Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

You assume that which you do not know makes your assumptions a fallacy.
That's for us to determine. Yes it's insensitive. Those kids may not even know that they are poor but someone is gonna begrudge them a toy. I remember when I was a kid. We had ONE toy, and it was a STICK. That's right. A stick. Like dogs.
I had a stick and rocks.
That's for us to determine. Yes it's insensitive. Those kids may not even know that they are poor but someone is gonna begrudge them a toy. I remember when I was a kid. We had ONE toy, and it was a STICK. That's right. A stick. Like dogs.
Nobody is begrudging them “a toy.” They are begrudging them a $100 toy that welfare parents really cannot afford - except for the fact that other people are paying their rent, medical, and food bills. And THOSE people cannot afford the toy for their OWN kids!

Why should the children of self-supporting parents have to go without the $100 toy because THEIR parents aren’t getting welfare?

(And sorry, but I could not afford to buy the kid a $100 toy, especially given the inflation of groceries, AND that I want to give equal presents to all the other kids. I simply cannot afford to buy $400 worth of toys for this family.)
Welfare comes from tax $$$ moron. I am a taxpayer. My money is being given to them. Wake up.
Thank you. How dumb ARE these leftists? Just listen to them and their santimony.

There is definitely something wrong when welfare recipients are buying $100 toys for their kids while self-supporting people, whose taxes are going to pay for the welfare, can’t afford it for their own kids.
Nobody is begrudging them “a toy.” They are begrudging them a $100 toy that welfare parents really cannot afford - except for the fact that other people are paying their rent, medical, and food bills. And THOSE people cannot afford the toy for their OWN kids!

Why should the children of self-supporting parents have to go without the $100 toy because THEIR parents aren’t getting welfare?

(And sorry, but I could not afford to buy the kid a $100 toy, especially given the inflation of groceries, AND that I want to give equal presents to all the other kids. I simply cannot afford to buy $400 worth of toys for this family.)
Somebody is. Somebody is bigly mad that some people need help.
Nothing insensitive about suggesting that people on welfare should not be able to afford $100 toys that the working class cannot - and whether they are being given too much of other people’s money (the other people who, I might add, cannot afford to buy $100 toys).

Here, I’ll simplify:

Welfare family: can afford $100 toys for their children
Working class family: cannot, and has to stick with the clearance aisle, while also paying taxes to give to the welfare family

Something is very unfair with this picture.

You must pay a lot of taxes.
Thank you. How dumb ARE these leftists? Just listen to them and their santimony.

There is definitely something wrong when welfare recipients are buying $100 toys for their kids while self-supporting people, whose taxes are going to pay for the welfare, can’t afford it for their own kids.
Those same kids are running around in NBA licensed shoes and NFL licensed jackets and jerseys costing hundreds of dollars when better, more practical wear is available for hundreds less. Common sense is not common anymore.
And you survived. No one is denying anyone. My money is not their money. If their parents want high priced toys for their children, they should get off of their lazy asses and earn them and get their hands out of other's pockets.
My parents also had very few toys, and cheap ones. My fsther told me his two toys were a rubber ball and a stick. My mother had a doll. One. That’s it.

What they did NOT expect was for other people to give their parents money so they could buy them $100 toys. Especially if the other people couldn’t afford it for their own kids.

These libs have such a holier-than-though attitude. They are actually bragging that welfare recipients are entitled to give more to their kids - using other people’s money - than the workimg-class can afford to give to theirs!

(And the working class sees it. That’s why they vote R.)
Somebody is. Somebody is bigly mad that some people need help.
OMG. You’re beyond hope. Somebody is bigly mad because so much money is given to welfare recipients that they can afford $100 toys for their children, thanks to other people’s money WHEN THE OTHER PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD $100 TOYS FOR THEIR OWN KIDS!
And you survived. No one is denying anyone. My money is not their money. If their parents want high priced toys for their children, they should get off of their lazy asses and earn them and get their hands out of other's pockets.

OMG. You’re beyond hope. Somebody is bigly mad because so much money is given to welfare recipients that they can afford $100 toys for their children, thanks to other people’s money WHEN THE OTHER PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD $100 TOYS FOR THEIR OWN KIDS!
You probably bragged to that poor single mother about your financial situation and she put you on the spot. I hope she somehow reads this and finds out what you really think of her. Then you probably get shunned to protect her children.
Nothing insensitive about suggesting that people on welfare should not be able to afford $100 toys that the working class cannot - and whether they are being given too much of other people’s money (the other people who, I might add, cannot afford to buy $100 toys).

Here, I’ll simplify:

Welfare family: can afford $100 toys for their children
Working class family: cannot, and has to stick with the clearance aisle, while also paying taxes to give to the welfare family

Something is very unfair with this picture.
Your OP is an obvious lie to spread hatred against poor people and claim they have it too good in life.

It is a variation on the old….I was in line at the grocery store and could not believe how much expensive stuff poor people buy
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OMG. You’re beyond hope. Somebody is bigly mad because so much money is given to welfare recipients that they can afford $100 toys for their children, thanks to other people’s money WHEN THE OTHER PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD $100 TOYS FOR THEIR OWN KIDS!
actually----sorry ---mindless "progressives"----I agree. I am not sure
on whom to blame the MATERIALS HUNGER by people who---simply---
do not have the "wherewithal" It is almost BIZARRE -----AMERICAN
You probably bragged to that poor single mother about your financial situation and she put you on the spot. I hope she somehow reads this and finds out what you really think of her. Then you probably get shunned to protect her children.
an impoverished mother who decides to spend $ 100 on a toy for her
kid-----is not doing that kid any favors
You probably bragged to that poor single mother about your financial situation and she put you on the spot. I hope she somehow reads this and finds out what you really think of her. Then you probably get shunned to protect her children.
Oh sure….

No, what I think happened is that she just assumed I have a lot of extra money and that I could afford the expensive toy. It’s not the first time that poor people just assume middle-class people have lots of money to give away.

The thing is that before Biden’s inflation, I COULD have afforded it easily. Now I am spending about $500 more on groceries, $100 more on gas, and $100 more on utilities, and I have to watch my discretionary spending. Happy?
Your OP is an obvious lie to spread hatred against poor people and claim they have it too good in life.

It is a variation on the old….I was in line at the grocery store and could not believe how much expensive stuff poor people buy
Ah….the old liberal defense: when you can’t defend the insanity of liberal programs, you just go into denial mode.
Oh sure….

No, what I think happened is that she just assumed I have a lot of extra money and that I could afford the expensive toy. It’s not the first time that poor people just assume middle-class people have lots of money to give away.

The thing is that before Biden’s inflation, I COULD have afforded it easily. Now I am spending about $500 more on groceries, $100 more on gas, and $100 more on utilities, and I have to watch my discretionary spending. Happy?
Maybe you should go on welfare

You claim they have it so easy
Oh sure….

No, what I think happened is that she just assumed I have a lot of extra money and that I could afford the expensive toy. It’s not the first time that poor people just assume middle-class people have lots of money to give away.

The thing is that before Biden’s inflation, I COULD have afforded it easily. Now I am spending about $500 more on groceries, $100 more on gas, and $100 more on utilities, and I have to watch my discretionary spending. Happy?
"who has got what" in the neighborhood-----is a big topic over the picket fence in suburban USA

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