Increasing public unrest in Israel

You claimed that Israel was not a terrorist state, I provided three sources to show that I did not just make up this idea, there are many more too.

You tell me now that you reject what is said in one of the articles but also tell me you haven't read the articles.

I do not dispute that there are countries declaring Hamas to be a terrorist organization, and I do not dispute the designation, I get that.

What I am asking you is why do you reject the reports that demonstrate state terrorism in Israel? if you haven't read them how can you evaluate and reject them?

Would you only believe negative claims about Israel if they appeared in reports published by the Knesset? is that it?
I don’t believe the Zionists have any idea the numbers killed, wounded, and displaced by Israelis vs Palestinians. The number is not even close. Yet, they think the Palestinians are terrorists and murderous scum and Israel is full of love and democracy.

Proof propaganda works on the dumb.
You forgot to mention you think ALL Palestinians, including babies to elderly, are murderous scum who must be culled.

Very Nazi/Zionist of you.
No, but they are unfortunately subject to the failings of their parents and destine to become products of the culture their were born into.

Your argument is stupid. Babies got killed in the Allie’s campaign in ww2 Europe. By your argument, we apparently shouldn’t have defeated the Nazis.
No, but they are unfortunately subject to the failings of their parents and destine to become products of the culture their were born into.

Your argument is stupid. Babies got killed in the Allie’s campaign in ww2 Europe. By your argument, we apparently shouldn’t have defeated the Nazis.
Is that your justification for mass murder? Very Nazi of you.
Yes it is, just search for "Israeli state terrorism" and look at all the responses, here, I'll save you the effort:

View attachment 1013153

I did not write any of those pieces.

What did I say exactly? I did I dismiss?

Look at WW2 that was a conflict between Christian states, what I'm arguing is that the fact that different actors share a theological system is immaterial.

Well it seems to me that you are the one ignoring aggression.

That's your problem, you post sanitized Zionism and apologetics for racial supremacy and apartheid, I'm going to get in your face by revealing the lies.
A lot of words. Not muscle substance. You are being downsized. Pick 1 thing you want to discuss there. Step up your effort.
Sherlock Holmes
Well unfortunately for you that's not true, there's report after report after report that describes how Palestinians are rarely granted building permits in comparison to Jews. I can show you these reports and you'll dismiss them and that's all you do.

This is the language of the apologist the "Yes, this happens sometimes but..." prefix that I see on most replies from Zionist apologists. If you look at Nazi language and rhetoric they used the very same indoctrination techniques that you do.

So don't pretend that there's a lack of supporting evidence.
Still more lies from the king of lies. These allegations have been made only about building permits in area C of the West Bank and not about Israel, and they are bogus even about the West Bank.

Before any building permits can be issued in area C, a master plan for development must be approved, and then any applications for building permits must comply with the requirements of the master plan, and no construction can begin until the application has been approved. On average, it takes about two years for an application to be approved if all the rules have been followed.

The allegations come from European ngo's that encourage Palestinians to challenge Israeli jurisdiction over area C by building without first obtaining a building permit, and then applying for a permit after receiving a notice that the construction which has already begun is illegal. None of the allegations of unequal treatment for Arabs compares the rate of approval for applications by Israelis and Palestinians that have been properly filed.
Stay on topic! This thread isn't about vaccines.
Here's some history for those deluded individuals who think the world began on Oct 7th 2023. This is from Oct 4th:

Well unfortunately for you that's not true, there's report after report after report that describes how Palestinians are rarely granted building permits in comparison to Jews. I can show you these reports and you'll dismiss them and that's all you do.
There are many assumptions inherent in this claim, such as (not a comprehensive list):
  • Do building permit applications collect and collate data on the ethnic or religious identity of applicants?
  • Do Arabs and Jews apply for permits in the same proportions?
  • Has there been a study of the rate of approval based on complete and accurate applications?
  • Are there differences in Master, Regional, and Local plans?
  • Are discrepancies or conflicts arising from proof of ownership or other interest in property?
  • Are there incentives for illegal building for one population over the other?
I would be happy to look at one of these reports. My intuition is that they will take one aspect of the complex subject, probably "more building permits were given out in Jewish neighborhoods than in Arab neighborhoods", and use it to claim a conclusion that Jews must be denying Arabs rights.
This is the language of the apologist the "Yes, this happens sometimes but..." prefix that I see on most replies from Zionist apologists.
No, it is the language of someone who deeply researches the topics at hand, rather than using the same old, same old tired slurs and soundbytes.
Here's some history for those deluded individuals who think the world began on Oct 7th 2023. This is from Oct 4th:

View attachment 1013288

If there's unrest, how do thousands of Jews feel confident to pray at the Temple Mount,

and since the war even more Muslims start openly supporting that?

