PBS Gets Citizen Question Wrong

I was learning. Correctly.

Any of you idiots can now link to shit published by Yale. That doesn’t make it correct.

It is a certainty that I could forget more about the American Constitution and the American Constirutional republic than you’ve ever been able to learn or comprehend.

I showed material on the topic presented at my college.

It is very prominent work in this field and it clearly shows that America is a type of democracy.

Now you go ahead and show me what you’ve studied that lead you to believe that US is not a type of democracy. Double dare you dumbass.
wtf? There are no source links in your assertive posts to me.
You’re likely far too retarded to grasp that this topic has been gnawed to the bone many times.

Despite your erroneous and repeated contention that America is a “Constitutional democracy,” in fact the United States is a Constitutional republic.

Maybe YOU should define your terms and rely on logic to support YOUR claim. (By the way, just because some other may share your views doesn’t mean that their opinions carry any weight, either.)

“In a constitutional republic, the government is limited by laws established by a formal constitution ….” I just saw that quote in some website. It is correct.

May a citizen or one of the citizen’s representives in the United States legislate an act to give legal rights only to white people? Nope. May a citizen or one of the citizen’s representives in the United States legislate an act to shut-down a newspaper because the reported “news” or shared “opinions” in that newspaper criticize any governmental official? Nope.

Those matters are out of bounds. So again, it ain’t a democracy.
“In a constitutional republic, the government is limited by laws established by a formal constitution ….” I just saw that quote in some website.

Are you seriously so helpless that you don't even know how to provide a source link?

I gave you serious academic sourcing, you are giving me..."quote I saw on some website" 🤡

If you weren't such a stupid clown you'd equally check "some website" for constitutional democracy:

"Constitutional democracy is a form of democratic governance that utilizes a constitution to codify a set of fundamental laws, rules, and policy principles that establish how the government should run."

So again, in what way are we not a form of democracy?
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Are you seriously so helpless that you don't even know how to provide a source link?

I gave you serious academic sourcing, you are giving me..."quote I saw on some website" 🤡

If you weren't such a stupid clown you'd equally check "some website" for constitutional democracy:

"Constitutional democracy is a form of democratic governance that utilizes a constitution to codify a set of fundamental laws, rules, and policy principles that establish how the government should run."

So again, in what way are we not a form of democracy?
This is just repetition at this point.
This is just repetition at this point.
Repetition of you being unable to answer that question.

I'll give you a clue dumbass - you can't reasonably explain in what way we are not a form of democracy because we are in fact a form of democracy, just as we are a form of a republic.
Repetition of you being unable to answer that question.

I'll give you a clue dumbass - you can't reasonably explain in what way we are not a form of democracy because we are in fact a form of democracy, just as we are a form of a republic.
He's just getting tired.
He's made well over 100 useless "Lib"-baiting posts in the last 24 hrs.
Repetition of you being unable to answer that question.

I'll give you a clue dumbass - you can't reasonably explain in what way we are not a form of democracy because we are in fact a form of democracy, just as we are a form of a republic.
No. Just you repeating your misguided and obviously uneducated assertions.

I’ve tried to educate you, shitstain. But once again, sadly, you are educably mentally retarded.
No. Just you repeating your misguided and obviously uneducated assertions.

I’ve tried to educate you, shitstain. But once again, sadly, you are educably mentally retarded.
I gave you academic materials I've studied in college on this topic.

Let see you post what you've studied, aside from politico buillshit mills, that led you to belive that America is not a type of democracy.

Double dare you bullshit peddler.
I gave you academic materials I've studied in college on this topic.

I presume you failed. Or your education was very poor indeed.

Now: back to the thread topic. Oh. Wait.

Nevermind. I keep forgetting that you’re a educably mentally retarded.

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