or the drugs. I wouldn't take food stamps anyway. Cash only
It is clear that I got around a lot more than have you. I have been offered--- and long ago when my dad had a little store---he was offered---FURTHERMORE I know. I know a lot more about the manipulations of
welfare etc etc. HOWEVER I recognize that being poor is HARD. The welfare system makes poverty a FULL TIME JOB
Once you give em the welfare money it's their money. Once you give a pan handler twenty bucks it's his twenty to do as he pleases. Not everybody is gonna be responsible. Ever. I'm just glad that stuff like that ruins your day. Maybe you should try to find God or something.
First, your smack about finding Gd is a personal insult and inappropriate for this forum. Another attempt to flame me will be reported.

Second, the difference is one CHOOSES to give to a panhandler.

One is forced to pay taxes that, in part, fund welfare. It is therefore a valid question as to how much is a good amount, and if the fact that people on welfare can afford $100 toys that the people paying that the people paying welfare cannot is a sign we are overpaying.
You used to try the same thing when we had a Race Relations Board.
Make racist statements and then report if someone called you a racist.

So you move your bigotry into the Clean Debate Forum and expect to be shielded from criticism.

Maybe you should just clean up your act
Road Runner does the same thing.
First, your smack about finding Gd is a personal insult and inappropriate for this forum. Another attempt to flame me will be reported.

Second, the difference is one CHOOSES to give to a panhandler.

One is forced to pay taxes that, in part, fund welfare. It is therefore a valid question as to how much is a good amount, and if the fact that people on welfare can afford $100 toys that the people paying that the people paying welfare cannot is a sign we are overpaying.
I was just trying to help
It is clear that I got around a lot more than have you. I have been offered--- and long ago when my dad had a little store---he was offered---FURTHERMORE I know. I know a lot more about the manipulations of
welfare etc etc. HOWEVER I recognize that being poor is HARD. The welfare system makes poverty a FULL TIME JOB
That's cause you're old.
I was just trying to help
How is telling a Jew to “find Gd” a help? It’s a smack in the face, and all because you disapprove of my raising a very valid discussion topic:

With middle class people struggling under the more than 20% increase in prices in basic living essentials over the past three years, and struggling to buy groceries, is the fact that welfare recipients can afford to buy $100 toys for their young children an indication that welfare benefits are too high?

It is a very valid question. While you concern yourself only with the poor people, how do you think a self-supportimg working class person feels when he realizes that welfare recipients, to whom his taxes go to in part, are able to afford better stuff than he can?

P.S. This is why the Democrats have lost the working class.
Absolutely correct. They made their bed, let them lay in it.
You missed her point. She thinks that unless they are given enough of other people’s money that they can buy $100 toys, they are suffering.

I guarantee you she doesn’t think the middle class no longer able to buy expensive items “suffering,”

This is their idea of socialism. That the poor should be able to have everything the working class does - or MORE - without earning it.

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