Al-Jazeera propaganda
makes you stupid.
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Here's some history for those deluded individuals who think the world began on Oct 7th 2023. This is from Oct 4th:

View attachment 1013288

The nerve of Jews to pray at their Holy Site! How dare they?

I mean, we all know that everyone has a right to prayer and worship and practice their religion, especially at shared (usurped) holy sites. Its a universal human right, after all. And entrenched by law in treaties between the parties concerned. Oh wait, except Jews. Not them.
There are many assumptions inherent in this claim, such as (not a comprehensive list):
  • Do building permit applications collect and collate data on the ethnic or religious identity of applicants?
  • Do Arabs and Jews apply for permits in the same proportions?
  • Has there been a study of the rate of approval based on complete and accurate applications?
  • Are there differences in Master, Regional, and Local plans?
  • Are discrepancies or conflicts arising from proof of ownership or other interest in property?
  • Are there incentives for illegal building for one population over the other?
I would be happy to look at one of these reports. My intuition is that they will take one aspect of the complex subject, probably "more building permits were given out in Jewish neighborhoods than in Arab neighborhoods", and use it to claim a conclusion that Jews must be denying Arabs rights.

No, it is the language of someone who deeply researches the topics at hand, rather than using the same old, same old tired slurs and soundbytes.
I do not need or want a Zionist to interpret what I see, read and hear, I can do that just fine all by myself. People should not rely on Zionists for their understanding of Israel any more than we would have listened to a Nazi as they "explain" the true nature of the "Jewish problem".



By 2018 it was calculated that of grants to people in the West Bank of areas Israel declared to be state lands, 99.7% was given to Israeli settlements, with 0.24% (400 acres (160 ha)) being earmarked for allocation to Palestinians who constitute 88% of the population.[70]

As the saying goes, do not piss down my neck then tell me its raining.
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The nerve of Jews to pray at their Holy Site! How dare they?

I mean, we all know that everyone has a right to prayer and worship and practice their religion, especially at shared (usurped) holy sites. Its a universal human right, after all. And entrenched by law in treaties between the parties concerned. Oh wait, except Jews. Not them.
Translation "We can do whatever the f**k we want, whenever we want anywhere we want because we are always being victimized".
I do not need or want a Zionist to interpret what I see, read and hear, I can do that just fine.
Of course you don't want to listen to reasoned, well-researched, factual information.
re: highlighted section

This may or may not be true. Without knowing the specific neighborhoods it would be difficult to research. But as it stands it is a claim without evidence. Further, the assumption that the REASON there have been no building permits issued in some neighborhoods is because Jews are Nazis, is entirely baseless. There are likely dozens of reasons for a lack of building permits. Maybe no one applied for one. Maybe it has become an industrial zone rather than a residential one. Maybe a sensitive archeological was discovered there. Maybe the neighborhood was abandoned.
Translation "We can do whatever the f**k we want, whenever we want anywhere we want because we are always being victimized".
Wow. No. The claim was that all peoples have an equal right to practice their religious faith as a universal human right and, in this specific place by specific treaty agreement.

And insulting the faith and religious practices and sacred rituals of any peoples is disgusting.
Of course you don't want to listen to reasoned, well-researched, factual information.

re: highlighted section

This may or may not be true. Without knowing the specific neighborhoods it would be difficult to research. But as it stands it is a claim without evidence. Further, the assumption that the REASON there have been no building permits issued in some neighborhoods is because Jews are Nazis, is entirely baseless.
Who claimed "Jews are Nazis"? see, you can't help it, you have to begin by framing yourself as a victim in order to even discuss this. I have never said that, quote me if you want to avoid this common pitfall of inaccurately paraphrasing people.
There are likely dozens of reasons for a lack of building permits. Maybe no one applied for one. Maybe it has become an industrial zone rather than a residential one. Maybe a sensitive archeological was discovered there. Maybe the neighborhood was abandoned.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Your modus operandi here is to serve as an apologist, the Nazis did this during the trials at Nuremberg, don't forget how the court responded to them.
Wow, if this is true then it shows how desperate the US is becoming and how powerless it is in restricting Israel.


I do not think this to be a fabrication, after all only a couple weeks ago Russia decimated a NATO "training facility" in Ukraine and killed Swedish NATO staff, not something being blasted across our news screens.


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