“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

Meh, I don't care enough about her to hate her given she mostly appeals to teen girls and pedos.

That said Trump has more skin in that game so why should I care if he hates her? I suspect half the country or better is sick of her at this point.
Lol pull the old pedo out when ya got nothing else. Hilarious 😂 Lol remind me , how old is Miss Swift?

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To think there are actually adults who have and will vote for this lunatic boggles the mind.
So......He publicly states that he hates Taylor Swift!? I fail to see any importance to that. Tons of people have spewing hateful speech in Trump's direction for years, including leading leftist politicians. DeNiro publicly said, "F**k You, Trump. Hate goes both ways.
The cause of all this hate started with so-called Democrats (actually neo-Marxists) and their hateful "hyperbole" against Trump.
What's pathetic in their treatment of Trump, was that he was a "darling of the Democrats" BEFORE he announced his run for president in the then upcoming 2016 elections. He donated to good causes and even donated to the Clinton Foundation.
But, he saw a troubling trend in the Democrat Party and decided to step in and try to steer our government away from a Socialist-Marxist path. For his concern, he was scorned and verbally abused.
So......He publicly states that he hates Taylor Swift!? I fail to see any importance to that.
It's not important. At all. That's kind of the point. It's just weird that Trump gets so petty and childish about such unimportant things.

Go Taylor!

I’m going to give her the same leeway I’m giving Trump. If she said this why link a quote tweet from someone else. Go to her profile and get the original. And a better option, are you telling me she and her handlers are so bad at social media she wouldn’t respond to him directly?

You retards are being played for fools and celebrating your useful idiocy.
What can you say about a 34 yo celebrity who has predominately 15 yo girls as fans? Maybe it's time to grow the fuck up?
Can you leftists get any more fucking gullible?

You’re all losing your shit over a spat that’s not even happening. He never said that, she never replied that. You’re a bunch of fucking morons being led by your noses to the slaughter of socialism.
What can you say about a 34 yo celebrity who has predominately 15 yo girls as fans? Maybe it's time to grow the fuck up?
A 34 year old perpetual tween with billions in the bank who can’t be affected by politics and the economy is their go to for voting advice.
And everyone is entitled to mock him, as he is an old man who is running for President.
And everyone is entitled to mock those who do especially as they are the same people who were blindly supporting an old white man running to re-elected President. One I might add was clearly in mental decline yet they pretended wasn’t until the debate when the truth could no longer be denied and if Biden had even a mildly decent debate they would still be supporting that old white man.

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