Increasing public unrest in Israel

Yes they do. So citing "doesn’t really carry the same weight as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence" hardly means we can trust what he says.
Well, if we can trust Government publications and we can trust faggy liberal academics, why should anyone put any weight on your words?
Well, if we can trust Government publications and we can trust faggy liberal academics, why should anyone put any weight on your words?
Tell me, where the people alerting the allies to Nazi gas chambers also faggy liberal academics? isn't that exactly what a Nazi would have called them?
“Dozens of countries” vs the author of Sherlock Holmes faggy academic paper.

“Dozens of countries, including the United States, have designated Hamas a terrorist organization over the years, though some apply this label only to its military wing.”

What Is Hamas?
HAMAS is designated as a terrorist organization. Liberal tears.

US Department of State
The US chooses its friends and enemies not based on moral qualities but on whether the group aligns with or against US geostrategic goals.

Those who do not align, who thwart US hegemony are often called "terrorist" like the KLA were until 1999 when the state dept. decided they could be helpful in furthering the territorial break up of Serbia. One day they were terrorists then next they were liberators.

I mean this is just basic stuff, it amazes me how the Zionists here seem to have such a poor grasp of how the world works.
I hoped you'd answer me, but never mind.
No, you are far from the delusion you engage in. You are just a dim witted liberal with a distinct lack of self awareness. The people who alerted the Allies to the gas chambers did so by first hand accounts, not sensational conspiracy theories by liberal pundits.

No, you are far from the delusion you engage in. You are just a dim witted liberal with a distinct lack of self awareness. The people who alerted the Allies to the gas chambers did so by first hand accounts, not sensational conspiracy theories by liberal pundits.

So a first hand account is what you seek? would you like some first hand accounts then about the genocide taking place in Gaza? accounts from people who have visited and worked there over the past year? Would you? like say doctors for example?

I didn't click the link, but is that photograph of Palestinians detained without charge in an Israeli prison? hard to tell from here.
The US chooses its friends and enemies not based on moral qualities but on whether the group aligns with or against US geostrategic goals.

Those who do not align, who thwart US hegemony are often called "terrorist" like the KLA were until 1999 when the state dept. decided they could be helpful in furthering the territorial break up of Serbia. One day they were terrorists then next they were liberators.

I mean this is just basic stuff, it amazes me how the Zionists here seem to have such a poor grasp of how the world works.
Listen Einstein, you are the one who posted a liberal academic paper to support your position. Now you are arguing about biases. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
So a first hand account is what you seek? would you like some first hand accounts then about the genocide taking place in Gaza? accounts from people who have visited and worked there over the past year? Would you? like say doctors for example?
No, I have firsthand accounts. You are the one who can’t stitch together a coherent argument.
Look, from that newspaper you cited above, this sounds very much like how stories of genocide in Gaza have been seeping out:

Mr Plesch, a professor at the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS University of London, said the major powers began drawing up war crimes charges based on witness testimony smuggled from the camps and from the resistance movements in various countries occupied by the Nazis. Among his discoveries were documents indicting Hitler for war crimes dating from 1944.
Listen Einstein, you are the one who posted a liberal academic paper to support your position. Now you are arguing about biases. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Tell me, what exactly did you read in this "liberal academic paper" that has got you so fired up? what did it say? can you quote the offending paragraph so we can look at it together here?
Tell me, what exactly did you read in this "liberal academic paper" that has got you so fired up? what did it say? can you quote the offending paragraph so we can look at it together here?
So, by your logic here, the academic paper with just a single author that you posted, carries more weigh and is less likely to be biased than the official position of 12 countries.

It’s not what was in the paper. It’s the logical failing of your argument. If we can’t trust the position of 12 countries, why should we trust the guy who wrote the paper you posted? Since that is your argument, why would you even post that paper?
So, by your logic here, the academic paper with just a single author that you posted, carries more weigh and is less likely to be biased than the official position of 12 countries.

It’s not what was in the paper. It’s the logical failing of your argument. If we can’t trust the position of 12 countries, why should we trust the guy who wrote the paper you posted? Since that is your argument, why would you even post that paper?
You claimed that Israel was not a terrorist state, I provided three sources to show that I did not just make up this idea, there are many more too.

You tell me now that you reject what is said in one of the articles but also tell me you haven't read the articles.

I do not dispute that there are countries declaring Hamas to be a terrorist organization, and I do not dispute the designation, I get that.

What I am asking you is why do you reject the reports that demonstrate state terrorism in Israel? if you haven't read them how can you evaluate and reject them?

Would you only believe negative claims about Israel if they appeared in reports published by the Knesset? is that it?
You claimed that Israel was not a terrorist state,
Israel is not a terrorist state. That is just your opinion. An opinion share by the faggy an endemic who wrote the paper you posted? Why should I care?

provided three sources to show that I did not just make up this idea, there are many more too.
I would never accuse you of original thought.
I do not dispute that there are countries declaring Hamas to be a terrorist organization, and I do not dispute the designation, I get that.
But you dismiss it as bias. A bias that your acedemic paper is apparently free of.
What I am asking you is why do you reject the reports that demonstrate state terrorism in Israel? if you haven't read them how can you evaluate and reject them?

The same way I reject your stupid opinion. Muslims are attacking other groups all over the world. It is not a phenomenon unique to the Middle East conflict. Therefore, the claims they Palestinian Muslims are the victims, ignores the reality of Islamic aggression which exists independently outside the Middle East conflict.

It’s a wider more broad perspective than is permissible by your antisemitism belief system.
Would you only believe negative claims about Israel if they appeared in reports published by the Knesset? is that it?
I used to believe the same liberal garbage about Israel that you do. Then I got more information and understood the conflict in a larger context.
Israel is not a terrorist state.
Yes it is, just search for "Israeli state terrorism" and look at all the responses, here, I'll save you the effort:


That is just your opinion. An opinion share by the faggy an endemic who wrote the paper you posted? Why should I care?
I did not write any of those pieces.
I would never accuse you of original thought.

But you dismiss it as bias. A bias that your acedemic paper is apparently free of.
What did I say exactly? I did I dismiss?
The same way I reject your stupid opinion. Muslims are attacking other groups all over the world. It is not a phenomenon unique to the Middle East conflict.
Look at WW2 that was a conflict between Christian states, what I'm arguing is that the fact that different actors share a theological system is immaterial.
Therefore, the claims they Palestinian Muslims are the victims, ignores the reality of Islamic aggression which exists independently outside the Middle East conflict.
Well it seems to me that you are the one ignoring aggression.
It’s a wider more broad perspective than is permissible by your antisemitism belief system.

I used to believe the same liberal garbage about Israel that you do. Then I got more information and understood the conflict in a larger context.
That's your problem, you post sanitized Zionism and apologetics for racial supremacy and apartheid, I'm going to get in your face by revealing the lies.

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