Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

Maybe you should go on welfare

You claim they have it so easy
Another irrational post.

It is a legitimate question whether working Americans are giving away too much of their own money to welfare recipients when the welfare people can afford more expensive toys for their kids than self-supporting people can - especially when it is they who are paying for it.

IOW, taxpayers are asked to buy unnecessary expensive toys for welfare people than they can buy for their own kids!
Ah….the old liberal defense: when you can’t defend the insanity of liberal programs, you just go into denial mode.

Your writing skills are not that good and your bigotry always shines thru.

Your claim you were able to go to Walmart and see all these “obvious poor people” buying $100 toys shows you made it up. How do you know their financial status?

Your plea of……Don’t you think poor people have it too good ? …..pretty lame
Oh sure….

No, what I think happened is that she just assumed I have a lot of extra money and that I could afford the expensive toy. It’s not the first time that poor people just assume middle-class people have lots of money to give away.

The thing is that before Biden’s inflation, I COULD have afforded it easily. Now I am spending about $500 more on groceries, $100 more on gas, and $100 more on utilities, and I have to watch my discretionary spending. Happy?
I'm pleased to read that you are paying your utilities.
Your writing skills are not that good and your bigotry always shines thru.

Your claim you were able to go to Walmart and see all these “obvious poor people” buying $100 toys shows you made it up. How do you know their financial status?

Your plea of……Don’t you think poor people have it too good ? …..pretty lame
I knew you would hinge on that. It’s obvious these are not upper-middle class parents.

And you are ignoring that poor people are able to buy the ridiculously expensive toy when middle clsss people CANNOT!
It is a legitimate question whether working Americans are giving away too much of their own money to welfare recipients when the welfare people can afford more expensive toys for their kids than self-supporting people can - especially when it is they who are paying for it.

Typical ploy of Conservatives

Working Americans struggle because of stagnant wages and decreased benefits. Instead of pointing the finger at Corporations and the wealthy……..You point to poor people and say……THAT is the reason you are struggling
Your writing skills are not that good and your bigotry always shines thru.

Your claim you were able to go to Walmart and see all these “obvious poor people” buying $100 toys shows you made it up. How do you know their financial status?

Your plea of……Don’t you think poor people have it too good ? …..pretty lame
somehow I missed the posting your claim from Lisa in which you claim
she wrote "poor people have it too good"
I'm pleased to read that you are paying your utilities.
Of course. I’m also helping pay the utilities of welfare recipients as well.

The difference is: thanks to my help, and those of 100 million responsible taxpayers, they can afford $100 toys for their kids. The 100 million responsible taxpayers cannot.
somehow I missed the posting your claim from Lisa in which you claim
she wrote "poor people have it too good"
Thanks. Of course I never said that. He does the thing liberals do a lot: lie and claim they said something they never did.
And you are ignoring that poor people are able to buy the ridiculously expensive toy when middle clsss people CANNOT!


I have a Goodwill Store near me and it is always full of people buying used clothes, furniture and household goods.

That is how poor people are stretching their dollar
Typical ploy of Conservatives

Working Americans struggle because of stagnant wages and decreased benefits. Instead of pointing the finger at Corporations and the wealthy……..You point to poor people and say……THAT is the reason you are struggling
I missed the post by Lisa in which she claimed BLAME on "poor
people" for the economics of the "middle class" today.
Thanks. Of course I never said that. He does the thing liberals do a lot: lie and claim they said something they never did.
What do you call your complaint……Poor people shouldn’t have $100 toys
I missed the post by Lisa in which she claimed BLAME on "poor
people" for the economics of the "middle class" today.

From the OP

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?
Of course. I’m also helping pay the utilities of welfare recipients as well.

The difference is: thanks to my help, and those of 100 million responsible taxpayers, they can afford $100 toys for their kids. The 100 million responsible taxpayers cannot.
Remember the last time I talked about utility bills you blew a gasket. That was fun
From the OP

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?
Cons think poverty is the result of moral failings.

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